The parent is still focused on driving but is also waiting for the little girl to drop the answer.

"I will name him..." Sooyoung was still thinking.

"You will name him what?" Karina waits.

After several seconds, Sooyoung claps happily.

"I will name him... Dalgom!" she said proudly.

"DALGOM?!" Seulgi and Karina asked in unison.

"Yes! Dalgom!" Sooyoung is really proud of herself.

"Dalgom is the name of aunty Chu's pet, her dog! Your brother isn't a dog, Sooyoung-ah." Seulgi seems problematic.

Karina, on the other hand, is laughing hysterically. What a trip!

"Dalgom is cute." Sooyoung comments.

"Yes, it is. But that's the name of your aunty Chu's dog." Seulgi opposes it.

Sooyoung sighs when she thinks that the name she gave will never be considered by her dada. So, she suggests again.

"How about Hank?" she grins.

Another wave of loud laughs from Karina echoes all over the car.

"I can't be with you..." Seulgi whispers, stopping herself from laughing.

And she stops the car. 

Thankfully, they had already reached their destination before she lost her mind because of her own child.


"Dada!" Yeri quickly runs off and hugs Seulgi's legs.

The latter picks up the little girl immediately while greeting the others.

Karina, on the other hand, is also greeting the others, catching up.

Irene beckons Sooyoung to go to her, "Why are you pouting? Did you and Dada fight again?" 

"I told them my name suggestions for the baby..." Sooyoung points to her mom's belly.

"And?" The mother wants her daughter to continue.

"They laughed at me." and the little girl starts to cry.

Irene immediately comforts her kid and sneakily taps Seulgi. She shows the crying girl and mentally asks her wife why.

Seulgi told everything to her wife, and Irene will admit to herself that it made her laugh, but it's not necessary to show it to her daughter, she will cry more.

Minutes later, Sooyoung finally stops crying, and Irene notices that the girl has dozed off. Seulgi got the sleeping beauty from her mom and let her sleep in her lap, head resting on her chest. She kisses the top of her head momentarily.



"My friend from Australia will visit me tonight also. Is that okay, guys?" Yongsun's mother asks their visitors.

Everyone nods.

"Of course, aunty Sunny, this is your house." Jennie answers.

Yongsun's mother shook her head, "I just thought that it would be awkward because you don't know each other. But since it's okay with all of you, then okay."

"Eomma... appa is calling you to me." Yongsun shows up with Ka-young in her arms.

"Okay." then Mrs. Kim exits.

"Seul, Sooyoung can take our bedroom. It will make her back hurt if she is sleeping like that." Yongsun suggested.

Seulgi nodded.

"Let me guide you there, dude." Byul stands up.

Both of them go to the couple's bedroom.

"I hope that Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Chaeyoung, Jisoo, and Seungwan made it here also. I miss them so much." Yongsun stated.

"Jeongyeon and Nayeon visited us last time in our house. Did those two visit you here?" Irene asks Yongsun.

"They did. But those three, Chaeyoung, Jisoo, and Wendy, still haven't visited me. We are just doing facetime, but Wendy rarely." Yongsun said.

"Olaf is a celebrity unnie, you know how tight her schedule is." Jennie shares.

Yongsun nods, "Yeah..."

"What tight schedule are you saying, hun?" Lisa cackles. "That dwarf is busy dating someone." she added.

"Dating someone?" the three asked.

"Who?" Irene follows.

"I don't know if the name is Eunji or Eunbi, but yeah, she's happily dating someone." Lisa proudly said.

She playfully threw Leo in the air but received a powerful smack to her shoulder that came from Jennie.

"Don't do that!" Every living cell in her wife's body is scared.

"Sorry." Lisa rubs her numb shoulder.

"That's why that small creature has no time for us." Yongsun mumbles.

The conversation continues but stops when they hear the doorbell ring.

Yongsun's mother shouts, "I'll get it," a frantic runner says.

"Oh, okay." Yongsun then continued talking with her friends.


One is a tall lady, and the other is shorter, and both were seen by Mrs. Kim when she opened the door. Both looked like foreigners, but they were definitely Koreans.

"Sunny-ssi!" the shorter of the two squeals.

Yongsun's mother and the said lady were hugging each other so tightly. showing that they miss each other so much.

"I miss you so much." Mrs. Kim confessed.

"So as for me, By the way, this is my sister, "the lady said, pointing at the taller girl.

"Hello, I'm Kim Soonkyu. You can call me Sunny. Your sister and I are really good friends."

Yongsun's mother offers a hand.

The tall girl accepts it and does a handshake, "I'm Jessica's younger sister. Jung Soojung, you can call me Krystal, unnie."



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