𝙶𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎

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Maggie and Patrick came down then fin and Claudia

I wanted to ask how she's feeling but I don't wanna make anything worse

I felt hands around my waist pulling me back into reality

"You okay mama"

"Yeah just thinking"

The car pulls up and we all got in

The drive to the airport couldn't come fast enough and I have a feeling I'm not the only one who thinks that

Billie's looking through instagram at fans accounts she has the biggest smile on her face

I lay my head on her shoulder and shut up eyes hoping it'll make the drive go faster

We go over a speed bump and my eyes flutter open

Seriously dude. Can't you like drive softer

I lift my head up and sigh

"Tired mama" Billie asked

She's so cute


"We'll be home soon then we can sleep"

I turn my head and face her, she's so perfect and beautiful

"I love you" I spoke

"I love you too"

We got to the airport not to long after.

We got our bags and made it through TSA

Sitting and waiting is the worst...

Billie sat next to me holding my hand in hers

I played with her wedding ring to keep me content

Finneas and Claudia are sitting across from us. They both look torn apart I want to help more then anything but in this place I feel as if they need to be together, alone

"Flight 489 boarding now"

We all stood up and walked over to the gate

Everyone handed in their tickets, walking into the plane

We got to all sit together this time but I figured there wouldn't be much communication..

Me and billie got comfortable and decided to put on a movie and go to sleep


I woke up from a terrible pain in my ears, I look out the window and see that we're landing

Thank god

I try to pop my ears and I could scream it hurts that bad

The plane landed and we all stood up to walk out. Once we got out everyone started to walk over to luggage claim

Billie stood behind me with her arms around my waist while we waited for our bags

Me and billie were talking and completely forgot about our bags

Fin came over to us and handed us our bags

I froze in front of him it's like I didn't have words

"Thanks fin" Billie replied

"Baby you can't keep doing that"

"I know, I know I just feel so bad"

"Give it time, it'll work out"

I understand seeing the positive side but right now everything is just dark and cloudy for me

Everyone got into separate cars to drive home. Our house isn't far from the airport so we got back before anyone else

Billie unlocked the door and laid her bags down

"Come on let's go to sleep"

It's 8pm in L.A so I definitely wasn't complaining about sleeping right now

We both got upstairs and changed into t-shirts

We got into bed an cuddled into each other

Next thing I knew I was past out


Word count 877

𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝑬𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now