[WOH] (TYH) Got a Wire

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So this one's a continuation of Tango with a Taxi. After the driver is aprehended, "D" can finally move up there and disable the IED blocking the road. However, people usually don't leave bombs unprotected, and the original bomb maker is closer than anybody thinks.
This story and Tango with a Taxi is heavily based of of The Hurt Locker, if you didn't know that already. I haven't seen it, but it looks like It's a pretty great story about the wars in the Middle East.
Otherwise, enjoy my spin on it.

The parentheses and brackets are options I can take, depending on whether Grace is kept a secret from the rest of the squad or not. A little difficult to read, but this is temporary.

Diana set to work.
How's she doing? Grace asked.
You can see better than me.
Riiiiight. Let me swing around.
I looked up to try and see her again.
("You looking at birds Lieutenant?" Kish surprised me.
"No sir."
"You better not. Eyes on a swivel. We're drawing a crowd. Like we're a God-damned tourist attraction.")
[Kish spotted me looking up.
"Our eyes in the sky." He mumbled, just audibly to me. I just nodded. "Still. Eyes up. 'Think we're a God-damned tourist attraction."]
I looked to where the balconies were. A whole lot of afgans were looking down at us.
Men. All looking serious.
"Any one of them could be packing an AK. Keep your eyes moving Lieutenant."
I did.
But before long, Diana had the IED defused.
"Alright, we're done!" We heard her sigh over the radio. "Good to go. Good to go."
"Come down Lieutenant" Kish ordered casually.
I startled back to lucidity. "Roger." I stepped back from my cover. Moving to join him in front of the humvee.
He jumped down himself.
And then Diana had to ruin our day again.
"Ah. Got a wire. Hang on."
Me and Kish met eyes, but we kept standing. We watched as Diana trailed that one red wire... until it webbed out.
"Shit! Take cover. Get-in-the-wall! Get-in-the-wall!" Kish ordered us all back into cover with the pushback of his hand.
I crouched behind the humvee door. Adjusting my rifle and sling in the way.
What's going on Grace? I asked her.
And then I saw Diana tug on the wire.
Nothing good. I count... seven shells.
"Shit." I whispered. I shivered as a sweat bead ran down my back.
Diana got down with her pliers, preparing to defuse them.
Wait. There's movement.
What? Where?
I scanned the buildings. But all the men were just standing, watching us.
I can't see him, but someone's running down the stairs.
"Stairs." I mumbled, trying to see where she might be hearing.
Diana kept defusing bomb after bomb.
"I'm on a roll fellas." She commented while starting on the next one.
I kept scanning windows, hallways, trying to find the one guy who was more suspicious than the others.
Diana followed the wire again. It led to one of the buildings. I noticed one of the men who was looking at us wasn't there anymore.
"There you are." I looked towards them.
Diana followed the wire closer and closer.
Suddenly, the man exited a door nearby. Me and Grace met each other.
Diana triumphantly held up a shiny, silver, long rod thing with wires coming out of it.
The man looked deflated, before running off.
I heard her sigh over the radio.
"Oka-" Then she interrupted her comment with a sharp hiss.
"You okay?" Kish asked immediately.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Damn electric shock."
"So I guess whatever bomb was meant to blow, didn't."
"Yeah." She sighed, collapsing back on her legs. She undid her helmet, just resting.
It was him you know.
I figured as much.
He won't do it again. Grace said. At least, not here. He learned his lesson. He'll move in three weeks, then be killed by his own bomb.
That's... pretty grim.
Grace sighed. There isn't a lot of futures where he survives. Not without killing a lot more people.
It's for the best.
It's for the best. I guess.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"You still here Lieutenant?
"Huh? Yeah. Oh yeah."
"Good. 'Cause our job's not over yet." He leaned over into his radio. "Mount up. We're moving out."

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