"You are shyer than I had thought." He commented to which she didn't reply back.

"Go." He instructed and she didn't waste a single second in fleeing from the car.

Viraj chuckled at her behaviour which he, as usual, misinterpreted as being shy. He drove away once he was sure that she had entered her home and closed the door.




"How is papa?" It was the first thing that Sneha asked Priya as soon as she stepped inside her home.

"Good. He is in his room. Are you okay?" Priya asked in worry as her mother came out of the room.

Sneha only nodded and walked towards her parent's room after literally throwing the bag of gown and bouquet on the sofa.

"Sneha." Her mother acknowledged to which she only gave her a sad look. Entering the room, she saw her father talking in a low tone to someone. Looking at her eldest daughter, Shankar quickly concluded the call.

"Sharmaji, I'll call you back. Sneha has come home." Shankar said and Sneha sat on the bed.

Shankar cancelled the call and approached Sneha. Meanwhile, Priya and her mother too took their seats.

"Papa..." Sneha sighed and they all knew why.

"Did he misbehave with you?" Her father asked in concern and the worry was clear in his eyes.

Sneha didn't know what to say. He did yet he didn't.

"How can we get out of this mess, papa? I don't want to marry him. Please!" She asked.

"I just talked to my friend whose son is in Mumbai police. He assured me that he will try to find some way out of this."

"They can help us?" She asked hopefully.

"He said it will be difficult but they can at least try something. That is why he asked me to tell you to play along with the situation for the time being. The Khatris are an influential family, Sneha. You know it, right?"

"Yes, papa. But what about Viraj's father? He..."

"Just don't come in his way if you ever meet him. Be silent. He is a psycho case, just like his son." Her father said. Sneha couldn't agree more on this.

"Okay, papa." She mumbled.

Her father and mother then gave her some advice on how to behave and avoid further entanglements.

 She listened patiently and carefully. Finally, she stood to retire to her room.

"Sneha..." Her father called and she turned around quickly.

"How did you... catch his attention?" Her father asked hesitantly while referring to Viraj.

And the simple question froze her...and in a way, bugged her too. She didn't know the answer to this very obvious question.

"I...I don't know..." She whispered.

That night, the beautiful bouquet of roses fell into the dustbin.




"Sneha!!!" Jyoti came running towards her in the classroom.

Sneha looked up from her phone where she had just texted Shashank that she'd like to return the smartphone that he had gifted her. In the morning itself, she had decided to quit using the smartphone and thus, she shifted back to her keypad phone.

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