America: Now that they're here, we should all divide and question them.

Japan: Alright.

Mongolia: Affirmative.

Canada: You got it!

North K: Meh.

With that said, they all went different ways, Japan and America got the Western Europeans, North Korea, and his brother got the southern Europeans, and Mongolia and Canada got the Northern Europeans. 

Mongolia's POV

Oh, man...I'm so nervous, I don't get invited to parties that much, I don't recall ever being in a crowded place. The only chance I see the Europeans is when UN has a global meeting. So far I haven't asked anyone about Хятад and Тайвань. I just gave up and sat down on the couch.

???: Hey! Hey, you!

I looked around and saw Дани.

Denmark: Du er Mongoliet, correct?

Mongolia: That's right.

Denmark: WOW! Hey, fellas come over here.

I looked over Denmark and saw some other Nordic countries coming, Гренланд was with Исланд

Denmark: Look, it's Mongolia!

Iceland: Woah!

Sweden: So that's what he looks like, not bad looking I'd say~

Norway: Fascinating. This is the first time I've seen you in person.

Finland: I've read so much about you in my history lessons.

I was speechless, these countries found me interesting.

Greenland: I heard, Mongolia is a cold country, is that true?

Mongolia: Well, It does get chilly when it's winter season.

Iceland: How often does it rain there, I heard that Mongolia's nature is beautiful when it's summer.

Mongolia: Many plants and flowers grow when it is summer, it is also a great season to harvest medical herbs.

Finland: You're wearing a deel, so does that mean it's the only clothes you wear?

Mongolia: No, I have casual clothes underneath this, I only wear them cause that's what others think I should wear.

Sweden: Do you ride horses and use a bow!?

They were asking me a lot about myself, I gave them an honest answer. Questions kept coming one after another.

Finland: Are you friends with Russia? You live next to him, don't you?

Mongolia: Yes and yes, I've been friends with Russia since he was young, I was even companions with his father.

Finland: USSR? That guy was awful.

Norway: *Gasp* You were friends with Sovjetunionen?

Iceland: How?

Finland: Why?

Sweden: When?

Mongolia: Let me tell you about myself and Зөвлөлт Холбоот Улс.

I explained my history to them, they paid close attention to me. It was a long story, but I will never forget what USSR did for me.

Finland: Oh, so that's why you're friends with Neuvostoliitto.

Denmark: That was the best tale I've ever heard.

Sweden: I can't believe what China did to you.

Mongolia: Speaking of China, I need to ask you all something.

Third-person view.

Mongolia, Korean brothers, Japan, America, and Canada all regrouped.

America: Any luck?

Japan: Nope.

Mongolia: Negative.

Canada: Not really.

Then Canada noticed one thing.

Canada: Hey brother...have you noticed how all the Europeans are here, except for mom and dad?

America: Mom and dad are not much of a party people Nada, plus they're too old.

Canada: But they are the only ones who haven't shown up.

America: Then we'll visit them tomorrow, how about that?

Canada: Great! I wanted to see mom and dad, I'll call New Zealand and Australia too for a family reunion.

America: Then let's wait for the party to be over...

They all looked at the party.

South K: I think it's gonna take a little longer.

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