24: Aftermath

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Your POV

After everyone left for home, i stayed in the hospital. I think i stayed in their for about a week, until I was physically ready to leave, I still had crutches though, but my ankle would heal up pretty soon. My dad was sentenced to seven years in jail for assault, specifically "Wounding with intent to cause injury", and seeing as it was a constant and repetitive thing only added to his sentence. Once my mother was in a reasonable condition, she filed a restraining order on him, so when he did get out he wouldn't be allowed in our house or anywhere near us. The only reason the police was getting involved now was because my mum was injured heavily, and it was the first time mum had walked in on this whole fiasco as dad had always tried to do it while she wasn't around.

I didn't want the police to get involved since things would get complicated, and they did, it was messy and complex and scary, but I hoped it would mean things would be okay in the end. During the whole thing me and my mother stayed in the hospital or a shelter home. It was cold and scary, but it's all we could do. Eventually, when the whole thing had blown over, me and my mother finally moved back home. We had a nurse to take care of me and my mum, my mum especially, she's nice, her names Nadeen. I'd isolated myself from everyone because I was too scared to see anyone. I'd stopped eating and drinking as much as I needed to, I stayed in bed all day, and the worst part was, I started to cut.

My mum was so heavily worried for me, and Nadeen started to hide sharp objects and anything I could harm myself with, but I found a way. I started talking to a therapist, his names Mike. He tries his best to crack jokes to lighten the mood, they aren't funny but his efforts make me smile. I talked to him about my parents, Toby, my friend... He said all of it was trauma I was experiencing, which sounds dramatic but makes sense. Since I couldn't stop self harm and my anxiety was out the roof, My therapist and psychiatrist decided I'd go to a pysch ward for a few weeks to help myself heal while doing it away from people.

I didn't like the idea, but if it was necessary, I would do what I could to stop my mum and friends from being worried about me. The day I'd left, I hugged all my friends goodbye aswell, all of them hoping I could get better. I almost couldn't face Toby, but when he hugged me tightly it was something i couldn't bare to be away from.

The ward didn't allow phones, but I was able to use the telephone to contact friends and family for a limited time. All my friends would go to my house where the phone could be passed around just so they could talk to me. I'd never felt so appreciated. It was hard being there, at the start I'd have daily meetings with my nurse, psychiatrist and psychologist so they could talk to me about my current situation, my improvement and medications. As things got better for me, I had meetings every two to three days, then weekly. I was there for two months.

It was stressful and lonely, but I met alot of nice people there, and got a lot of help from doctors and nurses. Even Toby would send me gift baskets every now and then with a love letter he tried to write, those days where the best and made me smile so much.

The day i was ready to go home was the best day of my life. I was tired and ready to see everyone again, especially Toby. I saw my mum in the parking lot as she got out the car and almost ran up to me and hugged me. I'd missed her so much, and so did she. During the car ride home all she would do i ask me if i was feeling okay and if i was really ready to see everyone, as they were waiting at home to see me. The car pulled up at my home, which I'd missed so much. The streets looked the same and smelt the same. Everything was the same.

As I pulled out my luggage from the car, I noticed Bill, Aimsey, Mark, Tommy, and last but not least, Toby standing there, all waiting for me. As soon as I was in view Tommy pounced onto me making me drop my luggage in shock. Mark was yelling at him to be calm for me, while Tommy was crying into my shoulder about how he was so happy to see me. I didn't mind it. When Mark had dragged Tommy off me, he gave me the biggest welcoming hug I've ever gotten from him. He teared up and had to walk away to wipe his eyes while Aimsey comforted him. Everyone was crying, including me.

Then, Toby walked up to me slowly, not breaking eye contact. He enveloped me in his warm and loving arms and dug his face into my collar bone. I hugged him back instantly and tightly, taking in and remembering his warm embrace I'd missed so much. He looked up at me and kissed me soflty on the cheek, I giggled as It tickled slightly. He then dug his head back into my chest and spoke in a muffled voice.


"Hi..." I replied placing my face on the top of his head.

Out of all the things we could've said, that's the only thing we could get out. Yet the smallest word like that told us everything. Thing's won't be easy, and this is only the beginning, but i wont be alone. I'll be with those I love.

This was more of a me putting all the details in one chapter so i can move on to better things, so yeah:D

I'm actually happy i got most of the angst out the way because now i can focus on all the happy things in this story! Yayyy

- Jacks

[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora