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The sound of the bullet pierced my ears. I looked down searching for the wound on my body. But I didn't find one anywhere on me. I didn't feel pain either.

I looked down and saw a hole in the floor. "What kind of signal was that!?" the CEO frowned.

I looked around to why no one was curious what has happened. "You try pulling any tricks on me and you're dead, so as your little girlfriend,"

"Why do you want to kill Jisoo?" I asked. "She has caused my daughter too many problems. Laughing at her face. Making her feel like a joke!"

"What? Jisoo is not like that! I promise you. And I don't know what your daughter is saying-,"

"-nonsense! I have tried everything to make my little girl the happiest princess she can be!"

"Well I don't know what you want ME to do about it," I shrugged in disbelief. "Marry her. Marry my daughter,"

"You want me to marry YOUR daughter? What?" I widened my eyes. "I love Jisoo with my whole life! No! I'm-,"

"- then I will find and kill her!" the man was frustrated. So was I.

"I will not allow that!" I yelled after realising he wanted to pull the trigger. I dropped myself to the ground but he was too quick and shot me.

The bullet went through my gut, making me fall directly onto my chest. I looked to Sunoo but that was also too late, he was knocked out laying on the ground besides me, with blood coming out of his nose.

"Sunoo!" I tried reaching out for him. He was unconscious not answering me. Suddenly I was picked up by the arms.

"Let me go! What the hell!" I yelled, my abdomen was hurting like hell.

"Take him to the company's hospital. Then take him to my cloud nine. You know where it is," the CEO stated.

I was grunting and breathing heavily, waiting for someone to come and help us.
The CEO left us, leaving me with the guys holding onto me. I felt anxiety going through me. What am I going to do?

Then there was a black cloth placed over my eyes, taking my vision as I was tied up.
"Don't hurt Jisoo! I swear if you ever set a finger on her! I will kill you! You hear me?!"

I spent my last bit of energy giving him a warning. Everything was dark, I couldn't see where the men dragged me along. One of the men wrapped a bandana on my mouth, making me bit it in frustration.

I was then sat on a wheel chair. I could tell because of the movement while they were placing me on it. As the wheel chair was moving down the hallway, I felt it get onto a elevator. I heard the buttons being pressed and footsteps in the distance coming towards us.

"Jungwon no!"

It was Jay's voice which gave me hope but soon after there was a gunshot sound. It made me flinch as I wasn't seeing any of it. And the elevator doors closed.

I was wiggling and trying to kick myself out of the wheel chair, wanting to know what happened to Jay. Why wasn't he talking anymore?!

I yelled my heart out trying to get someone's attention but no one helped. Where was everyone?!

Just as my last yell came to an end. I felt a stinging feeling on my neck, was it a needle? Shit.

My body became lump. I couldn't move anymore, I felt myself drift away.

-Jisoo's POV-

Early that morning when I woke up, I checked my phone, hoping there was a response from Jungwon.

But my phone was completely dried out, except for that notification from my period app.

"What? It's been already a month?" I sighed and quickly went into the bathroom to change before it's too late.

I brushed my teeth before leaving the bathroom and checked my phone one last time. "How has he not responded back yet?" I frowned, throwing my phone, making it hit the bed. I put on the slippers I found next to my bed and headed down into the living room.

"Hey Jisoo, sit down real quick," Jake saw me and smiled, gesturing me to sit down on the couch.

"Oh, good morning. Is something wrong?" I nodded and slightly smiled back.

"Well, it was pretty early. Jay had called me about 15 times and even drove over here, you were asleep," he explained and sat down next to me. "Look, I shouldn't be telling you this, but I feel like you have the right to know,"

"Why are you holding back? Just tell me already," my hands were already trembling.

"I don't want you to get scared okay? Please don't get mad," he replied.
"You're already scaring me with your expressions and waiting's,"

"Jay came with a gunshot wound in his arm," he sighed. "And then?! Don't stop!" I frowned.

"According to Jay, Jungwon was abducted, so currently his team is looking for him," Jake spat out firmly.

"What? That can't be possible! When did this happen?" I widened my eyes. "Last night around 1:20 am,"

"But he texted me around that time,"
"He did? What did he say?"

"He only asked me how I was. But after I sent him a message back. He stopped responding," I lowered my head and started crying.

"You didn't say where you were did you?!" Jake raised his eyebrows. "He sent me here, he already knows where I am,"

"So you didn't say where your location is?!"
"No I didn't! Why would I?!" I got irritated but paused for a minute. Realising what he wanted to say. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"If you think, that who kidnapped Jungwon was the one messaging you, then yes," Jake nodded. "Did Jay say who took him?" I suddenly had chills up my spine.

"It was something that started with an B. Big something I think," Jake looked up and started thinking about it.

"BigHit?! The CEO of BigHit?!"
"Ah yes! How do you know?"

"He's the real reason why Jungwon sent me here," I looked down nervously, wiping my tears away. "Jungwon has been working on this case and finally found him. But now he got trapped," I sighed.
"That man has been killing girls all over Korea, including my sister,"
Jake looked at me surprised.

"He tried contracting us to be his daughter's models for her clothing line. We declined. That's how things started REALLY going down hill," I felt tears roll down my face again.

"We have to do something," I cried out loud, feeling Jake hug me. "We will find a way. Especially to avenge our sister. Don't worry," he tried calming me down.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I brought your phone," Jake's maid came up to us.
"I was doing our guest's bed when her phone kept going off. Miss, you have 5 missed calls already,"

"Thank you," I grabbed my phone. "I thought it was maybe urgent so I took it with me, sorry in advance if I did something wrong,"

"No no, thank you so much," I smiled and looked at the screen. "It must be him,"

Heeseung started calling for the 6th time and I looked over to Jake. "Answer it, put it on speaker,"
I answered and did what Jake told me to.

"Hello?" We waited for a response.


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