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In Kailash

Lord Shiva was in deep meditation.Then Mata Gauri came there and sat near Lord Shiva.

Shiv- Gauri. What is bothering you?

Gauri- swami how you find is me?

Shiv(smile) - priye, I can feel your presence because you are my better half and my pranpriye. But you didn't answer my another question 🙄.

Gauri (sadly) - swami you know right this is time for us to separate and reborn in dwaparyug. I'm feeling restless but I didn't find any expression like me in your face.

Shiv- because I know this separation is temporary because you are my half and I cannot live without my half it's you my priye. ( In serene smile)

Gauri- swami I have one question. What's our character in dwaparyug? How I find you in dwaparyug. I felt blank now!!

Shiv- oh it's your doubt. Well okay I will cleared up your questions. I will born as Indra putra and you will be born as yoga Maya because I know you love a lot your brother and my sakha narayana very much so you will born as his sibling. Now your doubt clear right?

Gauri- it's time na to separate ( with teary eyes 👀)

Shiv- yes priye . Don't worry soon this world will see an eternal lovers union .

Gauri smiles.

Shiv( thoughts) - and will held a big war which is change the destiny of this world

After some times shiv and gauri  formed a flame and set foot on dwaparyug.

How is the chapter guys

It's my first try keep vote and give your support ☺️. Love you all

I was born again to join you  ❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin