20: Last one standing.

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YOOO TWENTIESS😎🎉🎊🎊😎💅💅🎊😎🎊🎉🎊😎😎👏🎉🎉🎊🎊😎🎊😎🎊😎🎊💅💅😎😎🎊🎉🎉🎊🎉👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉👏

Tubbo's POV

I watched as the colour drained from [Y/N]'s face as the door slammed shut. He started to shake and sweat. "[Y/N]? Babe, what's wrong?-" I worried before [Y/N] cut me off. "Toby- Listen to me,- get in the wardrobe- right n-now," His voice cracked as he placed his hands firmly on my shoulder.

"W-wait why?!" I panicked. "TOBY PLEASE! JUST GET INSIDE THE WARDROBE AND GET OUT OF HERE AS SOON AS YOU CA-" "OI! STOP SHOUTING!" A loud masculine voice from downstairs boomed, it sent shivers down my spine. I was terrified, confused, and worried, But i did as he said and quickly scrambled into [Y/N]'s wardrobe to hide from whoever that man was.

I started to shake and cry, my voice became hoarse and scratchy. I heard the bedroom door close and lock. I heard footsteps walking down the steps frantically. I heard the loud mans voice again. I heard him yell, I heard [Y/N] yell. I heard something smash, I winced at the sound.

"I need to get out of here!" I thought. I anxiously peaked out the wardrobe, and walked into the empty room. In a panic I grabbed my bag and phone. I ripped my phone from my pocket and shakily went to emergency number. I was typing in the police number until i stopped myself. I couldn't bring myself to call, I don't know why. It didn't matter at the moment, I needed to get out as soon as possible.

I immediately went to the window and looked down, the fall isn't so long. I took deep breaths, and began to climb out the window, my foot almost putting my weight on a non existent surface and almost slipping. I dropped down, and felt searing pain in my ankle. I quickly scurried out of the side garden, and down the street to my house.

I was scared for [Y/N]. "Is he okay? What's going on?! Why did he lie to me!? He promised he'd be okay! He promised he'd tell me everything! He promised! He promised!" The tears flowing out my eyes didn't stop as i ran. I felt tired, I felt sick to my stomach, but more importantly...

I felt betrayed.


When I'd got home, my family worried about me. I wanted to tell them what happened, I really did. But i didn't, I couldn't. I just told them i wasnt feeling well, and needed to rest. They reluctantly believed me, but it's not the truth. I lay in my bed, its 7PM, and im still slightly scared and worried. What was there to do now? What was next? I didn't know, I was too scared to know.

Then, my phone buzzed.

I checked it, and as expected, it was a message from [Y/N]. I was relieved he was okay, but still upset at him. 'Can we talk later? At the park, 9pm?' He'd typed. 'K.' I angrily responded. I wanted to leave him on read, just out of spite, but i need to talk to him about what happened. It needs to be said.

Your POV


I made my way to the park in the cold night. Usually the streets look pretty at night, tonight they just seem depressing. I knew I shouldn't have brought Toby over, it was always a horrible idea. "Why didn't i know this would happen?! I'm such a fucking idiot!" I thought. My dad get mad because I had yelled in my room, so he threw a bear bottle to the ground and punched me in my collar bone. It left a bruise, and it stings.

When I'd met the parks wet grass, I was also met with a concerned and angry face. One that's never looked at me that way before. One that I never remember looking like that. It was Toby. His eyes peirced into mine and my heart, leaving a painful wound in my chest, sinking to the bottom of my stomach and bleeding out uncontrollably.

We stood there in silence for awhile, I could see he'd been crying. "...Toby...I-" I stuttered, I had the words sitting right inbetween my teeth, but they wouldn't leave my mouth, sitting in there like a cavity. "...you said you'd tell me everything i needed to know..." His soft, hurt voice echoed in the loud silence. "...Toby you didnt need to know that-" I swallowed. "Why wouldn't i need to know that [Y/N]!?" He screamed, almost as much as he did in the hallways, but drowned in hurt.

"I'm only trying to keep you safe-" "But who's gonna keep you safe [Y/N]!? You wanna help everyone but who's gonna help you??" He pointed out. "...you help me Toby," my voice cracked. "No [Y/N] you don't want my help! Because you dont tell me these things! Im trying to help you and you're being unresponsive!" He cried. "You don't always have to help me!" I snapped.

"[Y/N] A MAN STARTED YELLING AND SMASHING THINGS IN YOUR HOUSE! YOU NEED HELP!" He yelled. "...That man was my dad," I explained. I saw his face drop, and his eyes widen. "Was... until he became an intoxicated drunken maniac..." I spat. "...[Y/N] you need to tell the police... he's dangerous!-" "NO TOBY YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" My eyes swelled. "YOUR FAMILY LOVES YOU AND CARES FOR YOU AND ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALIVE!" I cried. "JUST BECAUSE I HAVE FRIENDS AND FAMILY DOESN'T MEAN I WASN'T AFFECTED BY THEIR DEATH!" He responded.


I shared too much.

Toby went silent. Infact, everything did. The entire world went still as a brick visage.

The only thing left moving was my tears.

...so, how was your day-

Yeahh sorry to dump an angsty chapter on you, it will get better! Just- not soon-

Anyways hope you had a nice day/night!

- Jacks

[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now