She sighed. "No way am I going back to sleep now," she thought to herself.

She walked out of Luna's room and into the living room. She turned on the tv to the news station then walked into their kitchen.

She knew that Jack would wake up soon and she wanted to make sure she had breakfast ready for him and their daughter.

She decided to make pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns.

It's probably strange to think "after that dream, why would she go and make breakfast?" Well, for her she would always need something to distract her from what's bothering her so she wouldn't think about it too much.

She also never talked about these nightmares to anyone. Which is not good for her. She didn't want to bother anyone with her problems even her husband.

Around 5:30am her husband woke up. He found her in the kitchen finishing up the last of the pancake batter.

"Good morning Elsa," He said as he got a mug to get himself some coffee that Elsa had also made.

"Morning," She said not looking at him.

That didn't go unnoticed by Jack.

"Els? Are you okay?" He asked as he put his mug down and walked towards her.

"I'm fine," she said and put the last pancake on a plate and turned off the burner.

"Els, I know you. You're not fine. What's wrong?" He asked now standing directly in front of her.

"Nothing," She said not meeting his eyes.

"Els, please. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I love you," she said looked at him with a small smile, trying to change the subject.

"I love you too but I'm not dropping this. What's going on?" He asked but she didn't respond to him. She pecked his lips.

"It's time to wake up Luna," Elsa said with that same smile. She held his hand as she dragged him to Luna's room.

Jack decided to drop it for now but would definitely bring it up later.

"Luna... sweetheart, it's time to wake up," Elsa said lightly shaking her.

Luna sat up, yawning.

"Good morning mommy," she said.

"Good morning sweet girl," Elsa said and hugged her tightly as Luna hugged her back.

"Let's go eat some breakfast snow angel. Mommy made us an all you can eat buffet," Jack said chuckling.

Elsa rolled her eyes at him.

"Daddy's right. We need to eat then get you ready for school," Elsa said.

The three of them walked to the kitchen and dished out their plates. They all had a bit of everything. They had a bit of a silent breakfast together. Which is unlike what it usually is. Elsa will have things to say but she was very much in her thoughts this morning.

After they finished eating, they all went to go get ready for work or school. Luna went to her room with her mother, since her mother still picked out her clothing for her. She wanted to make sure everything matched.

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