⚜️ 43 - Reena ⚜️

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She was content, she smiled and said, "I know. I am nothing but grateful that you chose me."

Abhimanyu, trying to make the atmosphere light, teased her, "Now, stop making that face. Go and freshen up." But she wasn't in the mood for playfulness. She just nodded and opened the door of the car.

He called her, "Adhyaa"

"Haan [Yes]"

He said with little seriousness in his voice, "Try to spend some time with Yamini Aunty and speak your heart out. It will definitely help you."

"I will.... Bye and take care."

"Bye, will meet you in the evening."

She smiled and nodded.

{Flashback End}


Adhyaa was lying down and placing her head in Yamini's lap. Yamini was caressing her head lovingly, keenly listening to her daughter and Adhyaa was telling her all the beautiful memories she had of her Eno.

To her surprise, Adhyaa's phone rang. She picked up her phone and the next moment she sat jerked up. "Don't worry, I am coming."


"I am coming"

Then she suddenly picked her car keys and left from there. Yamini hurriedly asked her where she was going. She said, "Reena's father had a heart attack. I am going to the hospital."


"Maa, don't worry. I'll inform you about everything." Saying this she left the mansion in her car.

All of them were sitting and talking. Soon they saw Adhyaa running and hurriedly sat in her car and went away. She was in such a haste and most important in her PJs.

All of them ran there and saw Yamini too standing there confusion is all written on her face.

"Maa, where did she go?" asked Adwet.

"Reena's father had a heart attack. So she went to the hospital." Musingly replied Yamini.

"I'll also go there." Said Abhimanyu.

"Me too." Adwet added.

"But....." Abhimanyu tried to stop them as they both will come soon. But Adwet didn't want to listen to him.

"No but we are coming too and that's final." Divyansh added further and with that they all Adwet, Abhimanyu, Divyansh, Reyansh and Rudransh left for the hospital.

Prakriti, Kashish, Pragya and Yamini stayed at the mansion. Aditya with his brothers went to his village for some work.

Adhyaa was sitting on the seat. Her shoulders were slumped down and her eyes were on her hands. She was thinking something very deeply when they reached there. Adwet and Divyansh sat on either side of her and Abhimanyu kneeled down infront of her with his hands on her hands.

Adhyaa slowly looked at Abhimanyu. He could easily see that if any of them pushed her more then she would cry any time. He lightly squeezed her hands and said, "Captain, What happened?"

Adhyaa looked at him then at their joined hands and said, "Eno is Reena's twin"

"Wh.... How?" Exclaimed Adwet.

"Like me, Eno was also given to the orphanage. But the difference is that unlike me, her giver is her own father." she whispered.

"How can he do this to his own child?" Reyansh said angrily.

𝐀𝐝𝐡𝐲𝐚𝐚: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 ✓Where stories live. Discover now