Chapter 34.

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Lucy Blackwood was a guinea pig. She did not deserve to die in the hands of the man that set her up. Kieran Sterling.

"Stop pointing fingers, I saw everything from the day you started following me. Just because I don't react doesn't mean I don't notice. On day one you followed me to my best friend's mansion. From then on you kept following me. You had your doctor positioned at the hospital where Kieran was but he was stupid enough to blow his cover. You paid him to take Kieran's life. We transferred him here but because he was still alive you decided to follow us to the H every day so that you can finish the job. I saw you every day I just wanted you to grow tangible and you have. So just answer this one question. Why him? Why Kieran? Why go to the extent of using deep fake to taint my mother's image?" Amy accused.

"Also get me the list of everybody who was on the plane. According to what I gathered from the news nobody died in the crash as the air marshal received a tip about the bomb and took measures which are still beyond me." She added.

"Two things," Amy started. "Someone get me late Lucy Blackwood's family info, from the Club. Also, what happened on that flight? Because until now in my head I always knew the plane did not go off. But it did right?" She asked.

"According to the news it did go off but no one was harmed," Paige said after her quick google search.

"But that is very unlikely right?" Ryan asked.

"I think so," Amy said trying to figure some things out. "Okay, mom does not make it to the flight, someone lets the Marshall know, was it while on air or before takeoff? The measures he took, what were they? And who tipped him off."

"But it still went off." Ryan points out.

"Okay, theory. They find out your mom is not on the plane. They tip off the marshall he took measures which still made the bomb go off?" Ramon says.

"Ask Reynolds if he was able to find how far back the cameras archives store," Amy tells Ryan.

Ryan excuses himself and then proceeds to make the call. Matt Reynolds was actually in the process of transferring the video files. It took abit longer because he had to do it discreetly to not draw attention to it.

Two hours later the camera footage from the airport was on the main screen. From all angles and a week before the plane issue. Fast-forwarding a few hours before take-off, the usual security checks because the plane was somehow private and only had important people and people with a lot of money. Yvonne Whittaker was among the people with a lot of money.

After everything was done they started boarding and took off. Matt had also sent over a voice call between the pilot and the communication centre.

A piece of paper had been sent directly to the big boss's office. After receiving it he proceeded to make every call possible and minutes later Amy saw a car she knew well pull up to the office.

No one knew the level at which Will Whittaker new code and software. Without the plane disappearing from the radar, the passengers were able to land at an offshore aeroplane ground. He proceeded to fly the plane out using his simulation software.

The marshall had checked the bomb and knew how long it had before going off. So ten minutes after taking off for the second time, the plane went off.

Here is the thing, any important person knows that their lives are always in danger. So it was not hard at all to convince them to just be grateful that they were alive and never question the technicalities of it all.

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