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Fay woke up again this morning with a excruciating headache.
Fay sighed as he sat up wincing in pain from his hurtful night.

He couldn't figure out why he even lived anymore? All he was doing is trying to survive.He had no one.Nobody actually cared for him and that's was very depressing for him it made him feel even more worthless and invisible

Once Fay started to get up wincing once again he realizes how much pain he's actually in.

Chris really did a number on Fay last night.You might be thinking what happened well it all started two years ago

Fay and Chris met at a college party.Fay was sitting in the corner by himself he didn't really like crowds but he came here with his bestfriends Jayda and Kam.

That's when Chris seen Fay and quickly found himself hooked he thought that Fay was a gentle and interesting person just from looking at him so he pursued that curiosity he had . Fay was exactly what Chris assumed he would be.Fay was quiet and timid but spoke his mind when need.

Fay was a hard person to get through to he has had a lot happen in his life.Fays mom and dad were drug addicts but Fay's mom left home when he was 10 .Fay never directly knew his dad so he had to survive all by himself on rigid side of Atlanta.Fay knew he was smart and deserved a chance but there was always that voice in his head telling him to give up.

Fay and Chris started dating after 7 months and everything was good until one day one of Chris deals went wrong and Fay wasn't having the best day either so they got into a fight about Fay's attitude which was practically non-existent and Fay said he should leave but Chris thought otherwise.

Fay was grabbing a few things to take to Jayda house and stay a few nights till Chris cooled down because he had never seen this side of Chris so he was in the middle of packing his bookbag when Chris walked in thinking that Fay was leaving completely before even asking Fay, Chris snapped.

"So you think you can leave me after one little argument"Chris said sitting in front of Fay menacingly

"No what are you talking about I'm going to Jayda till you fucking cool of"Fay said as he continued to back he stuff feeling a bit threatened by the way Chris was acting and the things he said during the fight .

"No your not"Chris said as he grabbed the bookbag

"Yes I am because your acting crazy as hell who the fuck would say they're boyfriend there going to kill their boyfriend for standing up for himself when your the one acting like a dick"Screamed Fay

Chris snapped and he grabbed Fay by his hair and flung him on the floor.Chris sat on top of Fay while giving him blows to the stomach one after another while saying "Your worthless without me, Disgusting,why are you even alive "and more that .These words from someone Fay loved completely tore Fay down while he tried to fight back against the 5'10 210lbs man.Fay can't even remember what happened the rest of the day after he blacked out and ever since then Fay would get abused mentally and physically almost everyday but the worst part is that Chris will turn around and say he loves Fay and he so beautiful and at this point Fay want to believe it so much it hurts .

Guys should I keep going? 👀
THIS IS 605 words if you have any suggestions on what to change please let me know 😁

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