Chapter Twenty-Five | Parents

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~George's P.O.V~

By the time he heard Technoblade's feet, George was in his room, hiding in the bathroom with the doors locked.

George watched, terrified, as he heard the stairs creak. Any second now Techno would be in his room doing God knows what to him.

"GEORGE!" Technoblade yelled in anger. Clearly he had discovered the present George gave him. The situation wouldn't have been bad if it weren't for the fact he had rules to follow and couldn't break them.

'Stay out of the kitchen' was one of them.

He heard the handle rattle on the bathroom door. He had already managed to get past his bedroom door.

"George, open this door! Now!" Technoblade was angrier then George could have imagined. George's whole body shook with fear, it was as if he was frozen.

When the door opened, Technoblade towered over his slim frame, he knew he was done for. Technoblade grabbed him tightly by the hand, surely leaving a mark.

He dragged George down the stairs in silence. Though he wasn't speaking, George could see the anger in his eyes. Usually George would be vocal about the pain he was inflicting, but George's voice was far gone.

He sat George down on the couch. George pulled his hand away; it was on fire. "What the hell?!" Technoblade yelled at him. George looked to the ground. He was taught obedience from Dream, and now he wasn't being so.

Technoblade threw a notebook at him, hitting him decently hard on the hand. Technoblade sighed as if he felt bad for hitting him with the notebook.

He handed George the pen in a less violent manner. Techno crossed his arms, waiting for a response. When George didn't move, he spoke up. "Either write or talk right now!"

George stared at the paper before writing: 'I was bored :(', on the paper.

Techno rolled his eyes. "So you broke my rules and threw a egg at my door?"

George nodded his head before writing down: 'I was angry.. I wanted to go swimming.'

Techno held his forehead and let out a sigh. "You can't go outside- It's not even my rule, it's Dreamer's."

George frowned, scribbling on the paper. 'I'm sorry... It won't happen again..'

Technoblade sighed. "You'd better. My house, my rules." George nodded his head keeping his head low. George expected a zap or a hit but neither happened.

"No television for a month." Techno spoke before heading towards the kitchen. George was still stunned that Techno didn't hurt him. He had gotten used to it. When he disobeyed, he got hurt, that's all George knew.

George turned his attention to the window the pool glittering in the light. He remembered when Dream swam with him in the blood-red pool and how uncomfortable it made him. Dream wasn't exactly nice to George much, but that was one of those rare times which he was.

"George," Techno spoke, startling George. "I made food. Trust me- it's better than what Dreamer had been giving you, I bet."

George nodded his head, following him to the kitchen table. He didn't know exactly what it was but it was definitely appealing.

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