Scene 1 - My name is Vanessa Pur

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The titles begin. A cold, foreshadowing sense of dread best fits the style the titles are played in. Once these are done, the picture shows scramble. It clears eventually, and we hear a voice calling to us. It is faint, but we can make it out. A woman's voice urges and calls out to us. The setting behind her on the black and white monitor depicts a poor quality background of a spaceship, which is difficult to make out.


Is this thing working? Why won't it turn on properly? Hello?

The static improves, but the picture definition and sound quality remain poor. A few off-locks and glitches on the screen continue on the poor monitor. The woman addresses us nerved, panicked, and terribly frightened. She rushes herself.

Ok. Ok. So. Listen to this. This is important. For the sake of every man, woman, and child, you need to hear this. My name is Vanessa Pur. I am in a pod escaping from a desolate planet that has been invaded by the Xenomorphs. The Xenomorphs are swarming and multiplying as I speak. We must warn the universe of them. If you are somehow listening to this then please, please, please act on what I am saying. I am the only survivor left on the prison planet Blea Carrock 5 after an experiment went out of control and killed everyone on the base. I was the only survivor. And I need to let you know exactly what's been going on. You need to hear everything that I need to let you know.

She stops for a moment, breathing in carefully.

I don't think they've got to me yet. They can't have. Maybe. I, I don't know. I seem alright. There's no evidence that the huggers have been. I think. But anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself. What you need to know is what's been going on. This message must be acted upon as soon as I finish speaking.

Vanessa stops again.

Ok. I will start at the beginning... We all know the power of the Xenomorphs. How their species expands. How they lay their eggs in hosts, and how they kill. I'm gonna start back at where I got involved at. I was a cleaner. A cleaner on another prison planet for hostiles. Cy Lunar Base 4 was where I was stationed. Cleaning the floors for the prisoners. Some job I got...

The story is then explained by flashback footage as the next scenes will provide...

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