Start from the beginning

"I want a drink, John B," I groan from the back seat. "A drink? You want a drink?" John B repeats. "Yeah, me too," Sarah joins in. "So do Bailey and I!" The four of us smirk. John B pulls into town and pulls over to the curb. "Outta here, go!" I open the van door and let the others out before I go. "Sam," I hum at John B, "Don't punch someone."

"She'll be okay," JJ swats him off. "No promises," I hop out of the van and after the girls.

The four of us end up going in and out of shops. I tried on so many sunglasses and didn't buy any, as one does but I did get my drink.

  I happily sip on my drink as we all talk against a brick wall. "I was gonna say we should talk about our guy problems but we'd be leaving Bailey out," Sarah unknowingly chuckles at her comment. "Yeah. Only girl problems," Bailey and Kie raise their eyebrows at each other. "Let's talk about how Sarah thanked Topper!" I change subjects. "Okay, well, of course I thanked Topper. He saved my life, and I'd put him through so much already. And you'd think that that is the crime of the century," Sarah explains. "You did hug him—"

"Sam. Please," Sarah stops me. I jerk my head back and sip on my smoothie.

  "All of this crazy shit happening, and Pope is giving me the silent treatment for not being in love with him," Kie says but Bailey and I giggle. "I would never, Kiara," Bailey smirks and earns no response from Kie. "JJ is mad at me because he basically said I don't matter enough for him not to go to jail!" I sarcastically smile and take a long sip of my drink. Sarah scoffs, "And we're the dramatic ones." I giggle in agreement with her and follow the two back into the van. "Got your drink, Sam?" John B asks. I hold up my root beer, "Yup!"

A little bit later, we went back to get Pope. His walk is slow, almost like whatever happened, really fucked him up. He sits down in the van and exhales. "So, how'd it go?" John B asks.

"Shit just got way more personal," Pope replies. "What the hell does that mean, Pope?" Confusion laced in each of my words. "I'm related to Denmark Tanny."

I clap a hand over my mouth as everyone's jaw drops around me.

"I still can't believe that you're related to Denmark Tanny!" John B and the rest of us are still so surprised as we all drink beers on the wet porch. "Uh-huh!"

"Are we in the presence of a royal?" John B dramatically gasps. "A king?" JJ says. "Hold on, we must bow!" I shout. JJ puts on a horrible British accent, "We shall crown him. All hail the lord of Tannyhill!" He places a fake crown on his head. We all start bowing down to Pope. "We're not worthy!" John B continues the shitty British accent. I erupt into giggles when I look back up at Pope. "Everybody relax. Can we relax, please?" Pope tries to stop our dramatics.

"Relocate to Cats Ass, question mark?" Sarah suggests. "I'm with that!" JJ agrees with her. "Yes, I love that!" I clap at the idea. "How soon can we move in?"

"Cause I don't have a place to stay, so," JJ adds. "Me either. Bunk beds?" Kie says. "You guys are always welcome at my place. You know that," My eyes roll to the back on my head. "Yeah, but, bunk beds, Sam!" JJ emphasizes. My body freezes when JJ refers to me. I don't even think he realizes he did until we're both frozen.

"I just keep thinking about the letter. The one that Limbrey sent," Pope scratches at his head, "It had the wheat symbol on it. That must mean it has something to do with the Royal Merchant."

"Yeah, something seems fishy," JJ comments. "Yeah, but, we can find the cross and split it like y'all were before," Bailey says. "I'm liking where this is going," I nod towards Bailey.

FUMES [2], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now