[WOH] (SG) (US) Soul Saving Sniper

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I think I jinxed something when I wrote this story, because I wrote it on Augest 30th. If you don't know what happened the next day, see 2-1 Down. I think by saving someone else, the universe had to balance or something. Yes, I believe in that juju or karma or whatever you want to call it now. Nonetheless, I decided to post this because it's still a hopeful story.

The photo above inspired this story.
Chained With Hope by KenyaJoy on DevientArt.
KenyaJoy is just an amazing artist, and I think this is the second time I was inspired by her work.
But remembering the Icewing that sung in book one, and the hindsight knowledge that she was going to die a meaningless death, I just had to save her guys. The one break in the timeline is on me. This was just too much at the time, and I needed a little something wholesome to write about.

This story is a second perspective of Saving Grace, told by Marvin. This takes place during Into The Mud And Blood, during WOF book 1, where the DODs are captured by Scarlet. Everest, the Icewing that Clay noticed when he started all the prisoners singing, is rescued by Marvin before she could be killed by the Nightwings when they came for Starflight. I really simplified the plot into one sentence, there you go. But Marvin hasn't noticed Grace has gone missing yet, but he is suspicious.

Hope you have a great day/evening. Take care, and enjoy.

That night, I had made my post a little more comfortable. A sandbag where I could prop ou my rifle. A sleeping bag for times of peace in the night. Several early warning devices on every entrance way I could think of. I even set up the wire mesh I bought at Possibly to function as a makeshift scope cover, covering that with a long strip of cloth.
But as I settled down to rest after signaling my presence to Grace, I couldn't go to sleep for whatever reason.
Then I finally recognized the song. A song that I heard being sung in the barracks and bars by inebriated citizens and soldiers. It sounded like 99 bottle of beer on the wall. I chuckled to think that song was the one biggest thing our two societies had in common. The problem was, that it was just barely loud enough to the point where I was listening for the lyrics, and not commuting myself to sleep.
"Damn you." I mumbled as I got up. My cool jacket waking me up as I slipped out of my sleeping bag. I took up my position, scouting around to see where the hell that singing was coming from.
What I saw was... indescribable. Clay, a gigantic Mudwing, playing on his chains like they were a violin. All the prisoners, sung in harmony. Dragons from so many different tribes, on all sides of the war, all joining together in song.
Tears welled in my eyes. Memories of the Christmas Truce came to mind. Where soldiors from both sides stopped the fighting to enjoy a crisp Christmas morning. It was beautiful.
But there was one voice that sung above the rest. A voice that poured their whole heart and soul into the song. One that truely believed the hope, that the dragonetts were coming.
I met that voice, and saw the glistening moonlight reflecting off her scales. An Icewing.
An Icewing, who, despite being chained and forced to live with the fact she might not live to see another sunset, still raising her voice to the sky.
"This one." I motioned. "This one."
And then a terrible realization dawned on me. Evey Icewing was going to die here. The Nightwings would come, and slaughter them all to get Starflight.
"No. I'm not going to let that happen. Not to her."
I swore an oath to protect the hope in people. To keep them alive to see another tomorrow. Hope is such a powerful but decisive tool. Even as a soldier, hope keeps me alive to see my family back home. Hope keeps people alive so that they can see their home one last time. Hope... is what I was fighting for.
I brushed away my tears, snuggling back into my sleeping bag. In the still of night, I quietly joined their chores. Humming softly as I slipped off into sleep.
"The dragonets aresh coming
They've coming to save tsha day.
They're coming to fight
For they know what's right.
The vagonets hoorrrray!"

Early the next morning, I was up before sunrise. Carefully disarming or stepping around the traps I laid. Everything else was already packed away in my pack. My job as to get up to her, and get her away.
Sneaking past the morning watch, gingerly climbing the walls with little more than ice picks and shoe spikes, I finally made it up.
I stood up here with her. The Icewing that was singing last night.
"Hey. Psst. Icewing."
She whipped around, staring right through me. I uncamouflaged, startling her.
"It's okay! It's okay!"
"Wha- a talking scavenger!"
"Shh!" I hushed her, looking around. Thankfully, nobody had woken up yet. Clay wasn't here to spot me.
"I'm here to get you out. All the Icewings are going to die tomorrow."
"What!" She recoiled back.
"Now, are you going to join them, or will you let me get those chains off you?"
She took a shaky breath, but nodded.
"Okay. I'm gonna have to climb up on you though. To facilitate the lock."
She just nodded, laying fully prone. I climbed up onto her, withdrawing my knife. Hissing while I fought back the dazzling light of her body, even without my mindreading enabled.
I wish Grace was here, so she could help guide her to camp. I hope she's okay.
All the crowd was watching the spectacle of Tsunami and Starflight fighting off scavengers, no one noticed a singular Icewing lifting off and away.
"That way."
I pointed. She flew.
We flew as far away as we could. Putting distance between us and confirmed hostile contact. Although, I had lost visual on what was happening in the Sky Kingdom for a few vital minutes. Once I deemed it safer, we circled round to try and rondevu with Grace. I looked around with my glasses, trying to spot where she would hide. Where I would hide.
The only place even remotely close was a small thicket of trees just large enough to conceal a dragon.
"There! In that little forest! Land there!"
She swooped down and landed in the small bushel of trees, ducking in to prevent a reflection of her scales attracting more attention.
I slid down. Immediately, I was met with an all too familiar smell. I swallowed down what little salva I had, just the smell made my stomach lurch. Not too far away, a puddle of vomit collected in a small clearing.
"Hrgg." I set my fist over my mouth, gathering the discipline to not expel my own rations. "Don't go over there." I warned the curious Icewing.
Rather than investigate closer to the puddle, I produced my glasses and scanned around. Quickly spotting the duffle, and two of Grace's blankets.
"So she was here."
"Who was?" The Icewing asked.
"A friend. Our ticket out." I turned to face her again. "It would be unwise to stay here, but I have to. It's the Love plan."
I sighed. "When one of us gets lost, we set up camp in our last confirmed position, to make it easier for search parties to find us. Searches always begin from tehn last known position."
"Ah." She said. "That's interesting. I'd wish we'd have something similar for when one of our members gets lost in the Ice Kingdom."
"Heh. I know. I've been there. You have to really know where you're going to not get lost."
"You've been to the Ice Kingdom?"
I nodded. But then the memories of my trials there. Grace being captured by the Icewings, me forced to strike out on my own. Nearly killing myself. I shook my head free of those thoughts.
"I never properly introduced myself." I stood to meet her. "Captain Marvin Jerez, of the 101st Airborne."
"I'm Everest. Of the seventh circle."
"Circle you say? No offense, but I'm not one for 'class' people."
"No? Social classes bring order and prosperity for the entire tribe!"
"Sure. I'm more of an equity kind of guy. If you want to move up in life, you have to work to earn it."
"Hmm." Everest clearly didn't want to discuss this with me. While I didn't want to stay anywhere remotely near that puddle. I ended up sucking it up, dragging the duffle and the blankets clear and away. I would just have to hope the rain washes it away within a reasonable amount of time.
Everest kept looking at me, pondering over something. Finaly, she decided to ask me.
"W... why did you rescue me? I mean, there is a lot of prisoners under Scarlet. Why didn't you rescue any of them?"
I pondered that for a minute. Looking her over, and seeing her soul. Everest wasn't like the other Icewings, especially not Winter. She was somehow kind, yet hopeful even during her imprisonment. She didn't want to kill any more than she had to to protect her own. Her family, her kingdom. She was like me in that respect. That's why I decided to tell her.
"The Icewings that Scarlet had in her custody... they're going to be killed."
Everest gasped.
"But I saw you. You were singing the other night. You... you just had a... a glimmer of hope." I struggled to fight back tears. "And that's in short supply these days."
Everest was frozen in shock. She couldn't speak, and I didn't dare read her mind.
"So... I need you to return home. Find a dragon named Winter. And tell him he's not alone. That none of them are alone. That they're good enough. ...Can you do that?"
Everest nodded. Tears also streaming down her face. It was like she knew as well.
I swallowed down the mocos forming in my throat. Pulling out my compas, I found my bearing.
"The Ice Kingdom is that way." I pointed to the west. "It's a long flight. And over water. But if you want, you can go around-"
"I can do it."
She stood up, like as if she was trained to take a perfect guarding stance. The majestic dragon stood with all her might, reflecting light and illuminating the forest. I nodded.
"Then go. Live your life, and live it well."
She nodded with a grateful smile. Splaying her wings, she lifted them up then thrust them down, catapulting her into the air. I watched her leave. Fading out into the blue.
I looked back at the camp, what was left of it. Grace was here, I know that. But where had she gone?
The day was fading fast, and my eyes burning from lack of sleep. The dragonetts would be able to last one night. Goldman would have so many oprotunites in the future, what are the chances he strike tonight?
Just to be sure, I said a prayer to God, asking that he watch over them, and his servants. I knew Grace was still alive, I could feel her. I trusted that she had just likely moved to avoid detection. She was still somewhere nearby. I literally saw her just a couple hours ago, she couldn't have gone far.
That night, sleep overtook me quick.
The world faded to black. All my troubles would be tackled in the morning.

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