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-Jungwon's POV-

"Jay, can't you drive any faster?!" I yelled.
"It's the fastest it goes! If you want to go after you should have drove!"

I was getting more impatient. I said I would protect her. "They have guns Jungwon! If I get any closer to them, they will either shoot her or us!" Jay widened his eyes.

"That's the last thing I want right now! I just want her out of there safe and sound," I bit my lip in frustration.

I kept my eye on the van, looking at the back window, seeing Jisoo's face appear before me. Her make up was smeared from the tears, and the sweat from nervousness. And I couldn't wipe it away.

I said I would protect her. But I didn't, I let them get their hands on her again. She was terrified. She was paranoid.

Looking back and all I could do was watch from afar. I just wanted her to feel safe and protected. I tried comforting her by mouthing things to her.

She started to look a bit more calm. Which meant she trusted me. She was okay putting her life in my hands.

Soon after another van from our team stormed against the van where they had Jisoo. I looked at them and tried mouthing them not to, but they ignored my request and followed with their plan.

Once they crashed into the van in front, we ended up swerving out of the road to avoid a accident. I looked up at the window and Jisoo was gone, she disappeared.

They somehow were able to pick up velocity and drive off, making us lose them in the process.

We stopped the vans and got out of them. I walked over to the driver from the other van and pushed him against the vehicle.

"If anything, ANYTHING, happens to Jisoo because of you! I will kill you!" I yelled, almost punching the guy until I was pulled back.

Everyone looked at me in shock. Everyone was avoiding eye contact with me. I was extremely angst. We were so close! Yet we lost her.

I got back in the van and looked at Jay. "Drive to the office, we have to check the CCTV,"

"Okay. We will get her back. Don't worry," Jay entered the van and started driving. I felt like I failed myself. I failed Jisoo.

Soon afterwards, I started crying in silence, looking out the window.


We arrived at the office and looked for the CCTV on our monitors to see if we could see any faces.

"They all had their faces covered up. Plus, to make it more difficult they didn't have a fucking license plate," Sunoo said, showing us. "And well, everyone has a tahoe nowadays,"

I was feeling hopeless. But I couldn't bring myself to lose it. "It had to be the loan shark. It has to be," I walked around to cool down.

"What makes you say that? It could be anyone," Sunoo said, still looking into the monitor.

"The loan shark kidnapped her once already, he's been after her since I saved her from the streets," I sighed. "I know for a fact it's him. And if you tell me otherwise, look for another suspect,"

"Jungwon, calm down, no need to get mad at us now," Jay said while I wiped my face with my hands.

"How can you tell me to calm down?! I lost Jisoo to that fucking idiot again! It was a trap! And I was stupid enough to let Jisoo go! I'm mad at myself! Because of that, Jisoo was kidnapped AGAIN!"

"I promised I would protect her! And I failed! How can i let this happen," I was trembling out of anger. "How can she live with me now? She's always in danger, I have to let her go for her well being,"

I sat down in a chair and covered my face with my hands. "We will leave you alone, have some time to cool off. We will still be investigating," Sunoo and Jay stood up and went into their own offices.

I got up again and walked around, stopping at the table and leaning myself on it with my hands. I looked at the files beside me. My anger got the best of me, making me throw all the files into the air while yelling.

Papers went flying all over the ground. I felt useless, collapsing onto the floor. I sat there looking at all the papers. When a small book fell off the table. I picked it up and realised it was Jisoo's journal.

I looked at it for a good minute before opening it. Although I read it before, I wanted to read it again.

I flipped through the pages, looking at her handwriting. How the ink was infiltrated into the papers.

I remember reading this once I first met her. But this time I studied the book even more. There was a certain page where Jisoo talked about being taken to the house of the loan shark, the night she was raped. She even had the place described how it looked like from the outside.
It was very detailed, which surprised me how well it was described. How was she able to remember all of that unless she, went there multiple times before.

I felt terrible for Jisoo, she suffered so much and yet she stayed quiet about the entire thing. I got up and called Sunoo to come back into my office.

"I think I may know where Jisoo might be," I spoke up. "What did you find?" he asked surprised.

"What about it? She's just describing a house," Sunoo said after reading the page from her journal. "Exactly! She might be in this house! Start looking for houses that look exactly like this. I'll keep reading for more, in case there's a hint where it might be,"

Sunoo quickly wrote down several notes from the journal and started to look through the internet. Jay even started to call real estates to see if they could find any houses with the same characteristics.
There were definitely things I missed before in the journal.

"I found three possible places! But there are several that changed the colour of the house," Sunoo spoke up.

"What do you mean by that?" I got up and walked over to him. "The house Jisoo is describing us close to these three houses, but the houses were painted different colours,"

"Okay, well are there just three? We can check them!" I started to write down the addresses.

-Jisoo's POV-

I woke up, my eyes were covered with something. The atmosphere smelled familiar. I recognised the fresh smell of cleaning supplies.

My hands were tied and so were my feet. I couldn't move around or take off the cloth covering my eyes. But I already knew where I was.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled feeling the presence of someone in front of me. They pulled off the cloth from my eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes, but squinting my eyes to the sudden bright light. I looked up and there he was, the loan shark who I tried avoiding so much.

"So you finally came," he touched my chime and made me look into his eyes.
"What do you want from me?!" I repeated.

"Nothing, just wanted to see how you were doing," he smirked. "Stop playing games! What do you want?!"
"Don't talk to me in that tone," he changed his smirk into a serious look.

"You don't control me, I'm not your property!" I kept on yelling, not taking any of his shit. "Well now you are. You're mine and only mine," "You wanted to kill me?! I'm not yours!" I frowned.

"I did at first, but lately you have been making me feel some type of way," he grabbed a strand of my hair.

I moved my head away so he couldn't but he took my chin in his hand again. "Don't act like this towards me Jisoo,"

"I will do whatever gets me out of here," I spat. "Well whatever you try, you won't be leaving this house," he said untying my legs and pulled me towards him.


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