Part 5 - Heart broken

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Hiashi: "Do as I say or leave this family." Hinata tried so hard to control her tears from falling as her father hissed.

Neji: "Please reconsider this Hiashi-sama." Hinata couldn't even feel happy that her cousin standing up for her as her mind went black after her father's cruel words hit her.

Hanabi: "Father you can't do this to nee-sama." The young Hyuuga pleased who is soon to be the leader of the Hyuuga clan.

Hiashi: "Hanabi, I don't even want to see this pathetic, weak, disgraceful creature in my honorable compound. My decision is final, get married or you will no longer be a Hyuuga. You have 2 days to think about it"

Hinata: "Yes. Hiashi-sama." A thousand of sharp needles penetrated through her heart with no mercy and she felt so empty that she couldn't even let her tears out anymore after hearing how her father talked about her.

Hinata: "Now, get out of my sight. Hanabi, Neji stay. We need to continue training." Tears streamed down from Hanabi's Byakugen after seeing her sister's hurt gaze. She might even kill her own father if she was Hinata. Despite the pain of feeling squeezed in her heart, Hinata forced a smile and took a deep breath before leaving the study room of Hiashi Hyuuga. Her mind was chaotic, her head hurts, her heart felt numb. 'Am I really that useless mother? Her heart silently whispered to her late mother who has rested in heaven a long time ago.

[End of Flashback.]

Neji: "Hinata-sama. Welcome back." She gave her usual warm smile toward her cousin who came out of the hallway.

Hinata: "Thank you nii-san. Even though I would love to chat with you, I need to take a bath and prepare for the welcome party for tonight. Please don't be worry about me, I'm perfectly fine." Neji just sighed and let it slip for this time as his dear sister looks tired and needed something to refresh.

Neji: "Fine, I'm going to prepare too. We will walk together okay?" Since he doesn't want the amethyst to go alone, he would accompany her.

Hinata: "Thanks again nii-san." She was a bit hurt and sad by the flashback she had, however after seeing her brother looking very worried about her, she felt the pain go away and substituted with love for Neji instead.

...The two Hyuuga parted their ways as Hinata headed to her room and Neji went to the branch family's domain.

...Sliding the door opened, she closed her eyes and inhaled the soothing lavender scent of her room greedily. A smile crept on her plump lips as she saw the picture of her mother and her gardening when she was 4. Her delicate fingers touched the glass of the photo carefully and whispered.

Hinata: "I wish you are still here mother but I know you can't so I will try to be strong." Her smile dropped and the beautiful face of her looks fatigued. Who wouldn't be exhausted and confused when your own father tried to make you marry an old man whom you don't know?

...Without wasting any time. She wrapped herself in a towel after taking her clothes off to take a shower. The amethyst looked at the reflection of herself in the mirror.

Hinata: "Hold on a little longer Hinata. It will be over soon."

[Time skips.]

......Sasuke groaned as he was surrounded by his annoying friends at a restaurant.

Naruto: "Come on Sasuke, drop that grumpy face for a night. Enjoy the party you know." The blonde said happily after pouring Sake into Sasuke's cup. As much as he hated parties, the raven had to go as he didn't want to disappoint his best friend.

Sasuke: "You are annoying." Naruto flashed a grin after haring Sasuke's annoyed tone.

Ino: "Today it's on me." Shikamaru, Choji, Sai, Sakura, naruto, Ten Ten, Kiba, and Shino went quiet after hearing her words.

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