Chapter Twelve

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- Graduation Party -


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Apparently Alice thought it'd be a good idea to throw another party. I heard what happened at the last party, I can only hope it goes better this time around. As everyone came in, one by one or in groups, I stayed as far away from everyone as I could. I watched as Angela and some other girl walk in with two guys.

Angela looks around, when she sees me she waves with a small smile. I return it, backing more into the corner I've put myself in. I've never been good in crowded spaces or events, so I stayed as far away as I could.

As the night goes on, I watch everyone dance and talk as they celebrate never having to go back to school. Around this time, many decades ago, I had graduated in a small town school much like Forks. I remember being excited to finally be able to travel around and do whatever we wanted to do. But that's not what ended up happening of course, that would be to easy.

Soon I spot Jake, Quil, Embry, and Paul walk in. They look around, like they were all looking for someone. I rush over to Paul, hopeful that he'd get me out of here. When I reached them, so did Bella.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asked Jake, upset with him.

I moved to be close to Paul, watching the scene in front of me. It would've been better with some popcorn, but I'd take it.

"You invited me, remember?" Jake asked.

"Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you," Bella said, angry at the audacity Jake had.

"Look, Bella. I'm sorry... about, you know... The kiss and your hand... I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing... But it was really just... me. Being an ass. I'm really sorry," I could tell he was being sincere and so could Bella. "I brought you something. A graduation present. I made it myself."

I look at what he put on her wrist; it was a bracket with a little wolf charm, which made me smile. If they didn't have the weird kind of chemistry I'd say they had a great friendship.

"Oh... You made this? It's really pretty," Bella smiles. "Thanks."

Bella looks somewhere behind me, making me look as well. Alice stood on the stairs, gripping the handrail tightly as she stays put.

I rush over to her, suddenly worried for her and whatever she's seeing.

"I'll be right back," Bella said as she followed after me.

"Why? What's going on?" Jake asked, looking at us three.

"Alice?" I grab her upper arm as I ignore Jake and Bella behind me.

"Alice, what did you see?" Bella asked once she joined us by the stairs.

"Okay, something is going on," Jake says, looking between us all. "Tell me."

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