[WOH] (NU) Rallying Against Darkstalker

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So this one was originally slated to fit in either in Wings of Honor: Deciding Destiny or Meeting The Enemy. Either way, it's not going to end up in either of those books now, because any means of fitting it in will likely end up violating copyright. But, here's a little snippet of that I had planned.
It was gonna be a big hero moment where Grace and Marvin would team up with the 2nd arc dragonets to go stop The Battle of Jade Mountain. And I did write it in a weird third person point of view, because I didn't know who's perspective I would be writing from. Be advised.

"Oh, what can we do?"
"I know exactly what I'm doing."
"What is that Marvin?"
"I'm gonna run that son-of-a-bitch down."
Qibli smirked, Travers looked on, concern in his eyes.
"And how will you go about that Captain?" McManis started. "There's no way we can hurt him. Invincible scales, animus magic, foresight, mind reading, he's a walking arsenal."
"Well... guess it's good we have our own Darkstalker then." Qibli looked at a towering Grace. She hung her head a little.
"I really don't like being compared to him."
"Come on Qibli." Marvin half scolded him.
"Alright! Sorry! It's just-"
"I know." Marvin pardoned Qibli just as quickly.
"But what can we do?" Moon said again. Marvin sighed, trying to think it through, same as Qibli. Running over everyone on our roster, what they were capable of, what special skills they brought to the table, every advantage we had.
"What can we do to stop a war?" Marvin mumbled, rubbing his hands on his temple. He glanced around, Travers stood up with his grenade launching rifle.
"You said you know how some of this will go, Marvin, don't you?"
"Yeah, but Darkstalker knows what I knew. He already knows the future and about what he can do to keep himself away from it. Our future. The proper future." Marvin hit his head with his fist. "And he's moving on the Icewings, and Jade Mountain, and the prophecy- argh!"
He collapsed to the floor. McManis rushed to grab him, Travers was standing. Grace nearly swept the both of them up. Everyone was staring in concern.
"The radios..." Qibli began.
"No. We have them all."
"What if we teleported one to Jade Mountain?" Travers suggested.
"What good will that do? They'll know, but they won't be able to prepare." Marvin said.
"The night cometh where no man can work." McManis recited grimly, looking up at the two Nightwings. "We're better off leaving now, for Jade Mountain, at least. We can think on the way."
"He's right. It's our best bet. We'll get to Jade Mountain first and foremost, then play it by ear." Marvin confirmed.
"I can carry the three of you." Grace said quickly.
"Great. Let's move. Time is of the essence."

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