Chapter Sixty-Eight | Gym

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Screams of horror echoed through the halls of the mall, people shoving each other to get out. Dreamer hummed swinging around his knife before throwing it at the nearest person plunging straight into their heart.

Dreamer smiled pulling the knife out of them. Dreamer wished he had brought more weapons but he didn't want people to catch on. Dreamer slashed people as they ran past him littering his once-clean hoodie in crimson blood.

Dreamer licked the blood from his knife before sprinting at a group of panicking people. He grabbed a man by his shoulder slamming him into the ground before hopping on another's shoulders to grab a woman by the hair slicing their hair from their skull. He flipped off of the man's shoulders kicking him in the balls, making him collapse to the floor before stabbing his heart through his back.

The woman was screaming as her hair was being dragged along with the broken skin. The first man had gotten up and started running into another crowd to get away.

Dreamer grabbed the hair of the woman making it rip even more as she screamed out in agony. With a hard pull, the hair was pulled from her skull allowing her to bleed out.

Dreamer dropped her ball of hair catching up to the crowd quickly,

just a few more

Dreamer tripped a bearded man jabbing his hands into his eye socket pulling them out and flinging them at another girl. The eyeless guy ended up slamming into a wall and bleeding out from their head. Dreamer wheezed at the fact the man's eyes hit the girl.

Dreamer watched as they ran towards the door. "Techno ready?" Dreamer spoke into his mic. "Yes, on your command." Dreamer smiled, "Do it, I should be out before it give me any harm, be ready for our big escape!"

Dreamer ran as fast as he could pushing through the crowd and out the door with little effort. The police were quick to realize who he was aiming their guns. Dreamer gave them a thumbs up before loosing their attention all turning toward the explosion.

As soon as Dreamer made it to the car they took off. "Wooo!" Dreamer shouted happily while Techno just shook his head sighing. "God! I need to do that more often! Damn the rush!" Dreamer smiled behind his mask.

"Find any good merch?" Techno asked, "Eh, not of my interest, not gory enough" Dream sighed becoming tired all of a sudden, there was too much strain on his body after doing all those tricks. Dream couldn't sleep but that didn't mean he wouldn't relax for a bit feeling decently safe around Techno.

Techno stopped at his drop-off location allowing Dream to step out, "Thank you, till next time." Dream smirked. "Let me know if you need anything else," Techno sighed, it was pretty late and unlike Dream, Techno slept. Dream just nodded his head getting into his car and driving back to his facility.


George watched as the IV dripped slowly, he hadn't seen Dreamer in several hours since their last encounter. He heard the door being unlocked pulling his gaze from his IV to Dreamer standing there covered in blood.

He flashed his card against his restraints catching him before he fell. Dreamer motioned towards the bed. George was content with finally being back in a warm bed. Dreamer motioned for him to scoot so he did allowing Dreamer to slide in beside him pulling George into his chest, he couldn't help but smile.

If Dream was happy George would be okay, even if it's just for a little bit.

The two lay in complete silence, "George, you won't try to leave again right?" Dream spoke in a hushed voice as if George was already asleep. George couldn't lie, laying with Dream made everything so much better. George shook his head, "No I need a straight answer." Dream spoke in a normal tone compared to his other.

"No, no Dreamer. I won't leave." George stuttered still unsure if he was allowed to speak even after Dreamer clearly asked for it. "Good boy" Dreamer rubbed his back until George had fallen asleep.


As always George woke up alone, his stand out of sight. He groaned sitting up and looking at his wrapped leg, the leg was pulsating with pain. He couldn't believe that he tried that even when he knew nothing would change.

He heard the door opening. "How's your leg, Georgie?" Dreamer asked his gloves hand in his pocket. George didn't respond, he was afraid of the backlash even when he knew not talking would also receive backlash.

"Hmm, not in the talking mood." Dream chuckled, "That's okay, I'll do the talking." Dreamer paused. "You'll be helping me today," Dreamer smirked as fear flooded George's face.

Not again.

"Don't give me that face, I promise this one will be fun!" Dreamer smiled. He forced George out of his bed as he tried to hobble to keep up his leg aching. "Sorry Georgie, it's not my fault you tried to be stupid and now your leg hurts." Dreamer removed his chain cuffing him before continuing to drag him through the halls.

George stumbled through a room's door and was surprised to find a gym, much like those in high school. He was led to the bleachers sitting down instantly to get off of his leg. Dreamer attached his cuff to the bleachers. There ya go, just wait there, I'll go get her." Dreamer skipped out of the room.

George looked down at his leg which was beginning to bleed through his pants leg. He shouldn't be walking on it at all.

Dreamer walked back with a 5'7 curly brown short-haired girl with blond highlights. "This is Josie, she'll be your first victim, ready to play some sports Gogy?" Dreamer chuckled forcing Josie to sit down on the bleachers across from George cuffing her down.

"Let me go grab some more! God, I am so excited for you to be here to watch this!" Dreamer left the room. She yelled at George "You got to get me out of here!" Her green eyes looked desperate from afar.

What was he to do, he was chained down too..


Ready for more deaths! I took out my list of readers to kill and Josie (Foo_619 ) was the first to go! More readers next chapter! Get ready!

In desperate need of editors please dm me! I refuse to release any new chapters until one steps up.

Stay calm, Stay alive

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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