[WOH] (UIS) Tailoring A Toboggan

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We had to keep moving.
The sun was barely rising, coating the land with a dim gold. The evergreen trees looked to be blanketed with golden ribbon and silver ornaments.
But still, we had to keep moving.
I expended over half a clip fighting off those wolves. My jacket stained with blood on my right arm, where one of the bastards tried to bite me. My jacket was thick enough to blunt the attack, but it left me with debilitating bruises. It hurt just to raise my pistol, but I still held it firmly in my right hand. My knife stained with canine blood.
Anthony took a bite to his other leg, crippling him totally. I would have to carry him, and he was the only person who could effectively hold a rifle.
I found a large enough tree. Using my knife, I stripped it of its bark, using the buttstock of the rifle as a hammer. Smoothing out a shed with ample amounts to ducttape, a poncho, and charring with my lighter, I had something that I could use to pull the crippled general.
Using what remained of the tape, I fashioned a rope that I affixed to the sled, where I could pull by pushing.
The general was in awe of my makeshift creation.
"How did you know how to do this?"
I looked up while I changed out his bandages. "I had the materials, I knew what could help. So I just made what I needed. Rope, a sled, made it work. Now get on. We're going."
The general, stripped of all his flamboyant colors except for a ragged uniform and a ragged jacket, piled on along with our supplies on his stomach. I handed him my rifle.
"I don't know how to use this."
"It's easy. Just point and shoot. Safety's that little tab in front of the trigger. Reload with the clips facing towards the thing you want to kill, push down, and watch your thumb."
I loaded a clip so he could see. Pulling my hand clear as the bolt slammed home.
"Shoot anything that moves. I'd rather waste ammo than fall into an ambush. We still got a good ten or so clips. Let's get moving."
I leaned hard into our makeshift sled. The rough bottom scooped snow a little, but it wasn't anything I could tend to.
Heaving hard, we began making our way to the back lines.
The coming blizzard engulfing the land in blinding cream.

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