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Fay stumbled from the kitchen trying to find his phone when Chris came up behind him.

Chris grabbed his hair and flung him to the ground. Kicking him so harshly that Fay couldn't help the cries and screams that left his mouth.

It felt like each rib was breaking one by one and falling apart inside his body.

All this screaming and shouting woke the neighbors next door (Erys and Kayden).

The two made their way down stairs while hearing commotion and seeing the unknown person's door left cracked.

Erys look at Kayden knowing this was about to be some real crazy shit. He tried to think about to outcomes of going inside of the apartment building either he could play superhero and live or play superhero and become another statistic on dateline.

He chose to play hero. Stupid he thought to himself but his punk-ass brother Kayden definitely wasn't about to help and he is bigger and more intimidating than a highschooler.

As Erys enter the apartment he heard the goosebump inducing cries but he also heard someone talking.

"See this is the way you made things. Don't you get it? If you had never ran away we wouldn't be here right now. Just do things the easy way and come home. You know these wack ass cops aint coming to save you anytime soon and neither is that corny ass nigga of yours. You want to know why? Because your worthless. Who would put their life down for you? No one, so just come back to the only person who can loves you" the shadowed figured said standing over the quivering body.

"All you are going to do is beat me there to do why not just leave me alone? Im not special I don't have money I'm not the baddest bitch in the world so why me?" Fay said as he curled into a fetal position though his organs hurt immensely.

Erys got very irked listening to this because he knows from experience that this can break a person down. He hesitated no longer he grabbed the taser that he seen on the living room carpet and immediately let all of the energy pulse into the shadowed figured as soon made contact with his skin soon the body tensed and dropped on its side.

The smaller that was under the shadowed figure started to push away or at least tried to but didn't make much progress.

"It's okay I'm not going to hurt you I'm here to help. If you let me
of course do you want to call someone?" Erys asked as he raised his hands in the air to show that he isn't a threat.

Fay explained what lead up to what happened today but he only skimmed the surface because he realized he doesn't even know who this boy is.

Erys was never good with people so he wasn't sure how to handle the situation but one thing is for sure. He can't leave him alone with the limp psychopath who is now tied up in a corner.

"Can I? I won't take long? Also thank you. Wait who are you? I'm Fay." Fay slowly moved to get the phone.

"My name is Erys I live next door. Here you go."Erys pulled out his phone and handed it over.
As soon as Fay got the phone he called Pharaoh.

"Hello? Who is this?" The strong voice boomed through the phone.

"It's me pharaoh. I-" Fay said shortly before he burst into tears trying to explain what happened

"Wow wow. I can't understand you. Are you okay? Did something happen.?" Pharaoh said growing more concerned by the second.

"Do you mind if I tell him what happened while you collect yourself" Erys asked timidly.

Erys often felt uncomfortable around people. He had very bad anxiety and only talked to 2 other people besides his brother. So this interaction is very tense for him.

Fay nodded his head and passed the phone over to Erys.

"Um hello?"the line was silent.

"Hi,sorry if you could explain to me what happened to Fay I'm on my way to the airport right now."

"Well based on what I've been told and seen his ex showed up at his apartment and attacked him. Also I am Erys the next door neighbor I heard commotion and came over to see him being attacked and couldn't just leave him here so yeah..." The highschooler rushed out while pulling on his ear wishing his brother was here.

"Thank you for helping him. Could you stay with him till my friend arrives?" The older spoke calmer now that he knew Fay was not alone or gone.

"Well actually I have school at 8 so will that person be here by then?" Erys asked while picking his nails.

"He will be their in 30 minutes. I'm boarding the plan please watch over Fay."

Fay and pharaoh talked a bit which seemed to calm him down enough to cooperate and let me get him cleaned up.

"So how old are you?" Fay asked me as I bring the dusty brown bandage around his bruised ribcage that reeked of Icy Hot gel.

"I'm 17. Are you hungry?" I started to think about how stupid that question was. Who would be hungry after nearly during plus it is 6:10 in the damn morning.

"Yeah I have chocolate cake and pork cutlets in the fridge. Would you like some? Ohh and let me tell you the chocolate cake is out of this world." Fays eyes lit up as he spoke about the food that made him so happy yesterday

" No thank you. Maybe next time if we ever run into eachother again and I don't like pork."

Soon after that the doorbell ring which almost made me jump out of my skin. I looked at Fay he should know if we let him in or not right?.

Wrong!! He said he doesn't know. I internally grunted this should be him right.

"I'm here for Fay. Pharaoh sent me." The man said on the other side.

I grabbed the taser just for precaution I don't even know if this thing got any energy left.

I opened the door sizing the man up immediately trying to read him he seemed alright so I talked to him told him what happened and where Chris was. He said his name was Marc and that Pharaoh would be here soon.

All this human interaction was making me sick. I wanna go home.

Fay started to get tired so I told him that I'd lay with him since Marc came to get Chris and left.

About 5 minutes late he was knocked out. I'm surprised he could be so comfortable with a stranger after what he just went through but Lord knows he tired.


I fell asleep for a bit in the couch and when I woke up his boyfriend still wasn't here yet. I realized time for school was getting closer.

I guess I won't be in first period maybe I can make it for second but I really don't want to miss Art third period.

I laid back against the couch starting at the ceiling hoping to pass time.


Pharaoh finally showed up. It was awkward cause how are you supposed to talk to someone who just saved your boyfriend from their crazy ex?

We said our greeting and goodbyes and Fay gave me a huge chunk of his chocolate cake as a thank you. With that I left.

Sure was one hell of a night.



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