[WOH] (SG) Into The Mud And Blood

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The next day wasn't any better.
The cold night covered me in dew and immense cold. I shivered badly.
Marvin sent up a flare last night. The bright red streak arced across the sky, before falling over into some distant land. The fact that he risked firing his weapon to warn me was not completely comforting, I confess, but it was nice to know that he was still alive.

The next day was as populated as before. As soon as the sun rose enough to see, tens of hundreds of Skywings gathered in the area once more.
There were all here to witness something. Hopefully something that doesn't involve killing. Because with that amount of dragons, all seeing and thinking the same thing, it was like an intense beacon of horribleness, enveloping every mind reader for miles.
But this one was different.
After a moment, there was an exchange of roars.
One of the red Skywings, with jewelry that was dazzling me even this far off, lifted off with another dragon in her grip. It was more of a sun bleached red, but he seemed to quit struggling after he left the ground.
Then another dragon quickly rose to meet them. This one glistened a copper color, that almost seemed to have a metallic sheen to it.
And then, the bedazzled dragon let go of the one she was carying. I sat up to try and fly to catch him, but the distance was too far. I would not be fast enough.
"Fly! Come on! Fly!" I shouted to the dragon as he plummeted. But to no avail.
Peril tried to swoop down to grab her, but I looked away from her attempt. I knew what was going to happen. It was inevitable.
That all too familiar feeling.
Everything felt heavy. Everything felt a little unsteady. As if my foundation was crumbling away before me.
I curled myself into a ball and cried.
I cried for a long while.

The third night came and went. But this time, there was singing. All the prisoners were singing something. I was too far away to discern any of the lyrics, but the song at least made things a little more manageable, a little more interesting. And to think other dragons knew 99 bottles of beer on the wall. I don't even think Marvin knows what it is. He picked it up subconsciously, and I stole it from him.
But yet again, at exactly 2400 hours, a shot rang out in the pitch black night. A red tracer flew up a good deal, arcing over, before disappearing amidst the starry sky. A sky that takes your breath away.
Marvin told me about the first time he slept under a sky like this. It was when he was first shipped out, and was in North Africa. Where there are no cities with lights, no cars or clouds that block up the sky. It was a crystal clear night, and what he saw brought tears to his eyes.
I smiled as a tear ran down from my eye too. To think that I lived under this all my life, but I could never see it. A starry night sky. It was what I was, and I loved it all the more so.
I spread my wings, lifting them so I could compare. Even I couldn't tell where my wing ended and the sky began. I was made for this, to fly among the night. The cool, humid air all around me. Free in the sky, with only myself to answer to.
But yet... I loved Marvin. I knew he loved me too. And both he and I knew that if I asked for freedom, he would grant it to me without question. But that, why? I mean, I'm such a valuable resource. In the only one who can crate the time portals and do animus magic. I'm his security! And yet... he can let me go... if I asked for it.
Ugh that man. It's not that I want to leave, I don't, but to think that I could, and he'd let me.
I sighed again. "Marvin. You are just someone else."

The next day, there was a bunch of comotion, I didn't know what. But I heard a lot of roaring, and it didn't come from the arena.
Not my best decision, I know, but I took off to try and scout. Flying high and cloaked, I circled over the arena where the prisoners were. I saw three empty spots in the chain.
Clay, Tsunami, and Starflight.
I turned around and saw hundreds of dragons began to file back into the arena. Something was happening.
When I looked back, I nearly flew into a Skywing patrol. Pulling in my wings, I swooped past them.
"Woah! What was that?"
"Huh? Must've been the wind!"
I sighed and shivered. Filling my wings again, I circled around once more.
The arena was mostly filled now. Skywings crowded into the tiered bleachers. Rapidly descending into heartless and rage fueled jeers. The bloodlust of an anonymous crowd.
Suddenly, I noticed a deep-blue Seawing fight against Skywing guards. It fought against being led into the arena.
Swooping down closer to get a better look and try and read her thoughts. No luck. The crowd was too energetic. I couldn't make out anything mentally, much less audibly. They all seemed to join in a collective roar of conversation. Like Marvin's cafeteria before he shipped out from basic training.
Grace! What are you doing here!
Speak of the Devil. I'm here because something's happening!
No. It's too dangerous. You need to leave.
Where are you. I shot back.
I'm in the tower. Your two 'o clock.
A small flash emanated from a window in a distant tower. A flight training tower, from what I discerned in the flood of minds.
What are you doing up there?
Relax. The place is practically empty, aside from a few dragonette. Everyone's at the arena. Then I felt his attention shift. There you are.
I drew to where Marvin's attention was. There, in a balcony, sat Scarlet on a throne so encrusted with jewelry that it dazzled me. Beside her, a large Sandwing stood. Burn, I'm guessing, because there was a throne also provided behind her. Next to both of them-chained to the ground with naval grade links-Clay, and another Nightwing.
"Starflight." I gasped. So that Seawing down there must be Tsunami.
Yeah, I can confirm that.
And then, next to the dragons in the balcony, a tree with something colorful snaking around it, was wheeled out into the sun. The beautiful, bright colors attracted my attention imediently.
That isn't-
"Queen Glory." I said in awe, but also in fear and anger. But she looked to be lounging in that tree, not fighting back. And she looked to be left alone. She's planning something. I know she is.
Positive confirmation. I have eyes on Clay, Starflight, Scarlet, Burn, Glory, and Tsunami.
Wait. Wait. Hold your fire.
I felt Marvin frown, but he continued to scan. I knew he still had a bad tast in his mouth regarding Scarlet, but he also knew he couldn't harm her.
But then I also realized: any one of these dragons could be Goldman. All he had to do was kill one of the Dragonetts of Destiny, and the future could be ruined.
"Oh crap."
LANGUAGE, young lady!
I just rolled my eyes, shifting my attention to the deeply colored red Skywing, blood red, that fluttered down. An announcer of some sort.
I had to climb higher, because the Skywing patrols were also gathering closer over the arena. They wanted to see this as much as I did, not for the same reasons of course.
You okay Grace?
Yeah. Fine.
Suddenly, Tsunami charged the red Skywing. He managed to escape, flying circles around her while she looked on, enraged.
I could t hear much, but the crowd got all the more spurred on when guards threw a green Seawing into the Arena along with Tsunami. Not seafoam green like Turtle, more akin to broccoli stalks, or peas, and other greenery.
But he looked strange... savage looking. Even from up here, I could sense his mind barely comprehending what was going on, just filled with an unmistakable rage. All to familiar. This was Marvin times two, and it was about to be unleashed on Tsunami.

There was a cry. The Green Seawing charged. It was a flurry of blue and green. The Seawing was quick, but so was Tsunami. I felt a hit connect. Blood started drawing in the sands below them. The fight was over, both of us knew it. She won already, the rest was a formality. She connected a few more blows, eventually pinning the other dragon to the ground.
The silence was so thorough, a few thoughts managed to get through. Though it was still a jumbled mess, I managed to decipher some. The crowd wanted her to kill him. Satisfy their insatiable lust for blood. But Tsunami didn't want to, she wanted to save him.
"Just like Marvin."
And then Scarlet said something. Something that rekindled the fire in her eyes. All her rage, all her prowess, all her commitment was turned onto a single dragon sitting up high in the balcony.
I knew what was going to happen, my wings already shaking and my stomach becoming queasy.

The sickening crunch could be heard anywhere in the kingdom. My stomach lurched, but I closed my mouth and sucked it in, swallowing hard.
I flew as fast as I could back to camp, back to safety.
I landed. Barely enough time to inhale, before I closed my eyes to face the sickening feeling rising up again.
I doubled over, spewing up what little breakfast I had. The intense acid taste filling my throat and tounge. I hurled again feeling the soft chunks of whatever still in my mouth.
I coughed, spitting the refuse out of my mouth. It hung open, to try and cool the burn. Tears rapidly pooling in my eyes.
I reached for the canteens of water, downing one to swish and clean out my mouth. I spit up the horrid concoction out onto the ground. I breathed heavily.
I took a moment, moving away from the refuse and the smell. My stomach was still queasy, and sensitive. I wanted nothing to do with that for the next few minutes or so.
I downed another canteen of water, letting the mineral taste begin to wash away the acid.
I breathed hard. The pain. The burn. The suffering. How did Marvin ever get used to this.
I gathered the discipline to drag my blankets away. I lay a ways away from my contaminated spot, upwind and out of sight, but closer to the edge of the forest. Dangerous, yes, but I couldn't. I just couldn't right now.
I swallowed, tears still streaming because of my burning throat. I curled up in my blankets, closing my eyes for a moment. Breathing in the cool, crisp, fresh, mountain air. Letting it take my stress and problems away with each exhale. Crafting little clouds of the products of my breath.
I swallowed again, the taste all but faded now. But I didn't want to think about it. My stomach inched closer to the point just from that thought. I swallowed down the feeling, letting Mr. Sweeps clear my mind of those thoughts. I took another deep breath, closing my eyes.
I was feeling a bit better now.

I relaxed for a little while, not realizing my chamo had faded. In the distance, I heard wingbeats.
Before I could even open my eyes, something hard and heavy slammed down on my head.
All of a sudden, everything disappeared.

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