Jongho's Injustice - Part 3

Start from the beginning

Seonghwa rose to his feet and came to stand beside Hongjoong. "We have some of our own rules. We will not hit in anger. The punishment must fit the crime. And the punishments will be personal. It is not some sort of procedure, it is a correction, and we believe it should be one made of love. We are not disciplining you simply to hurt you. We want to teach you what is right, so nothing bad will happen to you later. Which leads us to the next thing. We will ensure you know you are forgiven, loved, and cared for after each punishment. It won't be a senior disciplining their underling, but rather like a father or hyung, correcting their child or dongsaeng."

"And I can promise you this," Hongjoong spoke up. "I will never let the managers get involved again, if I can help it. I am the leader and I will step up to my position. However, in return, I need to ask you do not ever fight us or disrespect us, while being punished. I am sure it will be hard on everyone involved. Is this understood?"

He glanced about the room. Yunho nodded, his face grave and understanding. Yeosang and San nodded timidly. After a moment's hesitation Mingi and Wooyoung followed suit. Jongho however stared down at the floor.

"Jongho," Hongjoong spoke in a gentle yet firm tone. "Is this understood?"

For a long moment, the silence grew tenser by the second. Then finally, the maknae bowed his head.

"Yes, hyung," he muttered.

"Very good then. Everyone can go back to their own thing."

As everyone rose to their feet, Seonghwa spoke up again.

"Oh, and one more thing. After a punishment is over, it is a thing of the past. There will be no teasing or making fun of each other. Okay?"

The members all nodded before quickly dispersing. Hongjoong turned to Seonghwa.

"That went better than expected." He stared after the others, then muttered beneath his breath. "Perhaps a little too well."

*          *          *          *          *

Jongho entered his bedroom and threw himself down on his bed once more. He rolled over and faced the wall as he heard footsteps approach the bedroom and stop at the doorway. There was silence for a moment, and then the steps came closer until they stopped at his bed.

"Jongho, please don't be like this," he heard Yeosang beg him. "I am sorry, I really am."

Jongho said nothing, squeezing his eyes shut as if that would also block out the sound of his hyung's voice.

"I didn't know you would get in trouble, Jongho. Honest I didn't. I didn't know you would be worried about me like that. I never meant for any of it to happen. Please Jongho."

Jongho heard the quiver in his voice, but it didn't pull at his heart as it usually did. After a long moment of silence, Yeosang quietly turned to switch off the light and climb into his bed. Echoing through the darkness, Jongho could hear the muffled soft sobs. Whether the noise merely disturbed his thoughts, or whether they were awakening his guilt, Jongho began to feel irritated. He picked up his pillow and hurled it at his huddled roommate. A silence fell suddenly, and for a moment Jongho wondered at how hard he had thrown the pillow.

But he soon heard Yeosang quietly slide off the bed. A sudden glare of light broke into the dark, as Yeosang opened it and slipped out. Then Jongho was left to the darkness alone. Brushing away his guilt, Jongho snuggled beneath his blanket and closed his eyes. He was just drifting off, when his blanket was rudely ripped from him.

Wide awake, Jongho sat up, blinking to adjust his eyes to the sudden light. It was Wooyoung.

"Yah," Jongho scowled up at him. "Give me back the blanket and go to your own bed."

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