26: Comfort

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Tubbo's POV

"How's  [Y/N] Tobias?" My mum asked me as I sat on the couch and scrolled my phone. "Oh! He's good! He's getting better, still going to therapy and getting taken care of, me and the guys hang out at his since he's still not ready to go outside yet but, he's doing good!" I beamed. It'd been a month since me and [Y/N] had our sleepover, I already miss him, but I know he needs his space so i go when he wants me. "Oh that's great! He's such a lovely boy, it's such a shame he had to go through...such a horrible experience," My mum mumbled sadly. I thought back to the time he shoved me into the wardrobe with worry as he begged me to be quiet, the way he cowered because of his own father, the bruises he'd come to school with.

"...yeah...b-but hes safe now! He'll be fine, I'll make sure of it," I assured. My mum smiled at me with joy. "Mhm, you do you're best to make him happy Tobias," she told me. I grinned widely then nodded. "I will mum, you can trust me," i chimed. Just as she left, I got a message from Tommy. I checked the message, it was specifically in the groupchat. He was talking about our senior prom that was coming up in a month or so. I never thought big dances where my thing, they haven't really been, even if its a teenage cliché to always go to one before you graduate or something stupid like that. He was just informing us about it, saying stupid things like he'd bring so many girls with him or something like that.

I wondered if [Y/N] liked proms or things like that. I'd love the thought of dancing with [Y/N], as we swayed peacefully only caring of each other as we danced happily. What would people think though? We'd be judged, wouldn't we? Two boys, dancing with eachother, loving eachother, even if we weren't being judged we'd still be looked at, I don't know if i could deal with that much attention. [Y/N] probably doesn't want to go anyway, he probably doesn't feel ready and hates crowds like that. I sighed as I had to forget my fantasy and went into the kitchen to grab a snack.

When i opened the cupboards, I got a message, you'll never guess who from. I pulled my phone from my pocket when it notified me that 'Dear💗' had messaged me. My eyes widened in worry as I read the message. 'Tobs can you come over?' It read. I anxiously typed back quickly. 'Ill get ready rn, everything okay???xx'  I responded. 'Not really, ill explain it later xx' he sent. 'Be there in a few minutes,love you xxx' i typed then ran up to my room to grab my southpark sneakers.

While speed walking down the street carrying a can of [Favourite beverage] worry seeped into my mind like water into a leaky roof. I'd really hoped it wasn't anything absolutely horrible, anything that involved his dad. As i got to his house, I knocked the door, and saw as Nadeen opened the door quickly for me. I explained why I was here, and she let me in immediately. I got to [Y/N]'s door, and knocked lightly. "Bubs? It's me, Toby, can i come in?" I asked kindly. I heard a mumble on the other side that granted me permission to enter.

As i opened the door and closed it behind myself, i saw the closed blinds, his books, his clothes, and his laptop splayed on the floor by his bed, and lastly himself curled up in a ball in his bed as the sheets covered his head. I knew something was very bad. I walked up to his bed and sat by his curled up figure, placing a hand on what i assumed was his shoulder or back. "What's up??" I murmured worriedly. He didn't respond, he turned around and sat up in his bed, he wore one of my huge hoodies he took for himself, the hood over his face as if he wanted to hide it.

"...im-...im so sorry-" he began to sob as he rested hishead in his hands. I put my arms around him for a hug, he then put his arms behind my back and clinged at my shirt while he sobbed into my chest. "Today's just been... so so shitty..." he cried as i stroked his head and mumbled responses in support as he spoke. "I-Its not even anything thats h-happened i just- woke up and felt horrible..." trembled [Y/N]. "Its okay... i understand, don't be sorry for anything its not your fault," i whispered.

"It is im sorry-" he began. "No, no its not trust me, nothings your fault," i remarked. He sniffled loudly in my shirt, as we hugged for awhile longer. When a few minutes passed, I cupped his cheeks and moved his face gently to face mine. "...you gonna be okay?" I asked. He cupped my cheeks and smiled softly. "Now that you're here yeah..." he blubbered. "Wanna cuddle for now?" I hummed. "Mhmm..." he mumbled as he dug his face into my neck. I put my arms around him again as he did the same, i laid back on the wall as I held him.

He looked up at me, and i couldn't help myself. I kissed him gently on his lips that where salty due to his tears. With love, he kissed me back as our lips melted into each others. We stayed like that for awhile until we broke apart and giggled to ourselves. "I still think kissing while your parents are home is a bad idea," i chuckled. "Yeahh, but how can i not kiss you're adorable face Buzzbee," he smirked. My face felt hot and my eyes widened in embarrassment. "Another nick name??" I quipped. "The more the merrier," he hummed as he gave me pecks on my neck.

We laid with eachother for awhile, until hr smiled and rested my head on my shoulder. "I love you so much," [Y/N] stated. "I love you more," i smiled.


We were in the kitchen of his house, making ourselves cups of tea. I thought maybe now was a right time to ask him about prom, maybe he did want to go? "H-Have you thought about ever going to prom?" I stuttered. He looked back at me and smirked. "Are you asking me out to prom?" He queried. "W-Well that's if you want to!" I blushed profusely. He laughed at me then turned back to the cups of tea. "If so I'd love to go to prom with you Toby," he said. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Really!?!" I beamed. "Well yeah! What did you think I was gonna say no to you??" He sputtered. "Well- yeah! I dunno, i thought you might not be ready or it just wasn't your thing or something like that!" I explained. He laughed at me, i couldn't help but laugh at myself as well. "Well, if you're there, and if I'm with you, i wont care." he spoke while blushing. A grin crept on my face as my cheeks felt warm. "Y-yeah, same here." i chimed.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking, cuddling, kissing, and watching southpark together, i like these moments. I wish for things to be like this forever.

Guess whos back, back again. Jacks' back, back again >:]

After a month of not touching this book i know that i the next few chapters the end is near, still debating how the end should go tho, ill figure it out :)

- Jacks.

[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now