16: Salty Tongues.

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Tubbo's POV

Me and [Y/N] were doing a study hangout at my house for our upcoming assessment in History. We decided to work on Achilles and Patroclus, these two guys in greek mythology or history, I can't remember, anyway they had a loving relationship, or friendship. It's fun, and its very cute as well! "Oh Honey you misspelt callous," he stated. My stomach curled at the nickname, he has alot of nicknames for me, so far the list is, Bee, Buzz boy, Buzzbo, Baby-Buzz, and now Honey. I love how they all have to do with bees.

"W-wait did I?" I pondered looking closer at the word. "You wrote "calter", i don't think thats a word Buzbo," he sympathetically chuckled. "Neither," I agreed. "Here ill write the notes and read them out so you can type them down, auto correct should be working," he kindly suggested. "Oh- yeah thatd be so much easier, thanks!" I grinned. "No problem," he smiled handing me his computer, and placing a kiss on my cheek.

We continued to work, never in silence though, we would always break it with a conversation or two, but we still got work done somehow. "They were comrades in the Trojan War, thats how they became friends," [Y/N] explained sitting next to me on a seperate chair at the desktop. " ''Friends''? " I smirked. "Hmm... maybe more, probably more," he said, our faces itching closer. "They were lovers weren't they?" I hummed, his face only a few centimeters away from mine. "Mhmm..." he leaned in.

"HEYY! [Y/N] AND TOBY! MY FRIENDSSS!!!" Tommy's loud and aggressive voice bounced off the walls as he kicked open the door, making both me and [Y/N] jump away from eachother. "TOMMY!-, WHat the fUCK are you doing here??" I squeaked, my voice cracking. "Tommy wants to hangout," Mark said appearing behind Tommy. "Holy shit Mark how long have you been lingering there?" [Y/N] questioned. "The entire time!" He exclaimed. "How did you even get in here? Did Lani let you in???" I asked. "Enough of thatt! I wanna go hangout, you guys have been studying for agesss," he groaned.

[Y/N] looked at me with a reluctant look. "Yeah, I guess we have been inside for ages studying," He confesses. "Yeahh, cmon lets go and touch grasss," I chuckled grabbing his cheeks in a childish way. "Get offf," he groaned as he scruffed up my hair. "You two make me sick," Tommy scoffed as he walked away. "He's just jealous," Mark whispered. "I HEARD THAT!" Tommy's voice yelled from downstairs. We laughed at his shenanigans, and quickly got ready to leave. I thought about going swimming at the beach, and everyone was down for the idea. I put on [Y/N]s hoodie that I got from the sleepover and wont be giving back, some sneakers, and a swimming fleece and trunks under the hoodie.

After we all got our swimming stuff, we made our way out of the house and started walking to Avisford park. "Dude Wills new gig was awesome! It was so cool! They did it in this big fucken court i guess, and alot of people came but I got VIP spot ofcourse, and it was SO COOL!" Tommy rambled. Me and [Y/N] were holding hands as we walked alongside the guys. "I wish we couldve gone, i was abit busy tho aha," [Y/N] chuckled. "Aw stop being busy man its that easy just dont," Tommy joked. "Oh if only," [Y/N] rolled his eyes humorously.

We went to the a small pastries shop and bought sausage rolls, It felt like a tradition now. We went to a small corner shop and bought a load of sweets. Let me rephrase that, Tommy bought a lot of sweets, i doubt he'll be able to eat all of it. We stopped by the beach, and perched ourself down on the pebbles. It was a nice day, it was warm, but not still a nice cold breeze. Thats as good as it gets, i mean this is Britain.

Before we went in, we decided to just chill out and eat our stuff. The topic of school was brought up. Term one is almost finished, then, school holidays! I get a long break from school, it makes me exhausted. And ill be able to spend more time with the [Y/N] and the group. "Alright fellas, you ready?" Tommy said taking off his sweater to reveal a swimming fleece that looked like the shirt he always wore. "I am, you aren't," I corrected. "Wait whatdya mean?" Tommy asked.

"Your life jacket!" I cheered as I tossed one over to Tommy from my bag. He caught it and looked down at the thing in dissatisfaction. "Tubboo i don't need one," He complained. "You do, wear it," I demanded. "Whyy?" He wined in a childish tone. "Because safety!" I answered. "Safety's for pussies," Tommy joked. "You can say that again," Mark jokingly agreed, as the two fist bumped. "Wear it." I ordered. "Nooo," he resisted. "Yes!" "Tomso?" [Y/N] crossed his arms and looked at Tommy. Tommy went silent as [Y/N] stared him down.

"Fine," Tommy sighed, reluctantly putting on the jacket. "You coming with Ran?" I asked him. "Yup, i havent swam in ages i missed it," Mark said taking off his short sleeve to reveal a swimming fleece underneath. "Wait who's gonna look after our stuff???" [Y/N] frantically worried. "It'll be fine! Trust me in my 18 years of here no one has ever stole my unsupervised bag," I assured him. "I just don't wanna lose my stuff, I've just got important stuff and i don't want someone else to take it," he stressed. "[N/N]...you worry too much, it'll be okay," I comforted him and kissed his cheek.

His face glew pink and a small smile grew on his face. "There we go you're smiling!" I cheered. "Shush," he embarrassingly shoved my face away. "Cmon lovebirds!" Tommy called out to us, already in the water, Mark walking towards him. I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the water. We had so much fun. The water wasn't actually as freezing as it was, we got used to the coldness quickly. It was funny though because Tommy and Marks wet hair were slick back like a Victorian school boys. Sometimes when we weren't looking, Mark would drag us under water by our legs. I also found out that [Y/N] was strong. He doesn't look it, but he is, he picked up Mark and threw him into the water so many times.

Eventually Ran and Tom went back to our bags, and me and [Y/N] stayed in. "Are you cold Bee?" He asked me. I shivered. "Not really," I lied. "Youve got goosebumps though," he pointed out. "Nooo," i denied. "Yes you do!" He chuckled, moving closer to me. "Why are you coming closer???" I nervously laughed. "Because i bet your arms are bumpy," he stated opening his arms to grab me. "Wait! No no no! Stopp!" I squealed as he grabbed me and picked me up. "See! Goosebumps!" He pointed out. "Put me down!" I laughed. "If you say so," he shrugged. "Wait no-" I said before he dropped me into the water without warning. I heard him laughing from above the surface, and grabbed his shirt and pulled him to my level.

He yelled as i pulled him down, i didn't anticipate how close our faces would be. "Oh my god if you wanted to kiss me just say so," he rolled his eyes playfully. "Stopp!" I laughed blushing hard. "Can your feet touch the ground Baby-Buzz?" He mocked. "Did you just call me short??" I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe," he smirked. "You son of a bitch-" I cursed before ducking his head underwater. "He came back up laughing, I joined in shortly afterwards. "Hahh... this is fun," he states, both of our foreheads resting on eachother. "Yeahh, i love spending time with you," I smiled.

He seemed taken aback, yet blushed, and kissed my forehead. "Yeah, me too," He spoke. "Can i kiss you?" I asked blushing. "Honeycomb you don't have to ask, most times," he explained. Thats a new nickname. I cupped his cheeks and lightly kissed him, he kissed me back with a bit more passion, and so did i. After we broke apart, we stared into each others eyes, his dilating.

"Your tongue tastes like salt," he stuck his tongue out. "So does yours!" I laughed and pinched his cheek. We laughed and played around for ages until our fingertips were wrinkly.

Im having so much fun with these chapters, and it shows :)

Little rant theres covid at our school and when i found out its made me really anxious and worried and now i always wear my mask even outside(we're allowed to wear our masks outside) so i feel like im about to pass out most times hmm, ill be okay just very worried, this whole thing has always stressed me out haha:')

Hope you're all doing well and are safe and healthy:D

- Jacks

[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now