25: Things are well

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Tubbo's POV

I knocked on the door to [Y/N]'s house, gift basket in hand, and waited. Eventually, Nadeen opened the door and smiled when she saw me and my basket. "Toby! How are you?" She asked. "Oh I'm well, just visiting [Y/N] if he's up for it," I chuckled. "I thought so, i see that gift basket you've got for him," she smiled, moving out the way of the door so i could come in. "Yeah, i sent these to him when he was in the ward, but I still want to treat him," I explained. "Aw well that's really sweet Toby, god you two are so cute together!" She chirped. "Aha thank you!" I blushed happily. I said hello to Miss. [L/N], and made my way to [Y/N]'s room. Being here still scared me a bit because of what happened last time, but atleast now I know it's safe, and so is [Y/N]. I reached [Y/N]'s door and placed the basket behind my back, and softly knocked on the door.

"Hey [Y/N], it's me, Toby," I smiled. "Oh! Hi honey- holdup," he stuttered. He opened the door and I was met with his sweet and charming face. "Hey! I'm glad you're here actually i was getting a bit lonely," he chuckled. "Yeah-hah," i chortled. "Wait what have you got?- wait is that another gift basket?" He beamed. "Sure is!" I grinned, taking the basket from behind my back and holding it infront of him. "Jesus hun, you didn't have to do this, I'm not in the ward anymore," He said. "That doesn't mean I still can't spoil you," i smirked.

He grabbed the basket and laughed with red on his cheeks, walked into his room and placed the basket on his desk. I walked in shortly afterwards. When he turned around he was met with my arms wrapping around his chest. "Hello," he mumbled. "Hello," I said back looking up. He placed his hands on my cheeks, and kissed me delicately. I kissed him back eagerly, I'd missed his embrace, it's still hard for him nowadays and i don't see him a lot in the week because he hasn't gone back to school yet, so times like these are something i love.

Not long after our soft pecks turned into passionate kisses, he started to move his hands around my hair and i gripped onto his hips tightly. He leaned against the wall, then a knock came to the door. We jumped away from each other and I wiped my lips. Then Nadeen opened the door. "Hey sorry to barge in but have you seen the sponge?" She asked. [Y/N] heavily gulped and spoke. "U-Uhm no, no sorry," he grinned awkwardly.

"Ah well, it's alright, I'll leave you be now," she hummed then closed the door. "B-Bye!" [Y/N] called out. We stood their in an awkward silence for awhile, then turned to face eachother. He was so red in the face, and I could tell i was too. He snickered lightly then we both burst out into laughter. After our laughter had calmed down to weak chuckles, he planted a kiss on my cheeks and said, "We really need to be more discreet don't we?" "Yeah maybe making out when adults are home isn't the best idea," i chuckled.

"Can i at least give you pecks?" [Y/N] pleaded. "hmmm maybe," I teased. "I'll be taking that as a yes," he winked as he sat down on his bed. "Pfft whatever," i blushed. We spent the remainder of the afternoon just hanging out, and being with eachother. I wish I could do more then just talk to him, but when I told my mother about what was happening she simply told me: "it's not your job to help him Tobias. I know you want to, but this isn't your fight, its his. He needs to learn to cope with those problems by himself so he can be stronger as a person. All you need to do for him is just be there, love him, support him, the little things count dear, they mean alot." So i took those words with a grain of salt and am doing what I've always done, loved him.

We were watching southpark and cuddling in the sheets of [Y/N]'s queen-sized bed, I loved these times, i really did. Its sad to think when things will change. "Yknow, it's almost the end of our high school years," I reminded. "Jesus it is isn't it?" He exclaimed. "Thats crazy," he added with a little chuckle. "We're gonna graduate, and go to some college," I said. "It's a scary thought isn't it?" He mused. "Hm," i hummed shoving my face into his neck. I heard him close the laptop and place it on the ground, the light from the sunset shining through the room.

He placed his chin on my head and started playing with my hair. "What are you gonna do when you graduate?" He asked. "Not sure, I might go to a college and study mathematics, but then again I might stay here for a few more years before I start," I explained, shuffling my head to be more comfortable. "Ha yeah, i get that," he chuckled. "What about you?"  I quipped. "Hmm, well, I wanna go to a college in Brighton and get an English major," he explained.

The thought of [Y/N] moving away scared me. Of course it was his choice, it's his life, but I don't know if I could handle long distance with [Y/N], what if we just drifted apart and forgot about eachother? What if we broke up because of it? "But...I'd hate to be far from the people I love, I'd go where they go," he chuckled. I bit my lip anxiously, I new i couldn't hold him back from the things he wants to do. "But its your life, you should do what makes you happy," i said.

"You make me happy," he smiled. I smiled at the statement, until my mind got the best of me. He blushed aggressively at the realisation of what he said. "I- I shouldve phrased that better-" he stuttered. "[Y/N] WHAT!?" my face burned. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!" He cried wrapping his arms me and rocking me around. "AHAHA-" I choked as i laid ontop of him pinning him down. "You're flirting with me~" I teased. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He retorted wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling my face down to his.

We began to just stare into eachother eyes, then at eachothers lips. I kissed him softly as he kissed me back. We both accidentally opened our eyes as we kissed, and giggled, i felt his soft smile on my lips and it only made the butterflies flap more. "I've missed you," he spoke into my lips, staring into my eyes with a sweet and kind look in his. "I've missed you more," i giggled, then closed the gap between our mouths again.

Waaa them:)

Told you i was gonna do nice things now. I planned the ending so i have  story plan set out! Also ive been reading alot of Heartstopper(its a lgbtq romance webtoon its adorable) because its coming out as a Netflix adaptation in like 3 days and im so excited, anyway back on track its giving me some inspo:D

- Jacks

[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now