11: Class time Glances

978 40 22

Your  POV

It was last period on a Thursday, around 2:10PM. History. The one class me and Toby have together. Although most of it is a tone of noting and lectures, at least i can pass the time by staring at the beautiful boy on the other side of the room.

"And remember to write all these names down, you're gonna need them," the teacher explained. I was zoned out on Toby, just looking at his perfect side profile, and big curly brown hair. His slightly unfocused yet concentrated face. It was so cute. "You're staring," A familiar voice said, making me flinch and snapping me out of my trance. I saw other people walking into our class room, and taking seats on the other extra desks and chairs.

I turned to see who the familiar voice come from, and it was indeed Mark. "Fuckin hell Mark you scared the shit out of me," i sighed. He chuckled and took the empty seat next to me on our rectangular table. "What're you doing in here?" I asked. "Were you not listening? Both of our history classes are coming together for our upcoming assessment," he explained.

"But i see you where to busy staring at your true love to listen to that," he nudged me. I blushed profusely. "Shut upp," i gritted my teeth, he only giggled at me. I looked at the whiteboard to see the written information about our assessment.
'Greek Mythology Assessment
- groups of 2
- to be completed by the end of the term
- learn about greek mythology and its origins
- write  5 main topics about greek mythology, and write essays about each

"End of term? We've got ages," i said. "Thats a relief," he chuckled. "Do you...wanna be partners?" I asked. He turned to look at me, one of his eyebrows raising, and even though he was wearing a mask, I could tell he was smirking. "I know you wanna go with Toby, so I refuse," he said. My stomach tickled, i did wanna go with Toby. I looked over to him, who was zoned out.

"Ah, i dont know man," i scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "[Y/N] go with Toby, you could bond a little more! And he'll need help, help from you," he winked. I thought about it more, then sighed. "Well who are you gonna go with?" I asked. "Don't worry about me, I'll go with Aimsey, oh you don't know her do you?" He asked. "Nope," I said popping the 'p'. "Well you should, shes awesome, anyway, go! Go to your lover," he ushered me away.

I squinted my eyes at him and stubbornly got up and walked towards said male. I stood next to him, but he didn't seem to notice me, too tabbed out. "Hello Tubbso~" i smiled waving my hand in front of his face. My sudden appearance made him flinch, and snapped him back into reality. He looked up at me, his deep coffee eyes piercing mine. His mouth formed a smile and his cheeks turned rosey.

"Oh hey [Y/N]! What's up?" He asked. "You seem to be oblivious to our current task," i said and took a seat next to him on his small circular table. "How long was i zoned out for?" He furrowed his brows. "I'd say half the lecture," i chuckled. "Whoops," his eyes widened in embarrassment. "Ahaha, don't worry about it, I'm here to help," i giggled. "Thats a relief," he smiled softly.

"Basically we're doing what's on the board," i said pointing towards it. He looked over to it, and squinted at it, obviously struggling to read it. "That says, Greek Mythology Assessment, groups of 2 ,to be completed by the end of the term, learn about greek mythology and its origins, write  5 main topics about greek mythology, and write essays about each," i helped.

"Ohh i thought that said cheese mythology i was confused," he said. I couldn't help but laugh at his statement, he joined in shortly. I helped him write down his notes, reading out mine slowly so he could catch it. It took awhile, but i didn't mind, i liked being by his side and helping him, i know he appreciated it.


We were walking our usual route home, luckily we didn't have school tomorrow as it was a teachers only day, so we'd planned to hang out with the guys, and I'd get to meet more of their friends. Still scary, but fun. "So what topics should we choose for the assessment?" I asked. He bit his lip in thought and tapped his chin, which i thought was adorable.

"I don't know, one of them is definitely the gods they're awesome," he swung his arms like a child. "Oh agreed," i said. We talked awhile longer about the assessment, and then changed the subject to our hangout. "So who am I meeting?" I asked. "Uhh... i actually don't know," he mumbled. "Pfft gee what help you are," i joked. "Heyyy don't make fun of me! It was Tommy who planned it ask him!" He retorted. "Alrighty Bee," i said.

He let out an exaggerated gasp and stopped to look at me, making me stop aswell. "W-what?" I laughed. "Did you just call me Bee???" He squeaked moving his face close to mine in awe. I blushed greatly. "I mean yeah? I know your a bit of a bee enthusiast, and you kinda remind me of one, i think its a nice little nickname Bee," i smiled. He blushed a bit and moved his face away from mine. "I like it, Bee..." he mumbled.

I chuckled at him and ruffled his hair, he let out a playful giggle as i did. "Ah, well this is my stop," i said, turning to my house. "Aww okay, bye [N/N]! I'll see you tomorrow!" He chimed while waving to me as i walked towards my house. "Bye Bee! Cya then!" I waved back.

I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door, when i did, i was greeted with silence, and darkness. No one home. I glumly walked in and placed down my bag and keys, letting out a loud sigh. "Wait...could he be home yet? I bet not," i mumbled. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran up the stairs to my room and threw it in, grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I locked the door quickly, and ran down the street.

As I'd thought, I saw Toby walked blissfully down the street. "TOBY!" I yelled. He quickly turned around as his face lit up. "[Y/N]? Whats up?!" He chimed. I caught up to him and gasped a bit for air. "Well, hah, no ones home right now, and i wanted to, hoo, walk you home," i gasped for more air as he laughed at me. "Aw thanks [Y/N] i appreciate that!" He grinned. "Anytime," i smiled.

We walked for awhile longer, talking more, making jokes, i loved every second i spent with him. After around 10 minutes we'd met the end of the street, to see a big fancy house. "Oh! This is my house," he said walking towards said house. My jaw dropped in awe. "This is your  house??? God what are you rich?" I asked. "Aha! Thats what a lot of people say, but no we aren't rich," he chuckled.

"Well i guess this is were we part for now," i said. "Pfftt, i guess so, cya tomorrow [N/N], for real this time," he laughed. "Aha yeah seriously this time, goodbye!" I waved. He waved back, then walked into his home, closing the door behind him. I don't have words to describe how he makes me feel.

Maybe I don't want to get over this feeling.

Currently listening to 'I don't want to set the world on fire' by the Ink Spots and crying as I write this chapter.

- Jacks

[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now