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"I'm, im sorry. Hold on. Let me explain what's going on,"

I widened my eyes as I saw Jake.

"You're alive?! What the fuck were you thinking huh?!" he came up to me and grabbed my collar.

"I know! It was a terrible idea! And I didn't think ahead of the consequences! And I realise that now!" I frowned.

"We have evidently against the CEO! If only you waited 2 hours! You would have been with Jisoo! My sister suffered because of your sacrifices! She doesn't need you doing stuff for her!" he let go.
"She got herself here. She lived on the streets alone with no help! She dealt with the loan shark alone!"

"Jake. I know! I regret it deeply! I really do' but he wouldn't come after us anymore if I died!" I tried explaining. "I needed him to believe you guys that you thought I was really dead! I know I should've at least notified you. But I knew you would go against it-,"

"- of course I wouldn't! Look how that turned out! Jisoo hit herself on glass out of anger!" Jake cut me off.

"Look there should be an envelope coming soon for Jisoo to flee the country. I need her to leave this place," I sighed.

"No! She's staying here with me! Where I know she's safe, not with you!" Jake frowned speechless.

"You think Jisoo cutting herself on the window is safe?! She was bleeding everywhere!" I rolled my hands in fists.

"Whose fight might that be!? Jisoo would be happy is he never met you! She would probably be living her best life. But instead she's being dragged down by a guy who makes her cry over and over again!" Jake yelled.

"She would have died if I didn't take her to the hospital when she was stabbed! She wouldn't be here! She wouldn't be here if I didn't get her back from the loan shark kidnapping her! Because of me! I saved her from multiple deaths! I took a bullet for her! I gave her a home! I did that!"

I was so angry with Jake. My fists were tight, my blood was running out of my hands, making them turn white.

"Do Sunoo and Jay know about this?!" Jake gave me a angry look before turning around to walk out. "No they didn't know about my plan," I grabbed his shoulder before he could do so.

"I want you to leave right now. I don't know how to process this right now. Not when Jisoo is in the hospital," Jake shuck his head.

"Can you please let me see her one last time before I go. I need to see her,"

"Only for a bit. But I need to pack several of her things, when she wakes up, you need to leave," Jake agreed. "I don't know how she will take it at her state. She won't eat. She can't sleep. She's been through a lot,"

We packed some of her things before heading out of the house. We then drove over to the hospital.


I waited outside the room before entering. "Jake, you're finally here. What took you so long? We asked for a couple of things only," Sunoo talked to Jake.

"I know. I'm sorry, traffic," he replied. "Anyways, is she awake? Or what did they say?"

"She's fine. They just stitched her up. She's high on drugs though. She lost a lot of blood," Jay added.

"So she won't remember anything from right now?" Jake asked. "No why? What kind of question is that?" Sunoo gave a confused look over to Jake.

"Well here's the thing. I don't know how you will react but here, come in here," I heard Jake call for me.

I walked in, my head down, hoodie and mask covering my face. I looked up and took them off. I saw the boys with surprised faces.

"Jungwon, you're alive! What the fuck!" Sunoo took a step back, trying to process this.

"You can't be here. You did this to Jisoo. Not when her health is in a bad state," Jay glared at me, turning his head and avoiding eye contact. But he still managed to stand up and push me out of the room. I could tell he was mad at me.

"It's okay. I let him see Jisoo. She won't remember this. So it won't affect her. Let him," Jake stopped Jay.

I walked over to Jisoo, she looked like she was sleeping. I moved her hair from her face. "I'm so sorry," I kneeled onto the ground while holding her hand.

I tried talking in a soft gentle voice, I didn't want to wake her up. But I felt the need to apologise firstly.

"Oh, baby baby, ba- by," she kept humming. "This is annoying. Why am I singing?" she laughed and then looked at me.

"Jay!" she gasped. "Why do I see this guy in front of me? I remember him very well. Do you know what I did with him once?" she continued laughing.

Sunoo and Jay tried holding in their laughs while Jake gave us all a death glare.

"Oh wait, he's right here though," she looked at me closer, smiling brightly.
"His angel came to see me. Awe! Wait! Do you think ghosts stalk you when you shower?"

Her personality made me miss being with her. I miss how she made me smile unintentionally.

"I'm not an angel, I'm really here with you, look," I grabbed her hand gently and made her touch my face.

"Wow! You have a slight beard. Feels like I'm touching something else," she said making the others burst into laughing.

"I'll make sure to shave next time," I wiped a happy tear that was dripping down my cheek.

Suddenly the nurse entered the room. She looked pretty confused to why so many guys were here.

"Oh my! So many good looking men. Sorry to break it to you, but family members only now," she smiled. "It's night hours so friends have to go. I'm sorry," she added and walked over to Jisoo. "I have to give her medication, so she can sleep well,"

The others left and Jisoo was fed her medication. She kept on looking at me. Is she still understanding something? Even if she's drunk?

"I just have something important to tell her, then I'll leave," I said and Jake came back into the room. I looked over to him.

"There will be a box with a fake passport and a plane ticket for Jisoo to take," I started. "Please, let me take her with me. I'll meet her at the destination. Please Jake,"

"How the hell did you get a fake passport? Are you sure it's going to work?" Jake raised his eyebrows.

"It's tough to explain. But if you want. You can move with us. If you don't trust me with Jisoo," I shrugged. "But there's something I also want to ask you. Look, the CEO asked me to buy something for Bri. He told me to buy an engagement ring for her, I brought it with me, to give it to Jisoo, if you give me permission,"

"Jake! Gosh! I had a weird dream!" Jisoo was rubbing her eyes, she seemed to get sober as the minute flows.

I dropped myself on the ground so she would see me. "Wow! My baby sister is awake! How are you?" he did a foot motion to make me start crawling out.

I now was standing outside the door. Upset I couldn't talk to her more. But Im grateful to at least see her and have her touch me.

"It smells like Jungwon's scent. I can recognise that it was also his cologne," I heard her say. "Speaking of him. It felt real, like I was able to see him and touch his face,"

"I'm sorry Jisoo," Jake mumbled.


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