6: Fireworks

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Tubbo's POV

I wasn't lying when I called [Y/N] handsome.

He was! Especially in the uniform. My cheeks burned when I saw the photo of him. I mean he's practically perfect! With his pretty body and charming smile and gorgeous eyes... and great sense of humor and, beautiful personality.

Wait this isn't normal.
Somethings wrong.

My eyes widened and I fell flat on my bed, realizing what is happening. My face went hot as if I'd been shot with fireworks. Do I have a crush on [Y/N]? Nooo, pfft, that's insane I've only known him for what, almost two weeks?? You can't start liking someone in only the span of two weeks or so, no i just find him pretty and nice, that's what friends do!

Even if you've thought about holding his hand. Or cuddling. Or kis- "NOPE." I yelled out. Rocky jumped at my sudden rise of volume. "Oh sorry Rocky, forgot you where there," I chuckled and began to stroke him to ease him. He purred softly and sleepily. I sighed, and led down next to him, but in a position where I could still pet him.

"Is it normal to feel this about a friend Rockman?" I asked the feline. He yawned and opened his eyes to look at me. "Sigh, you've got it sooo easy... All you have to do is laze around, eat food, shit, and sleep. You don't have to worry about wether or not you have a crush on you're friends," i wined softly. He purred and rubbed his face on my cheek, I giggled and scratched behind his ears.

I smiled softly and closed my eyes. "I have no idea what to do..." I chuckled. Then at that moment I realised. Tommy. I could tell Tommy!

But then agian was that a good idea? Tommy can be loud and what if he thought I was weird and disregarded my feelings? Then i realised, this is Tommy, Tom Simons. My friend of four years, why would he judge me? Plus he knows im unlabeled wih sexuality and supportive of that stuff, and denies that he's bi- Overall, Tommy wouldnt tell anyone, hes trustful.

I anxiously sighed, and grabbed my phone to call Tommy. I let it ring for awhile to which he quickly picked up not even seconds after. "Hello!?" He said in a raspy tone. "Tommy I need help," i quickly said, skipping greetings. "Wait what? Explain T-Boy im listening," he said sounding confused. "I think i have a crush on [Y/N]." I blurted, the fireworks hitting my face again.

It was silent on the other side of the phone, until I hear a snort. "Is that why you abruptly called me outta nowhere? Because you like [Y/N]??" he laughed. "Tommy this isnt funny i need help!" I barked, while Tommy laughed at me more. "Ohh man- okay, explain it to me in further detail Tubs," he ordered. "What's there to say??? One moment im sitting here all 'OH [Y/N]S COOL!' next moment im 'OMG I THINK I LIKE [Y/N ]!" I sputtered.

He listened to me rant, than spoke. "Is this because of the picture of him?" He asked. "Yes- its like it set something off in me," I told him. "What did you feel when you saw it?" He got closer to the mic. "...like...hopeless? Flustered, confused as fuck," I explained. "And what do you feel now?" He asked seriously. "...the same, except it feels like little people are setting my face on fire..." i mumbled embarrassed.

He thought for awhile, then sighed. "Well Toby, listen to me, brother to brother, I'd say you've got yourself a crush," he chuckled. "Well- that felt obvious, but what do I do??" I said hopelessly. "Honeslty Toby, if i were you, i wouldn't know what to do at all," he said. Well that didn't help, I thought. "But I'd do something, probably something dumb, but I'd still do something," he chuckled.

"But what?" I asked again. "Thats up to you innit? Listen to you're heart, what they say in movies," i could hear his smile in his tone. "...Thanks Tommy," i thanked, feeling a little bit of weight pull off my shoulders. "Anytime Big T." he replied.

Woo okay sorry for the short chapter, my chapters are usually about 1000 - 2900 words but tthis was only about 720 so yeah sorry :')

Next chapters probably gonna be long tho because of the topic heh heh im excited and im the one writing it-


[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now