A Whole New World (2)

Start from the beginning

Despite every fiber of her wanting to say no and go back to hiding in her motel room, Buffy couldn't help but falter at the mention of pie. This kid was good she was would admit that.
"Pie? " She queries "Apple?"
Realizing that he had now got her on the hook, Henry grins nodding frantically "Yep." He admits before grabbing Buffy's hand so he could pull her towards Granny's once again, this time with no resistance from the blonde.

He had won.

"Ugh fine. " Buffy huffs finally in defeat as she allows the child to drag her along to the party, she couldn't say no to free pie "You get me pie and you get 10 minutes kid."



Staying in San Francisco had been a mistake.

Once she realized Chris was useless Buffy knew she should have left town but she had stupidly stayed, rather enjoying her new life as Sarah.
It was like being Superman, Sarah was Clark Kent and Buffy Summers was Superman.
Yet if she had known that Chris would never leave her alone she would have been on the first flight to the furthest corner of the world.

Instead, here she was, slicing limes for this evening's shift while Chris who had made it his mission to get to know her, cleaned glasses beside her. Refusing to go until she got to know him.
He had even started helping her prep the bar in an attempt to get her talking.

"What about family? " Chris questions, having not stopped throwing question after question at the ice blonde for over an hour "You've got to have a family, S."
Groaning loudly, Buffy stabs the knife in her hand into the cutting board before turning to face the handsome man beside her, who had been nothing but a pain in her ass. Without a word, the blonde merely glares at him but instead of her icy gaze sending him running it merely made the human smile. "Come on Sarah, tell me something...I'll give you a cookie."

Despite her desire to throw him over the bar, Buffy had to admit she did pause at the mention of a cookie.

Chris realizing that he had her on a hook grins smugly causing her to sigh in defeat finally giving in "It better be a big cookie." She warns him before beginning to cut limes again, unable to meet his curious gaze as she finally offers him some information about herself "Sisters, sort of." She mumbles vaguely before quickly trying to get the focus off of herself "You?"

Grinning in success, Chris moves to grab another glass, polishing it as he answers "A couple of brothers, all military, and I had a baby sister. She would have been 17 this year."
At his sudden heartfelt reveal, Buffy felt her hand halt in its slicing. Glancing over at him she couldn't help but offer him a sympathetic gaze "I'm sorry."

"It was a year ago." He mumbles half-heartedly, waving off her sympathy as he continues polishing glasses in an attempt to help her tick jobs off her to-do list "I still miss her but I'm not crippled by the loss anymore."
At his words, Buffy finally stops chopping limes and finally turns to allow her eyes to meet his.

 As their eyes met she couldn't help but sigh, there was more to Chris than the eye could see, and hearing him admit something so personal about himself, pushed her slightly.
She felt almost a kindred spirit with him.

"I um...I lost my little sister too." She reluctantly admits, Dawn's face flashing before her eyes as she speaks this time, no longer hiding behind half-truths "So I um, I get it."
Slowly a look of curiosity and understanding filled the ex-navy soldier's brown eyes, he remained silent for a long moment processing her confession before a half-hearted smile grazed his lips "Aren't we two peas in a pod? "

"Don't read too much into it." Buffy snarks before trying to hide her smile as she turns back to the limes on her cutting board.

However, despite her attempt to hide the smile blooming on her face, Chris had spotted it, and had clearly seen it as a sign to keep their conversation flowing "So, have you always been a bartender?"

Buffy couldn't help but snort at that "A world of no. Never had time for the big career, not that kind of gal. " She admits a small giggle escaping her lips as she thinks about her strange previous jobs "I was a guidance counselor for a hot second. What about you? " She asks, trying to get the investigating back off herself, though she had to admit she was curious about him.
What kind of man could hang out at a bar all day doing free labor?

"I take it day drinking doesn't pay that well?"

Chuckling softly at her words Chris merely shakes his head in amusement "I work freelance." He mutters vaguely causing Buffy to quirk a curious brow.
Lowering her knife once more she finally turns to face him fully "So you're unemployed?" She teases causing him to let out a loud laugh before grinning.

"Pretty much, yeah."

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