9: How Do You Forget?

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Tubbo's POV

Worry immediately set in. I looked around the dark room more, to check if [Y/N] was there. Nowhere. I grabbed my phone from off the floor and turned on flash. I studied the room again, but still, he was nowhere. "Woo okay Toby, you're probably just overthinking... he's- probably just in the bathroom! Yeah..." I whispered to myself as I paced the room.

I went to check the bathroom upstairs, expecting the door to be locked. It wasent. He wasn't there. WHERE IS HE???  I went downstairs again, then decided to get a glass of water since my throat was surprisingly dry. I walked into the kitchen, and did so, i grabbed a glass from the cupboards, and put it under the tap to fill it. When i was done, i picked it up, but saw someone in the corner of my eye outside.

I looked through the glass doors, to see a familiar figure, sitting on the grass outside in the dark. [Y/N]! I quickly grabbed another glass of water, just incase he was thirsty. I opened the door quietly, to which he heard and turned around to look at me. My face burned painfully, enough to make my eyes tear up. The dream was still playing in my head on loop. I didn't know if i could face him.

I wanted to turn around and go back to sleep, but my legs wouldnt move. "Wanna sit with me?" He said, his voice calm and raspy. It sent shivers down my spine. That dream better not have predicted the future. I took a deep breathe. "Sure!" I squeaked still holding my breathe. I walked over to him, and sat down awkwardly, keeping my distance.

He didn't insist I move closer, I sighed in relief. I was still so nervous, I was shaking. My palms were sweating, and my face was boiling, despite the cold temperatures of the outside. "What're you doing up so late?" He asked. "I-I could ask you the same thing," I retorted. "Well I asked first," he grinned.  I thought of something to say, as if I'd tell him, "well I had a dream where you kissed me and it scared me awake because im too scared and don't know to do with my feelings towards you". Yeah not a chance.

"Woke up randomly...you're turn," i said still nervous. "Thinking," He answered blatantly. ABOUT KISSING ME???  "A-About what?" I gulped. "I don't know, my life right now i guess," he shrugged. I sighed again in relief. I fidgeted with the glasses in my lap, and took a sip out of one to cool me down, didnt help. "Thirsty?" I asked holding the extra glass out to him. "Yeah actually, thanks," he said.

He went in to grab the glass, and our hands brushed against eachother slightly. I froze and blushed greatly. OH FUCK OH GOD ITS HAPPENING NEXT THING I KNOW HE'S GONNA GRAB MY FACE AND MAKE OUT WITH ME- "Uh Toby? You kinda need to let go of the glass so i can have it yknow," he chuckled. I realised i hadnt let go of the cup, and quickly loosened my grip on it and let go. "Oh- yeah sorry, forgot about that," I cleared my throat.

He took a sip of his water, and we sat there in silence for awhile longer. I started to calm down abit, but i still wouldn't forget about the dream. "Hey Toby?" He said out of the , which made me jump abit. "Uh-yeah?" I turned to him. "Have you ever had a memory, or something that happened, that you wish you could stuff in a box and throw away and never remember, but you cant seem to forget about it?" He asked. Tell me about it. Wait, does he know? CAN HE READ MY MIND?? DONT READ MY MIND PLEASE-

"Y-Yeah actually, alot recently," i smiled nervously. "...me too...its just the same memory, the same thing, happening over and over in my head, and i try to forget it and move on but i can never seem to," he sounded sad, and i knew what he was talking about. I moved a bit closer to him, for comfort,even if it made me remember the dream more. Our knees were touching now.

"...but strangely, I'm learning how to get over it," he turned to look at me, smiling softly. I blushed, but he couldn't see due to how dark it was. The moon shone on his face, and bounced off his skin, he was radiant, and pretty. His [H/C] [H/L] hair laying on his head perfectly and slightly glowing in the moonlight. I start feeling a bit sleepy,and drop my head on my shoulder.

"...h-how do you forget about it?" I asked, fidgeting with my now empty glass. I chuckled. "You don't, You accept it," he simply said. "Like the saying goes, forgive, forget, and for-fucks sake get over it," he grinned. "Thats not how the saying goes," I chuckled. "It is now, cmon, lets go before you pass out in the garden," he ruffles my hair, which at this point i love.

We go back inside, and place our cups on the side before walking back into the living room to sleep. My body gives in asoon as i get to the couch and collapses. [Y/N] snickers at me, and sits on the couch across from mine. "Tired?" He whispered. "Hmmm..." I groaned. "Pffft, noted," he sputtered. I was about half asleep, and then I heard him walk over to me, and felt the blanket now ontop of me.

I felt him ruffle my hair again. "Goodnight Toby..." he whispered. He said something else, but I couldn't catch it, since i was fast asleep.

Eh maybe I do like just 1000-2000 words, you guys don't seem to mind whatever tho :)

I recently watched encanto and we don't talk about bruno is stuck in my head, i mean I'm not complaining its a banger and i literally played it on loop for 3 hours so.

Anyway its 1am i need to sleep-
Goodnight for me <3


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