[WOH] (SG) Scouting The Skywings & Message

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So. Yeah. I haven't been really working on any of my projects since school started, and have kind of just decided to write key parts of stories in the Temp folder and string them together once I get back to work. So, with that, you'll be seeing just random content of small but important scenes of my stories. I'll make sure to put them in chronological order, so as not to confuse you all too much; but just know that's kind of what I'm doing in what little free time I can get my hands on nowadays.

As for Wings of Honor... yeah. I've gotten a basic plot thought out, and am giving my OC, Gracebringer, an entire book to her character development from her point of view: WOH: Saving Grace. (Great Title. I know.) Ever since I wrote Grace and the Scorpion Den for the temp folder, I just wanted to continue her story. So, I did. Maybe a little too much.

I did heavily draw from the story of WOF Book one, splicing in information from books 3 and 4. Not as nearly as badly as I did for my original plans for Bad Moon Rising or Heart Of Ice, but probably still close enough to make copyright a concern. I could be wrong through, but I'll error on the side of caution.


So the story itself is again about Marvin and Grace going after Goldman to stop him from changing the past. After following him through a portal, Marvin and Gracebringer stake out the Sky Kingdom to try and find Goldman, and to stop whatever he's trying to do. This is told from Grace's perspective.

I landed on a cliff overlooking the Sky Kingdom and their gigantic gladiatorial arena.
"Stay alert. Stay in chamo."
Marvin was already cloaked, but I could still see he was setting himself up so he could use his 8x scope and see what he could find. Even with my apparent "incredible" Nightwing vision, I couldn't see as far or as well as Marvin with his telescopic sights. So I resorted to closing my eyes, and trying to see the images in my brain as he thought.
Bunch of dragons all on the top there. Chained together. One-two-three-four-five-seven-nine-eleven-thirteen- Holy Crap. Five... ten... fifteen... twenty...
"Jesus Christ." I said before he could.
"Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. And that's half, roughy the same distance...."
Both me and Marvin met each other with stunned expressions.
"That's about a hundred prisoners." He said softly, in shock.
I just took in a shaky breath. "Is... is there any way we can set them free?"
Marvin shook his head while looking back through his scope. This was a mistake. "No. They're all connected in this big 'ol chain. So that if they wanted to escape, they'd all have to fly together and lift off that way. It doesn't help that their wings are also chained down." Marvin sucked air through his teeth.
"Oh." I whimpered.
"Wait a minute." He said after a short while. "There's a Mudwing there. He kind of looks like Clay."
"Yeah. Clay. He's one of like... three Mudwings there. He looks a little different, but I got a good feeling that's him."
I just silently nodded. Marvin picked up his rifle and stood up.
"Goldman is here, somewhere. And I do believe that I remember... that the Dragonets of Destiny were in Scarlet's custody at one point."
"Really!" I exclaimed maybe a bit too loud. "Then... we got to go rescue them. And stop Goldman."
Marvin climbed onto me. I shuffled my wings.
"Yes. I will. Not you." He said as he rubbed my neck.
"W-why?" I asked, hurt.
Marvin just looked distantly at the Sky Kingdom. I followed his gaze. There were Skywings in small patrols, guarding the entire sky. And although I could easily take on a few Skywings myself, there had to be easily hundreds, maybe thousands, of Skywings in that arena.
"Not to mention a visiting Sandwing."
"Yeah. I remember her face from a sketch. Queen Burn."
"Oh. She's a bitch."
Marvin lost the wind out of his sails as I took off.
You said it. Not me. And we need to have a talk about your language young lady.
I just wiggled my wings a little. Carefully navigating around the patrols, swooping over the arena.
"Ugh. This place reeks of war crimes. Set me down in that clearing over there."
"What? You want to go in there?"
"Yeah. I'll stop Goldman from the inside. There's a tower I saw back there. I can set up overwatch."
"Are-are you sure?"
"Positive. Now set me down."
I swooped over where Marvin wanted me to. He slid down as I flared as gently as I could. Making sure the ground wasn't disturbed and him resulting in him being compromised. I flew swiftly away.
We'll meet up at the pond west from here.
Stay hidden. Stay safe.
I will. Good luck.
You too.
And with that, I felt his mind fade as I left range.

I found a good place in the mountains that had a small forest where I could hide in. The trees giveing partial cover.
I had set up the blankets so I could lay down and keep warm. I swaddled myself up into a little ball, watching over towards the Sky Kingdom. I knew I was safe. I was covered by the shadows, and in a small patch of forest nobody would really care for. It's not that close to the arena, but close enough that I could be right there with Marvin within thirty seconds at flank speed. Just in case.
Dragons swooped and dived over the arena, trying to catch glimpses of whatever was going on in there.A blood curdling scream emanated from the place, then, just as quickly, drowned out by jeering.
I pulled the sheet over my head. I knew what just happened. The sickening feeling. The way it became harder to breathe. How I felt like I knew the spark had just left someone.
Someone died today.
I hung my head and curled in tighter. Eying to beat back this immense coldness with my warmth.
I shook my head and sighed.
"I can't be a part of this. What they're doing is so... so horrible."
And yet, the person who raised me, is a part of them. There he was, right in the thick of it. He's good, no doubt. But... the violence that people like them can bring. Once you become one, it's impossible to go back the way you were.
I thought more about Marvin, his decision to go down there alone.
Heck, I could've cloaked myself. You're invincible, I'm pretty invincible.
Then his stubborn self would step in front of me and say: No Grace. I can't risk loosing you. You are the most important thing to me. I don't know what would happen if I actualy lost you.
And then he would get choked up on that thought, and recuse himself for a minute. Leaving me with the choice to press the matter to go with him, or to stay and spare him further anguish.
Manipulative, I know. But was it really for the better?
I mean, I've seen it in his mind, he really wants to do good and help. But... it's cold up there. Like he doesn't care, can't care about... anything. It's like he managed to remove his emotions. Not entirely, but enough so that nothing can shake him when he is alert.
And his abilities. He was a trained killer. His heart and mind were hardened to kill. And he loves me. He would be willing to kill anyone who threatens me. He's quick to resort to violence, or the possibility of violence, if things start spiraling out of control. Look what happened with Goldman, when Marvin was banished. Sure it was for a good cause, but... what truly good consequences come from combat?

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