[WOH] (TYH) Drafting A Dragon

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So, I'm tired.
I thought this up at like 12:03, and have a college trip in the morning, as well as completing the first essay of the 2nd quarter. So yeah, TiMe MaNaGeMeNt.

Slight spoilers ahead.
The scene is quite small, and I don't think there is anything too major. Just a warning.

So, for context, Grace has been with Nate in country for a while now. She's really been only acting as recon and additional fire support, but she want to help the villages and places they come upon. She drags Nate out to their meet up spot to the north of Salerno base to talk it out. And that pretty much brings us to the story.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked the dragon in front of me.
"Of course." She rolled her eyes. "I know it's nice and all having eyes in the sky," She fiddled with the golden clicker device. "but I feel like I could help a lot more on the ground. And if need be, I can always sneak away and be a dragon if you need the added firepower." She looked up at me.
I was still unsure, but it was her decision. I couldn't do anything to change her mind.
She chuckled. "It's not like I won't take your opinion under advisement. I'm not like Miller, who doesn't listen to good ideas."
I hung my head. "But still..." I trailed off. I don't like it.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I looked up and saw a beautiful, young, black woman with long, jet black hair that flew in the wind. She was in a uniform like mine, with silver, connected bars on her collar. She was stunning. She moved her hand and closed my open mouth.
"At least I'm attractive. Maybe they won't shoot me?" She shrugged off my reaction.
"You're-" I began.
"Black? African American? And a women?" She raised her arms a little and looked over her body. "I guess I chose something that looked a little more like a NightWing. Aaand this is as close to black as I could get."
"But-" I started, thinking ahead. "Won't be-" -ing black put you in danger of lynching and stuff?
"Oh please," she waved me off. "I carry the rank, and I can still use most of my powers, like animus magic and mind reading. I can take a little racism. And if anyone lays a hand on me," she looked down at her fists. "Let's just say they'll regret it." She walked up to me and pulled me to my feet from where I sat on my trunk. "Come on. You'll have to introduce me to the squad."
I blinked. "What?"

"Alright Men," Kish half motioned for quiet, before motioning to Grace standing next to him. "This is Captain Grace Jerez. Nate's cousin. She'll be attached to us for the time being as a tactical advisor."
"And rifleman -er... woman."
A few snickers and chuckles.
"Ha ha. Very funny. But she's not here to push papers, she does still carry the rank of Captain, so don't piss her off. Understood?"
Grace just crossed her arms, scanning the room like she expected the answer.
Yes sirs filled the room. Until Grace started directly at me. I looked around, seeing whether or not she meant anyone else, before I was elbowed by McManis.
"Get your eyes up Lieutenant!" She said under her breath and through her teeth.
"Y-yes sir."
Then Grace smiled and nodded. She walked up and took the empty seat next to me.
"Thank you." She said as she sat down.
I just nodded. You just had to rub it in.
Heck. I actually do carry that rank. I have to hold you to the same standards as anyone else.
"Alright. Listen up!" Kish began as always.
I'll tell you later. Grace snuck in.

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