Draupadi's anger😡

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After the rituals,

All departure from there with helping of theirs marriage chariot.

In Indraprasath:

Four pandavas marriage news  reached Draupadi's ear. She is extremely shocked and angry. When she heard that this all plan is prepared by anarkali it's making her more angry towards her. After sometimes, marriage chariot of bride groom is arrived at main gate of indraprasath. Kunti and all indraprasathians were stood there except draupadi. Kunti was took arti for her new kulavadus and brides, grooms tool blessings from kunti.

Arjun- Mata where is draupadi?

Yudhisthira- I think she is angry over me right na mata?

Anarkali- no bhrata. My jiji is kind hearted girl and fast melted person too so don't worry about her.

Nakul- hopefully!

They all went to main hall.First ritual began , Brides and grooms feed fruit and milk eachother.

Karenumati- arya pls slowly drink.

Nakul- sweetheart I'm very tired ,you know na how much effort I'm  put to win your hand.

And he took her hand and karenumati blushed for his statement. Suddenly one massive voice gain all's attention.

Draupadi- super my arya putra nakul. It's seems like you didn't put effort this much to win my heart.

All astonished by her hair free and heartbroken state.

Nakul- I'm.... I'm sorry Draupadi I didn't..... didn't meant that.

Draupadi- no  I can't hear anything from you all. You all broke my trust and my heart too.

Yudhisthira- dear Draupa...

Draupadi- don't dare to call me as dear and Rajkumar yudhisthira I'm not your wife Draupadi.

Yudhisthira- what Rajkumar? Don't call me like that draupadi I can't bear it.

All pandava patnis were in extreme fear because of her high pitch tone.

Bheem- Priye. I want to explain that...

Draupadi-what explain? And you didn't have rights to called me as priye. You loose your rights because of your deed arya but I didn't expected this from you. I'm the one who thought that my Arya bheem is love me a lot more than anyone but today you prove that my thinking is wrong because you have your valandara na?

Sahadev- calm down pran priye.

Draupadi-who pran priye for you? But still love in your heart rajkumar sahadev? I think princess vijaya is a queen of your heart.

Kunti- putri please you should accept destiny.  I can understand your feelings but now it's not use for worried dear.

Draupadi- I can't mata I can't because I love your all putras equally. Because of them I sacrifice a lot in my life but they didn't consider me as their wife. I can't tolerate this anymore.

Anarkali- Jiji!

Draupadi-yeah most welcome person. Who is jiji for you grown up madam. I know that you are the main reason for this marriage. How dare you help them for this cheap marriage. This is the gratefulness which you give your jiji. Yes if I'm your real jiji you will consider this all . How cheap girl you all and I'm shame to be your jiji. My anger rise when see you infront me . You behen or marriage broker? Did you have shame?

Anarkali- jiji pls think once before you uttered words. I didn' help them to broke your heart . Pls jiji forgive us.

Anarkali was about to hugged Draupadi but she pushed her harsh and she fell on floor. Her corner of lips was bleeding because of Draupadi's harsh behaviour.

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