Levi kept silent and just gave him a grateful nod, although he didn't think he really needed that information. He had known Erwin for a year and had seen all the moods. After all, Levi had tried to kill this man. And what was worse than the reaction to that he already knew?

Without paying further attention to the others, he stepped out into the hallway. On his way to the stairs, he encountered several other soldiers from the military police, also in dress uniforms, bustling through the corridors. What an atmosphere of departure.

He finally reached Erwin's office and, this time, without hesitation, knocked on the door. The answer was barely audible when Erwin finally invited him in.

Levi did as he was told and made his way into the office, which he already knew like it was his own.

Erwin was sitting at his desk and didn't even look up when Levi entered the room. So Levi just walked up to him and stood waiting. A little too long for his taste.

Finally, Erwin looked up from the paper on the desk in front of him, and Levi only barely suppressed his surprise as he looked into the tired and bloodshot eyes.

Mike was right. Erwin looked like he hadn't slept a wink in the last few days.

But Levi was sure that Mike had already told him, so he refrained from commenting.

"I see you took care of your uniform. That's good," Erwin said in an impassive voice as he didn't even really look at Levi and was already back to writing something down.

"You asked me here to tell me something?" asked Levi as Erwin just kept silent and continued writing in his document as if he was here alone.

"Yes. I wanted to ask you if you've taken care of acquiring the appropriate dance skills after I, unfortunately, didn't have the opportunity to do so."

"Kjell and Hange showed me, yes ..." began Levi, but he hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "I guess it's still better if I just claim that my injury prevents me from doing so. I mean, if anyone should ask me to."

A heavy sigh followed as Erwin set the pen aside and looked up at him with a scowl. "It's important that we make a good impression. I'm dependent on some of the people who are sending their daughters to this ball. If any of them want to dance with you, you need to be prepared."

"I'm not very good at this ..."

"You're my strongest soldier, and you're supposed to fail at such a simple task, of all things?" He ran his hand over his forehead and leaned back in his chair, exhausted. "I don't have the time to take care of each of you."

"I'll manage this somehow."

"Somehow?" Erwin raised an eyebrow and eyed Levi closely before suddenly rising from his seat and circling the table. He stopped directly in front of him, and for the first time, Levi recognized how intimidating Erwin seemed by his size alone.

Looking up at him with a strained expression, he could see Erwin grinding his teeth and preparing to say something, but a knock on the door stopped him.

"Yes?" he replied in an audibly irritated voice, after which the door opened, and Kjell's red-blond hair peeked through the crack.

"The carriages have already arrived," he said in a lowered voice as he eyed them both closely.

"We're coming out." Erwin adjusted his coat at these words and looked promptly at Levi before turning away from him and walking toward the door.

Levi watched him go with a frown for a moment and finally followed him out after another impatient look.

No Choice (Eruri)Where stories live. Discover now