[WOH] (DD) Briefing Before Battle, Finding Friends

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Why do I stay up past 12:00?
Happy Easter everyone. This isn't really an Easter gift, it just so happened to come on Easter. Maybe next year guys.
So... I don't really have much to say that I diddnt already say in Writers Log 2. We are staying home for the rest of Easter Break, so I'll have more time to write (case in point).
We're all holding up alright.
The college race is currently between San Jose and Chico, I've still got to the beginning of May to decide, but that window is closing fast. Merced is still on the table, as well as Fresno, but those might be a little too far to visit in time. Sacramento and San Fran are city colleges, which isn't entirely my preference. Chico is really far, a 4:30 hour drive from home, but is more of a small town college, which I really prefer. But San Jose is really close, which will keep me local and close enough to where I can visit home on the weekends. It's close, and I'm still in the process of making a decision.

As for the story, I'm still kindof scattered on DD. I realize writing a repentant villain turned ally story will take a lot of effort to write, and I'm not in the best of positions to write it right now. So, for now at least, I'm just skipping over that part.
So essentially the context is that Marvin talked with Goldman, forgave him, and managed to get him back on their side. Goldman's a friend now. Pretty much the entire squad still doesn't like him (which will be prominent), as well as Grace. The other dragons are kind-of indifferent. They are trying to discuss the Defence for the town of Alshaw, which the Japanese are planning a major attack to stomp out The Airborne once and for all. In fact, Goldman still has recent intel about the attack. The briefing in tense, but they eventually get on the same page and move to position. I'm still writing out the rest.

Here's a map of Alshaw to help visualize

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Here's a map of Alshaw to help visualize.
Details how I made it will be provided upon request.

The second section of the story, Finding Friends (I'll probably change it later), is a reunification of everyone who Grace has encountered in her own adventures, now ready to help where they can in the final battle.
It's just everyone catching up. No battle just yet.
You may notice that a coup other dragons have appeared that are not in the story yet, I'm planning an encounter for them earlier in DD. There might even be another significant duo that might make an appearance, once the shooting starts. Stay tuned for that.

That is pretty much all the context I can give. Hope you guys enjoy!

"I don't fucking like this." Gosling voiced his opinion.
"No, I agree. Why the hell should we let someone who we've been fighting against the begining, now let him in on our plan!" Travers pointed at Goldman. They all turned at him.
Goldman took a nervous and deep breath. He was getting ready to fight.
"ORDER!" McManis slammed the table. Everyone jumped. We all watched nervously to what he would no next. Instead, McManis looked at me. Whatever you're going to do, you better do it well.
I sighed, nodding. "We need Goldman's help."
"Like HELL WE DO!" Wessly pointed and shouted.
"This bastard ruined all of our lives!" Towne of all people exclaimed that.
"I have intel about the coming attack-" "How can we even trust anything that's coming out of his mouth?" Rossum said.
"Yeah, isn't he an animus?" Reed reasoned. "What if he enchanted us—what if he enchanted you Marvin?"
"I didn't enchant anyone-" "He didn't enchant me." Goldman and I said.
"It wouldn't have worked." Grace's voice suddenly surprised us. "He can't be enchanted by Goldman."
"Because of your rank pins." He said. "I know. I tried... before."
"That's not helpful." Travers growled.
"I trust him." I laid my hand on the table, leaning over the map. "I know it's not ideal, but then again, coming back when literally all of you guys wanted to kill me wasn't ideal either."
"That was different." McManus started.
"How different was it, McManus? I was banished, alone, left for dead... until someone did not let me go." I saw Moon through a window. She smiled, seeming to shrink a little from the gratitude.
"Now I know he might be the enemy. I know he has been a huge pain-in-the-ass." Goldman smiled, hanging his head. "But he's still family. He's still a member of the Airborne." I turned to face my men. "And if it's the one thing I learned now... is that: we don't leave family behind."
"Or at least leave them a safety rope."
I smiled at McManus.
"Now. It doesn't matter if you don't trust him. I do. Now I'm giving him a second chance to make it up to us, just like you did to me. Now if you have a problem with that, you can take it up the chain."
Gossling and Wessly looked at each other. Kish and McManus just smiled.
"Now. Aren't we here for a briefing?"
The room all collectively shared a sigh of relief, including the growing wing of dragons outside.
Kish laid it out for us.
"We know they'll be attacking along the main road to the East. We don't know their complement, or what kinds of artillery they'll be packing."
Goldman raised his hand.
Kish held his breath. "Yes. Clayton."
"I um... they... had... about two Infrantry battalions?"
"Jesus Fucking Christ!"
Kish and McManis nearly fainted. I just grimly nodded.
"Continue." I motioned.
"And umm... one light armored platoon. Only armored cars, no tanks."
"And no artilery?" I asked.
Goldman shook his head. "The walls are too high, and the mountains are too close. It's nothing to be concerned about."
I nodded.
"Okay." Kish popped with his lips. "We'll have... Reed, if you could, positioned in this house here." Kish tapped the white arrow. "Right here, to meet any infrantry and armor coming up the road."
Reed nodded.
"And if Towne can stay in his foxhole here, we can have protection over the road and the fields." Not North Fields anymore.
Towne agreed.
"And we can station Goldman and his stinger in this farm house over here." I leaned over to point. "He'll have a good vantage point over the fields, and even into the road and valley entrence."
I shivered as all the doubts came rolling back.
"No offense sir." Rossum began. "But how do we know that Goldman won't just gun us in the back?"
They all turned to me, watching me with wide eyes. It was a valid argument, and I didn't have a good answer.
"Then... you'll just stay in your trenches. If he does go rouge, that's what your gammons and molotovs are for." I quickly also said, "And that goes for everyone else too! You could very well find yourself on the fowl side of a Turkey shoot if you don't keep your head on straight."
I felt Goldman take a sigh of relief. Thank you Marvin.
I felt Grace raise her head. Even she wasn't too sure about him, but I know it wasn't because she didn't go look. She still hates him. She would be the hardest person to convince, the squad was a walk in the park compared to her.
"McManis, if you can take the North Fields; I'll take South Quarter. Marvin, you will probably be roving anyway."
I smiled, getting an elbow jab from McManis.
Just don't do anything stupid. Okay?
"I won't." I muttered under my breath to him.
He just nodded, but not entirely convinced.
"The cannon is positioned here in North Ward. Now, it won't be effective against the enemy armor until it gets within city limits, but canister is effective anywhere in the valley. I would suggest you mind your heads when above ground, and to utilize the coms trenches we built for you." The room nodded in understanding. "Otherwise, the mortar is located next to the armory, all behind the church. We have ammo cashes in every trench, and in multiple buildings inside the town. There is plenty of ammo for the defenders." Minus Goldman. His is kind-of short notice. "This here:" Kish drew with a red pencil. "Is the last line of defense: The temple." He pointed. "If all else fails, retreat to this position. It's under an animus shield, so we can devise an evac plan in case we get overrun." Kish said with his serious tone
"Which we won't." Grace beat me to it.
"But just in case." McManis confirmed.
"We have the support of quite a few locals, and a few dragons as aerial support. As for the rest of you, space yourselves evenly amongst the trenches, and try to keep every avenvue covered." Then Kish turned to me. "Anything more to add sir?"
I just pursed my lips and shook my head. "This is the moment of truth men. I have a feeling this will be the turning point in this war... for better or worse, this will either be our finest hour... or greatest defeat. So let's make it the best damn victory we can hope to achieve!"
The squad cheered.
"THIS is our rondevu with destiny, men! AIRBORNE!"
"AIRBORNE!" The entire room errupted with cheering, as my men filed out the single door. I stayed behind, not wanting to get caught in the chaos.
"Always one with speeches." McManis said behind me. I chuckled, opening my mouth to speak. "Don't. I have to ask Captain..." He pulled me in. "Why did you bring back Goldman?"
I blinked, holding my breath, swallowing, before exhaling and holding it again. "We... needed our machine gunner back. And... I couldn't just leave him."
"Yeah, but..." McManis trailed off.
"He's changed, McManis."
He just looked back at me, then smiled and chuckled. He shook his head.
"I'll be damned if you actually did it. But I have to warn you right now Captain," He looked me dead in the eye. "If he even flags me, I'm going to shoot him."
I slyly nodded my head. "I know." I licked my lips, inhaling. "But he won't. Doesn't matter what you think he did, he won't."
Something sparkled in McManis's eyes, he looked at me in confusion. "Is that a prophecy?"
I blinked, shaking my head. "I don't know. But trust me McManis." We met each other. "Trust me."
McManis took a breath, letting it out into a long exhale out.
"Into hell we go." Is all he said, picking up his Bren.
I nodded, following him outside.
"Marvin." Kinkajou caught me.
"Kinkajou!" I smiled, but then realized she was a bit more excited than usual. "What's up?"
"Grace has something to tell you!"
I followed after her. Around the west side of town, where we first approached.
"Come on!"
I had to run like mad just to barely keep the gold and raspberry dragon in view. The ground rumbled under me, even the villagers stuck their heads out, spotting me and wondering what the heck is going on.
I suddenly rounded the last corner, the blacksmith's, Mr. Hanks's house, when a familiar voice echoed around me.
"YOU CAME!" Friends! Family! You're safe!
I came sliding around the corner, just in time to see Kinkajou bounding away to join the group. Instantly, I spotted the Jade Winglet, but there were five other dragons amongst them. A SandWing, two SkyWings, a Mudwing, and an elder NightWing.
"You're all here!" Grace said, overwhelmed with happiness, trying her best not to crush them in an embrace.
"Why not? I wouldn't miss it for the world if it meant fighting with my hero."
Vaquero, that's what his name was.
Grace blinked and shook her head in disbelief.
"Stonemover... your scales-" she examined his wings. "You-"
He smiled, nodding.
"After Darkstalker, and hearing about what you did, what you did for me, and what you were about to go do, I couldn't just let you go it alone."
Grace was agape in disbelief, rapidly forming into a teary smile. The formerly stone NightWing was surrounded in an embrace.
"Thank you." She whispered.
I was ripped from the scene when I was knocked down, confined in my back by dragon scales.
"I KNEW IT!" A red, nearly Scarlet red, dragon roared in my face.
"Alright. Off." Carnelian lashed her tail at her. Lizard head.
"Nice to see you again too Peraguine." I groaned under her.
The female SkyWing got off me.
"I don't care." I can't believe that was actualy Marvin! Diddnt he save Jade Mountain? Ah well, maybe he should've let it fall, it wasn't the best place anyway. Im not going to let him get away like that again. Human are so interesting though. They won't let me in the Scavenger building, so this is the next best thing.
I just blinked at Grace. She hung and shook her head.
Just leave her.
"Are you okay?" I found myself gently pushed up by claws. I turned to see a MudWing in the dirt, holding me up. "I know you probably don't understand me, but I won't hurt you." He seems familiar. He was there with Moon! And Grace, she likes him. I don't know if he's a pet or something, but im afraid to ask Moon. I should probably ask Winter, he knows the most about humans out of everybody. But... he's... I don't want to go talk to him.
I brushed the dirt off me. "Thank you Toad."
He took in a sharp and shaky breath. He then came in close. "You really do talk?"
I chuckled, a little embarrassed for him that he thinks this is something special.
"But what are you doing here?" Grace asked, gaining the attention back.
Vaquero stepped up. "We heard the call over the radio. I was close, we were doing a liaison stop at Jade Mountain. In fact, Stonemover here," he bumped the NightWing, "even suggested it."
"I did no such thing!" He spat out, shrinking a little. Even I could see the beginnings of a blush under his midnight scales.
"We'll either way, thank you." Grace smiled and nodded at him.
Stonemover had the biggest smile I have ever seen on him.
"But I think I saw a couple more behind us."
"I think it was just a patch of dirt." Peraguine commented.
"What do you know? Arrogant salamander brain." Carnelian mumbled.
"No. They looked like MudWings. I'd know." Toad claimed.
I looked behind us, and I got that tingling sensation again. I saw a shadow race across the mountainside from the far end. Two shadows.
"Well we're about to find out." I unslinged my MKB to greet them.
Out of the mountains, flying low in the pass, two MudWings flared into view. One much faster and graceful than the other, while the second flew nervously.
"Contact! Two dragons! West entrence."
I clicked my radio as their nervous minds met me. "Stand down! They're friendlies! Stand down!"
The nervous one suddenly found a burst of energy, diving straight for Grace.
"Uh oh."
She reared up, flaring her wings. The Mudwing flew headlong into her arms, as she collapsed backward to absorb the blow, kicking up a huge dust cloud.
"Grace! I never thought I'd see you again!"
She sounded and looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. But Moon did, once Marsh touched down besides them. He was out of breath, but walked up to us.
"We heard... I knew you'd be there..."
"It's so great to see you too Sora!" Grace completely engulfed the MudWing. I had to battle back a chuckle.
"Nice to see you too, Umber." Qibli nudged him with his wing.
I saw a tear run down his face. He mumbled "Qibli" softly, before burying his head in his side and wing, crying.
"Oh." Turtle mumbled, laying his wing over him.
Even Qibli quickly got over the confusion, pulling alongside him and supporting the poor MudWing.
I couldn't help but smile at the sight, but then I heard a thump behind me. I saw Grace leading Sora back to her Winglet. Her family.
The entire Jade Winglet was back together, for the first time in years... decades probably.
"Alright. I was promised a fight. Vaquero said that there'd be a fight." Carnilian spat, amped and ready.
"I said no such thing." The other SandWing borrowed Qibli's signature snarky tone. Even the master himself nodded in approval.
"We'll there very well might be." I took the center of attention. All 13 dragons looked to me. "So here's the deal."

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