7: "The New Kid"

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Your POV

First day of school came really quickly.
I was so scared and excited, I hadn't slept, before I knew it, it was 6:30am. I turned over to my bedside table and turn off the alarm sounding out my phone. I get up slowly and stretch out my "muscles".

I'm practically shaking out of anxiety and happiness. I get up quick, and get ready for the day. I go into the bathroom, and go for a shower, making sure to properly wash and comb my hair. I get out the shower, and go back to my room to get changed into my new uniform. I get into it once again, and check myself out in the mirror. Looking good [Y/N]. I grin to myself, then go to get a cup of coffee/tea.

After having my morning cup of coffee, i find that mum and dad aren't home, good. I quickly brush my teeth and go back into my room to check my bags for stationary, books, and other nick-nacks i decide to bring, like black nail polish incase mine come off. I then grab my phone and check the time. 7:00AM. Almost time to leave. I go onto messengers on text Toby.

'Morning toby, just got ready, have to wait another 30 minutes tho, im excited but scared to start hah :)' i typed.

Shortly afterwards, he messages back.

'Goodmorning [Y/N]! Ur already ready? Im not even in uniform yet whoops' he sent, making me laugh.

'Im excited too! Im rlly glad ur staritng at our school! I csnt wait to see u :DD' he added.

I smiled soflty to myself.

'Me too :) We re meeting outside my house so we can walk to the bus stop and meet tom and ran right?' I messaged.

'Yup! Leave at 7:30, bus comes at about 7:44 and we'll arive at about, 8:15 ish, we can sit together on the bus:DD' He notified.

'Totally man, see ya then :>'

'Cyu thennn!:DD'

I turned off my phone, and let time pass by.

As told, i waited outside my house not too long and see toby in the same uniform jogging towards me with a happy grin. Im still nervous and scared, but toby talked to me and helped me forget about my nerves.

We met up with Mark and Tommy at the bus stop, and talked as we waited for the bus. They all seem so happy knowing i was going, it made me happy. When the bus arrived, we payed and hopped on, Tommy and Ranboo sitting across from me and Toby. At one point Toby fell asleep on my shoulder, slack-jawed and softly snoring. It was pretty cute to be honest, and I couldn't help but scruff up his hair.

When we got off the bus at the school, i just stared at it. It was so big, and filled with so many people. Barely anyone would know i was new except from my new classes. It made me anxious, and made me want the ground to swallow me whole and dissappear. Then a hand placed itself on my shoulder, it was a sleepy Toby.

"You- *yawns*...you alright bossman?" He mumbled. He looked adorable, i couldnt help but blush. He was there, Tommy was there, Mark was there. This couldn't be that bad. "Hm, yeah im alright tubbs" i smiled and scruffed his hair again.


The day had been hectic to say the least. Luckily, i was placed in Tommy and Ranboo's admin classes, so we could see eachother in the mornings and neutral classes, and could show me around. Tommy just seemed happy to skip first period. Second period was English. It was nice, just doing some writing and noting down, nothing much. Then lunch, I emidiantly went to find the guys.

Which i did, we sat together and it felt really nice being with them all alot. Then literature. I loved it, and I was with Ranboo aswell so it was awesome. The teachers really cool and likes me, hes called Mr. Tech, short for something he wont say.

A couple of more periods later, and finally my favourite period of the day, history. Not because we're specifically learning Greek history, well kinda, but more because im in the same class as Toby. While Mark and Tom are awesome, something about Toby peaks my interest more than the others. We aren't on the same table during lectures, but i can atleast look at him. Thats not weird though right?


"How was your first day [Y/N]?" Toby asks on our walk home. "Hm, nervous? Scary? Exciting, and fun," i smile. "Those are alot of different emotions! But its only expected starting at a new school," he says. "Yeah, i was called 'newbie' and 'the new kid' like a billion times," i chuckled. "Aww man that sucks, dont worry it'll go away in about a week," he smiled. "Yeah then ill be known as 'the one who can write',"I smirked at him. He blushed and laughed. "Pfftt, aww cmon man you're such a scrooge! Lighten up!" He giggled. "Alright, ill try my best little mr Happy," i joked and scruffed his hair.

He styled his hair back afterwards and chuckled. "Do you mind me messing your hair?" I asked. "Hmm, nah, it feels nice..." he mumbled happily. "Alright then, then you wont mind me doing this!" I shout and mess his hair up with both hands. "Pfftt hahaha! Wait no-huha! That kinda tickless!" He giggled and grabbed my hands. "Noo," i mumbled as he laughed more at me. Before we knew it, we were outside my house.

"Aww do you have to go home?" He pouted. "Alas i must, and you do too," i sighed. "Yeah truee, text you later!" He called out and waved. "Yeah, bye Tubbs!" I waved back. He waved again, then turned around and made his way home.

I unlocked the front door with knots in my stomach. Scared if I'd walk in on my drunk dad, or if something was "my" fault. But when I opened the door, no one was home, just like this morning. Mums probably doing something for work, and dads probably staying at other peoples houses. I sighed in relief, and locked the door behind me.

I got a jam sandwich quickly, and made my way upstairs to get changed then eat my food. I got changed into a yellow hoodie and some sweat shorts, then checked my message from Toby and the guys. We chat for awhile, the usual, its always so fun to talk to them, its a nice distraction from the other things in life.

After a couple hours of texting, i decide to stare at the ceiling. Sometimes i wonder what its like to have a normal life. To have normal parents who truly love you and eachother. This is my normal, but my normal is different from other teens normals. I decided to write a poem about it.

"Their canvases are not like mine.
Their canvases are white and plain,
But ready to be filled with the radiance the colour of their brush will fill with the flick of their wrist,
My canvas isn't like that.
My canvas seems to already be damaged,
With a dark merlott already plastered along it,
My colours are limited,
And my brush is stiff with dry, used paints,
But still I try to paint the prettiest of pictures,
Even if theirs are better."

Right afterwards, I couldn't help but fall asleep, at 5pm.

School chapter school chapter weeOoee. I actually haven't started school yet,pretty sure i start at the the beginning of next month idrk i moved schools last month ashdbsudbd. But to those who have started school, hope ur handling it well, ik it can be hectic and hard, but you've got this! I believe in youuuuuu >:D


[Unfinished.] 'Till Death Do Us Part __ Tubbo X MALE ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora