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Chapter 31// Apollo

I keep pinching myself.

The life I'm living right now seems too good to be true as I stare at my Blue getting ready for our date. We've been traveling together to cities across Europe for the past few weeks and everything feels amazing. That's why I keep pinching myself because there is no way that I want this to be some dream.

It's been eight months since we saw each other again for the first time in five years, and I can't help but be proud of the two of us and how far we've come since we met each other for the first time.

I admire Blue for how confident she's become in her own body. Her motherly instincts towards Arabella are also another thing that makes me incredibly happy. I couldn't imagine a life without her, and honestly, I never want to live a life without her. I can barely go an hour without seeing her pretty face.

"You're smiling at the wall." I blink and then look at the love of my life. Shrugging my shoulders, I stand up from the edge of the bed and walk over to Blue, who stands in front of the mirror. From behind, I worm my arms around her waist and bury my face into the crook of her neck.

"You smell so good." I almost moan at her vanilla scent that fills my nostrils. She always smells so damn good.

Blue turns in my arms, wrapping them around my shoulders, and beams up at me with a smile that could make even the lips of the grumpiest fucker turn up slightly.

"So, where are you taking me this fine evening?" She raises her eyebrows and I smirk, keeping my mouth shut.

We're in one of the best hotels in Madrid because that's all I want for my girls — the absolute best. It's actually our second time in Madrid, as Blue has said many times, it's her new favourite city. In a daze, I reach up with one hand and stroke the side of her neck. I'll never get over this woman's beauty.

"It's a surprise." I rasp, my eyes falling to her plump lips.

"I don't like surprises." She pouts, but her eyes still sparkle a beautiful brown. "Just tell me now." She whines and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"No." I slap her ass and then step away from her, adjusting the cuff links to my black dress shirt.

Before Blue can open her mouth, her phone buzzes and she stares at the screen with a huge grin on her face, answering straight away. I already know who is on the other end of the line.


"Hey, baby. You okay?" Blue questions.

"I miss you. When are you coming home?" I step into view of Blue's phone, popping up on the screen, and my little sister's eyes brighten further. "Apollo!"

"Hi, bug." I grin, resting my head on Blue's shoulder as I stand behind her. "You miss your big bro?" I tease and like the sassy little girl she is, she rolls her eyes.

"No. I miss Bluey." I fake a hurt look but can't keep a serious look on my face for long as I burst out laughing.

"Thanks for that, Bella. Me and Bluey have got to go."

"Wait, wait, wait! I've got to tell you something!" Arabella exclaims down the end of the line and I raise my eyebrows, anticipating her answer. "I love you both loads!" And then she hangs up.

"I blame you for her dramatics," I say to Blue as we now stare at the home screen of her phone.

"Shut. Up. You're the dramatic one." She gives me a playful smirk.


"See!" she giggles and I laugh with her, wrapping my arms back around her body and pulling her close to my chest.

"But you love me," I whisper, looking down at her with warm eyes, and she nods her head.

"I do." She places a small kiss on my chin. "Will you tell me where we're going now?"

"Nice try."


"Apollo, I almost just tripped on your feet!" I throw my head back in laughter as I try to lead Blue to the surprise with my hands covering her eyes. "I'm hungry!"

"I promise, we'll eat soon." Passers-by look at us with curious looks on their face as my girl stumbles over her feet. I try my hardest to hold back my laugh.

"Stop fucking laughing."

"Hey! Language!" I lightly scold her.

"Shut up."

"Okay, we're here." I stare up at the building with a prideful smile.

I've expanded my chain of restaurants and what makes this one so special is the name.

Bella Blue

"Lemme see." She bounces her knees impatiently, so I do as I'm told and remove my hands from her face.

A loud gasp escapes her mouth as she looks up at the name of the restaurant. Then she turns to me with watery eyes. She looks as though she can't believe that I've named a restaurant after her and my little sister.

"You're joking?!" Her voice cracks and she spins back round to stare at the building.

"Far from, baby. This is for you and Arabella. This is just one of the many ways I want to show my appreciation for you both." My own eyes sting with tears as my girl covers her mouth to muffle her cries.

"This is so beautiful." She sniffles, pulling a tissue out of her bag and lightly dabbing under her eyes. "Thank you for ruining my makeup."

"Thank you for loving me." I smile.

"Thank you for being amazing." She throws her arms around me and I lift her off the floor and spin us around. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You want to eat?"

"I'd love to."


"You know what this song reminds me of?" Blue sighs with a content smile on her face as I drive us through the city. Arctic Monkeys plays in the background and the song takes me back to the day I met Blue.

The way she confidently pulled the earphone from my ear, asking me what I was listening to.

"I wanna be yours," I smirk, remembering how I told her the song.

Blue slowly turns to me with a lazy smile on her face.

"Luckily for you, I now do relationships." She smirks.

"Lucky me."

We continue our drive, but my eyes get drawn to a library, and I find myself pulling into one space right outside it.

"What are we doing outside a library?" Blue tilts her head, but there's a knowing look in her eyes. She knows exactly why I pulled up outside a library.

When I was away during those five years, every time I would walk by a library, I'd automatically think of her. It's a place where fate had the two of us falling in love. It's a calm place that's always going to remind me of how she changed my life for the better. It took a lot to get here, but we did.

At the end of the day, I'm where I'm supposed to be. Here with my Blue.

The End

Ahh and it's finished 🥺 I want to thank you all so much for reading, I hope you all enjoyed it. I love you all so much!! Epilogue will be up soon 💚

At the End of the DayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora