Chapter Fifty-Two | Replaced

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Dream observed as George giggled softly to himself, a clear sign that dehydration was taking its toll on his mental state. He couldn't let George perish from lack of water, but he still had to find a way to discipline him.

Over time, George's demeanor shifted from giggles to emotional distress. Dream let out a sigh, rising from his chair and exiting the room. He went to the kitchen and retrieved two bottles of water before making his way to George's room.

Upon entering, George looked up from the floor, tears streaming down his face.

Dream opened the cage, offering the bottles of water to George with a sense of resignation. George seemed confused at first but quickly opened one of the bottles and eagerly began drinking. As he reached for the second bottle, Dream intervened.

"Take it easy, don't drink too quickly or you might choke!" Dream cautioned, withdrawing the bottle. George listened, drinking at a more moderate pace.

Dream closed the cage and moved to a corner of the room where a storage closet was located. Unlocking it, he retrieved an intravenous (IV) bag filled with various fluids.

After securing the closet, Dream brought the IV over to George, who had finished the second bottle of water. George appeared slightly startled at the sight of the IV, but soon relaxed as he gazed at the liquids inside the bags.

"This won't harm me, right?" George asked, raising an eyebrow. In his delusional state, George couldn't fully grasp the potential dangers.

"No, Georgie," Dream replied kindly. He unlocked the cage once again and extended his hand for George's arm.

George made brief eye contact with Dream, looking beyond the mask, before offering his arm. Dream found a suitable vein and gently inserted the IV needle. Surprisingly, George didn't seem bothered by the procedure.

Dream secured the cage once more and positioned the IV bag in the corner. If Dream believed George was in immediate danger of dehydration, he wouldn't have provided the IV fluids. They would sustain him for a while longer, reducing the need for excessive water consumption.

Exiting the room, Dream left George curled up, his weakened body at rest.

Unable to further torment George by manipulating his drinks, Dream decided to manipulate the temperature instead. He lowered the room's temperature, being careful not to go too far and risk freezing George to death.

Eventually, the cold air stirred George, and he groaned as he awakened. Dream smirked behind his mask. George struggled to rise from the floor, shivering and scanning the room. His eyes landed on the IV, observing the steady drip. George moved away from the bars, hugging himself tightly in an attempt to keep warm.

Though visibly uncomfortable, George refused to make a sound. Annoyed by his stoicism, Dream intensified the cold temperature until George's teeth chattered, and he shivered uncontrollably. Yet, George remained motionless and silent, his head buried in his knees.

Growing bored with the lack of response, Dream stood up from his chair and made his way to George's room, unlocking the door.

George didn't flinch or show any reaction, refusing even to meet Dream's gaze. Perplexed, Dream raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you cold?"

George remained completely still, not uttering a single word.

"George?" Dream inquired again, feeling increasingly frustrated.

Unlocking the cage, Dream crouched down in front of George. "Georgie?" Dream felt a tinge of confusion. "George?" he asked once more, starting to worry about his well-being. Placing his hand on George's trembling shoulder, Dream realized that nothing he said was making any impact whatsoever.

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