[TZT] (TJ) The Chase

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So this scene is something I wanted to make a spin on since I saw it years ago. Oh Mr. Porter is an old black and white movie, and I don't watch it much for laughs, but I just keep coming back to it. I like it, and you have my fullest permission to tell me I'm wrong. It is MY OPINION. YOU MAY HAVE YOURS AS WELL.
But if you just want a novelty to watch, something dumb, Oh Mr. Porter might be a choice.

But I digress, as for the story. You guys know the drill by now.
Spoilers ahead!
Spoilers for one of the climax scenes for TJ. If you do not want the story spoiled, stop reading now.
You have been warned.

The context for this scene is that Kai and his best friends Barry and Andrew, under the guidance of Gilbert, have rebuilt a little 0-4-0 Porter locomotive to run the Red Horse Railway. There are a couple other usable locomotives, but "Garret" is the primary motive power for right now.
A gang, led by a man named "Scarface" has been trying to secure the railroad for his own purposes. Most notably, drug and weapons trade East of the Central Vally. Colinga is just close enough, yet pretty much allowed to do it's own thing, to allow this to happen with impunity.
After attempts to bribe and threaten Gilbert, they end up hijacking an official R&S charter to secure a train for Scarface's use. Kai and his friends discover the deal, and follow the train with their own engine, only to find it stowed away in an abandoned mining tunnel. The kids are discovered, and imprisoned in the mine shafts. But they find their way out, and that leads us to now.

Again, this is a proof of concept, heavily inspired by the chase scene in Oh Mr. Porter. I have added my spin on it. But again: if this somehow violates copyright, I will promptly take anything in violation down as soon as possible.
I'm also experimenting writing in third person this time. I might end up writing in first person from Kai's perspective for the actual story, but I think this scene would be better in 3rd. Any feedback is welcomed.
Otherwise, enjoy this little story.

"Here! Come on Kai!"
"Uh uh. No way. No way I'm sliding down that way."
Barry spun around and groaned. "So you're going to leave me to stop these guys on my own?"
Kai shook his head. "No. No way."
"B-but," Andrew stuttered out, "they have guns. They'll beat us up!"
"So?" Barry stood up. "Not if we stop them before they do. I'm going, even if no one else is."
Barry took one step forward, then yelled out. The ground under him gave way. He flailed and grabbed Andrew's foot, dragging him down with him. Kai scrambled after them, and all three of us went sliding down the hill into a hay cart.
Kai spluttered, brushing away the dry, yellow grass.
"Well... at least we fell into something soft."
Barry groaned, then dragged out something he fell on. A snapped pitchfork. "Well they could've taken the fork out too."
"Here! Look!" Andrew hushly shouted at them. He was looking through a small peephole in the mineshaft. Kai and Barry joined him.
There they were. The gang, loading crates onto the coaches.
Andrew dragged them back.
"Now let's get out of here!"
"What! Without my train?" Kai exclaimed.
"Here. We'll couple Garret to it." Barry disappeared into the tunnel.
Kai and Andrew locked eyes. He shrugged, following him in. They met Barry, where he motioned Andrew to couple the train. He promptly dove under to lace the air hoses. Barry caught Kai's shoulder.
"There's an engine on the other end!"
"I'll attend to that." Kai ducked just underneath the carriages, out of sight.

"Alright, untie them." Scarface announced to his henchmen. "We're almost ready." He turned back to the captive engine crew. "You'll start when I tell you, and you'll keep driving until I tell you to stop. Kapesh?"
The engineer nodded.
"Do you think you'll get away with it?" The fireman asked.
Scarface barked a laugh and layed a heavy arm around his shoulder and neck, a revolver poking into his chest. "I hope so. For your sake."
"Alright. Hop to it." The henchman pushed them up the ladder.
Scarface walked back towards the passenger cars.
"Get moving! No funny business!"

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