[WOH] (TBA) British Rifles

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Yet another Marvin dream sequence I'll just sprinkle in somewhere. A lead up to a skirmish at the small town of Ravenoville, where Marvin is in charge of a scouting, backed up by a squad of British Riflemen.
It's just a dream sequence to give some more background for the character.

I remember my finest full rifle squad. They were a group of five, brits, all armed with bolt-action Lee Enfields.
Now the Lees were probably the best bolt action rifles in the entire war. Ten round capacity, a slick throw, and astonishing user friendliness.
But the men who wielded them were even better. Trained and seasoned soldiers, who could use said bolt action rifles as well as our own M1s.
I remember after dropping into Normandy, before the assault on the town of Ravenoville.
I was leading a scouting team ahead, with my borrowed British rifle squad entrenched behind a wall not too far behind us. There was a line of hedgerows, that me and a fellow airborne—whom I've sadly forgotten his name—would scale and report back before we crossed the next field.
We didn't advance not further ahead, when we suddenly came across a squad of soldiers, marching through the field, just outside their field of view, concealed by the lines of vegetation.
We ran back to their lines, waving our hands.
"Fire-fire-fire-fire!" I yelled as I jumped over the wall. The British Sergeant caught me.
"Blimey! What's the racket Officer?"
"There's a shit-ton of them just up ahead. Right in front of us! Through the hedgerows!"
"What would you have us do Officer?" A Corporal stepped up. I raised my rifle in their general direction.
"Alright lads! On my order, we fire through the bush. On my command!"
Rifles, a Sten, and an Thompson trained through the bush.
"Commence, rapid FIRE!"
The cacophony of gunfire. The Sten and Thompson chugged away, but you could hear the rifles. They fired staggered, but you couldn't tell they were using bolt actions. I managed to flank around the hedgerows after a moment, and spot the stream of tracers running across the field. It looked like a couple B.A.R.s were opening up across the field.
When we finally held, I spotted a nice group of bodies strewn across the field. A few of the larger bushes were still swaying from recent contact.
The enemy was broken and in retreat. The men enjoyed a brief celebration, before we regrouped to try and take Ravenoville.

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