15: His bed is soft.

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"I have this dream where I am hitting my dad with a baseball bat, and he is screamin' and crying for help. And maybe halfway through, it has something to do with me killing him, then it ever did protecting myself."
- Father, The Front Bottoms

Your POV

I remember going home, and laying in my bed. A million thoughts running through my head. Toby was my boyfriend. Toby was my boyfriend. I almost forgot how to breathe. I'm so glad this night happened, even if my dad was an asshole, Toby made it seem like it never happened, like we were just two naive teens full of ignorance and freedom. Ignorance is bliss they say.

My feelings towards Toby didn't change. He was like a drug. Once I had abit I couldn't get enough. He was always so sweet and loving, sometimes nervous and sometimes confident, and I loved every bit of him. We thought about telling the group about our relationship, but we came to the conclusion that it didn't matter wether they knew or not, and they'd eventually figure it out since we're always lovey around them and any time. The only person who i think hasn't caught on is Bill.

We're simple.
We're sweet.
We're happy.
That's all that's important.


"Sleepover aye?" I hummed smiling, as i positioned my phone in my hands on a night call with Toby. "Yeah! We could watch a movie or play a game, or even just sit in silence," he suggested, obviously loving his idea. "I don't mind what we do I just wanna spend time with you," i tittered. I head his pillow shift, I guessed he dug his head into his pillow out of embarrassment. "You dead Toby?" I reckoned. "Yeahh," A muffled grunt said, obviously in his pillow.

I chuckled lightly and moved my voice closer to the mic, not too close though. "Wake upp~" i softly hummed into the mic. "Stopp!" He giggled in embarrassment. I joined in shortly afterwards. "So, tomorrow, 2PM, Your house?" I reminded. "Mhm! If you forget I'll come to your house and drag you here," he chortled. 'Let's hope I won't forget then.' "Ahaha...mhm got it Sir," I joked. "That's Bee to you!" He remarked. "Got it Bee." I smiled.


I'd grabbed my things I'd need. A bag for my things, like a spare change of clothes, my notepad and pencils, a charger, my wallet, and black and red nail polish incase mine scratch off. I went on Spotify, and started listening to 'Televisions' By Current Joys. Mum was home, and knew where I was going, she allowed it easily. I grabbed my keys, and with that i was off.

I sped walked to Toby's house with a spring in my step. When I'd got there, my stomach churned. I'd be meeting his family and new people, he said he's told his parents about us, which I don't mind really, but still, first impressions mean so much. With shaky knees, I walked up to the big house, and rung the door bell. It echoed for awhile. "Toby! I think your boyfriend's here!" A muffled voice of a young girl called out. I blushed at the thought of being referred to as a boyfriend by Toby's family. "COMING!" His muffled voice yelled. I heard aggressive foot steps coming towards the door, then it opened.

I was met with Toby's usual handsome face, with his pretty excited smile and scruffy hair. "Hey [N/N]!" He beamed. "Hey Bee," I chuckled. "You alright you seem a bit nervous?" He asked, he could see my emotions in a heartbeat. "Well-" I paused. He walked out and closed the door behind him so our conversation was private. "Thanks, I'm just- really n-nervous to... meet your family, especially at y-your boyfriend," I explained, scratching the skin of my finger nails. He grabbed my hands soflty to stop me from doing so, and held them. I looked up at his soft cinnamon eyes, looking into mine with deep sincerity.

"[Y/N], you have nothing to worry about, you're the most kind, funny, talented, amazing, and smart person I've ever met. They'll love you!" He assured. "- But not as much as I do," he added, a tint of red in his cheeks. I felt my insides bubble like shaken cola, and my ears turn a subtle rose. I exhaled deeply, then held his hands tight. "Okay... I've got this... I think I'm ready," I smiled. "Alright, lets go," he smiled back.

He walked me in, and introduced me to his family. I was very awkward and anxious, but i think i set a good first impression. His mum is the sweetest woman I've ever met, and his dad is an approachable and friendly person. His sisters would tease Toby when he got flustered or embarressed, his whole family was so supportive and loving. Is this what it felt like?

We were up in Toby's room, playing Minecraft on his TV. We were using PS4 controllers that were connected to the it, and I think the amount of times I've been to Marks house and played MC on his TV, I've gotten used to using a controller. "Wait are you already in the nether?" I asked looking at his side of the screen. "Oh no way, I just found a Portal ruin," he chuckled. "OH I FOUND GOLDEN APPLE!" He cheered. "You found a golden apple? Woahh sick," I grinned. I saw his little MC skin of Tweek come up to me. "For youuu," he said in a baby tone while dropping the gapple, and a rose. "Aww thankyou Bee," I swooned. "Anytimeee [N/N]- OH FUCK I'M GETTING EATEN BY A ZOMBIE SHIT-" He cursed as a zombie seemed to teleport behind him. I laughed as I called the zombie for him.

A few hours went by, and we were just sitting around and talking, when a knock came to the door. "Yeah?" He yelled. "Do you want Domino's?" Lani yelled behind the door. "Ohh yes please!" He called out. "Oh wait- [Y/N] do you want some?" He asked. "Oh yeah thatd be great thanks, any type of pizza is fine," I smiled. "Oke doke, Lani can you tell dad we're having pepperoni??" He called out. "Yup!" She responded. "Okay thankyouu!" He shouted. Usually I flinched at shouting, but Toby was an entirely different case.
A while later we got out pizza, and where eating it in his room. "Oh! Do you wanna watch a movie now? Seeing as its like...8PM?" He suggested. "Ohh yeah we should now," I hummed. "Alrighty, let me set up Disney Plus..." he murmured.

Shortly afterwards he'd set up his account, and asked what I wanted to watch. I said I didn't mind, so he choose a new movie called 'Encanto', I recognised the name. He made popcorn and brought it up, we began to watch. He was sitting up on his queen sized mattress, he looked a bit uncomfortable. "Do you wanna lay down on me?" I asked . He turned his blushing face towards me. "Yeahh actually thatd be nice," he mumbled as he moved closer to me.

He sat there awkwardly like he didn't know what to do, so i moved my arm up, placed his head on my chest, then put my own down, around him. He snuggled up to me and moved around a bit. "Comfy?" I asked, looking down at him. "Very," he looked up at me, our faces inches away. We both laughed and pressed out heads together. We continued to watch the movie, and it was really nice, us hugging and the movie itself. Then, a meow was heard outside the door. Me and Toby looked at eachother. "You gonna get up?" I reckoned. "Hmm but im so comfyy,"he groaned digging his head into my neck. "Get up and let Rocky in," i hummed. "ughhhh finee," he murmured as he moved to let Rocky in.

Rocky came trotting in, and jumped next to me. I slowly stroked him, to which he purred in response. "Its so cold," Toby murmured to himself. "You can wear one of my hoodies," i suggested. "Oh my god im doing that," he gasped as he grabbed my hoodie placed on my bag. I laughed at how oversized it was on him. He moved back in his spot, and slowly got more tired. When we'd finished the movie he was half asleep. "That was nice," i said whipping a tear. "Yeahh i like that movie, Luisa is my favourite," Toby mumbled. "Hmmm," I hummed.

I grabbed the remote and turned of the TV, then moved around to face Toby. "Why hello there..." he winked, to which I chuckled bashfully. He yawned softly, and closed his eyes. "Tired?" I asked, playing with his hair. "Bingo..." he murmured. I laughed lightly, then spoke. "This is really nice,". "It is... I wish we did this everyday," he smiled. "Me too," i returned the kind gesture. I kissed his lips soflty, then wrapped my arms around him. He dug his head into my collar bone, and hugged me back.

"Goodnight Bee."
"...Goodnight [N/N]..."

We both dozed off shortly afterwards.

Yeah this was just a fluff filler chapter tbh, i wanted one so i make the rules>:)

Also on a random note, i got a drawing tablet, and they are not easy to use- my drawings look like i drew them with my left hand, sigh, but I'm getting better:D

Its the weekend, I'm so tired.

- Jacks

[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt