"What do you need, son?"

"A fresh start," I answer, going over to sit in the chair facing Dad, Mom taking her seat next to him again. "I think it would be best...for everyone... if I left for Boston right away, instead of waiting til the end of summer. I can apply for early access to the dorms next week, but in the meantime, I'll need somewhere to stay. And a plane ticket," I shrug.

"You want to leave now?" Mom asks.

"Not tonight, but tomorrow, yeah. Somehow I don't think I'll be all that welcome at the party."

She frowns. "Was it really that bad?"

"Yeah, it was. It's over, and I'd rather not be reminded of that every day for the next two months. I have an opportunity to start over in Boston, and I'd like to do that as soon as possible."

"If you're sure," Dad says, and I nod. "Then I'll make the arrangements in the morning.

"Thanks." I get up and walk to the stairs, only looking back when I hear Mom's voice call after me.

"Noah? I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you'd hoped."

I turn away as the tears start to choke me, and I don't know if she hears my reply. "Me too."

After getting changed out of my tux and splashing my face with cold water, I drag down a suitcase and start packing. I probably won't be able to sleep, so I might as well use the time productively. It's not like I have a heap of cold weather clothes anyway, I'll need to buy more stuff when I get there. But I pack a couple of jackets and sweaters, some long sleeved shirts, jeans, pants, t-shirts, sweats, underwear and socks. The beanie, scarf, gloves and puffer jacket I wore on last winter's ski trip go in too, along with my boots.

Then I grab my training bag and make sure all my football kit is in it, along with some workout gear and sneakers. My laptop, chargers, a couple of books and assorted bits from my desk go into my backpack. Other than my bathroom stuff, I guess that's about it, so I zip up the bags, leaving them all near the door. Sitting on the bench at the end of my bed, I wonder how my life came to fit into three bags. I guess that's kind of the point, though. I don't have much of a life here, not anymore.

School is done. Elle and I are over. I'm pretty sure Lee doesn't want me around, either. I hear him come in late, and when I duck my head into his room, he's lying across his bed, still half dressed in his suit.

"Hey," I say quietly, leaning against the doorframe.

Lee half sits up, looking at me coldly. "Hey."

I hadn't really expected a warm welcome, but it takes me a second to respond. I need to try and set things right between us before I leave.

"Listen. I just came to say I'm sorry about what happened on the lawn the other day. And for everything with Elle. I never should have been lying to you. But I wanted you to know that... I was never playing Elle. And I meant everything that I said to her tonight."

Lee sits up fully while I'm talking, but says nothing.

"And not that you care, but I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow. I figured I'd try to get settled in before the fall term. You know?"

He nods, still staying silent. We both know the real reason I'm leaving so soon. The best thing I can do is get out of the way and let everyone have their summer, free of me.

"All right. Well, I'll see you around, hey?"

Turning to leave, I remember I still have one last thing to say to my brother.

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