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"I'm sorry I don't know how to say goodnight," his voice sounded far away.
"I want you to be happy Jisoo. Please don't cry, I'll be waiting for you. I'll be with your baby, waiting for your return,"
In the distance, I saw him carrying a yellow blanket.

"No! Wait Jungwon! Come back! Stop walking away!" he smiled as he turned around and continued leaving.

"Let me hold you one more time!" I yelled but I couldn't move, my legs were glued on the ground firmly. "Don't leave me! I need you with me! Don't leave me alone! You helped me! Come back!" I cried. "I love you with all my life! Why did it have to end this way?! Please don't leave me! You're all I have!" I kept on trying to get my legs off the ground. "Jungwon! You can't be dead! If you leave me here, I'll never forgive you! Never! Just please, come back,"

My voice cracked, my heart was in pain. I couldn't cure it, I couldn't fix it.

"Jisoo, don't forget I love you," I heard.

"No you don't! If you loved me you wouldn't leave! Come back!"
I felt my body becoming warm.


"Shh, shh no need to cry anymore. Calm down Jisoo," someone asked holding me in their arms, talking softly.

I looked up at who had me cradled in their arms but It was too dark to see.

"Jake? What are you doing here?" I wiped my tears away while trying to push him off.
"It's actually Sunghoon, and sorry you were screaming and crying, hugging you was what kept you calm," he mumbled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" I sat up and turned on the lamp, to see him.
"Kind of yeah, but it's fine I'll be able to go back to bed. You should too. Do you need anything?"

"Uh no, I'm good thank you," I said as he got up and walked out, the door closing behind him.

I turned the lamp off and turned my back around again. I tried to asleep but my dream had me thinking about Jungwon.

It made me cry of course. I was upset and I was grieving in pain. How could I move on?

Because I couldn't sleep again, I got out of bed and walked over to the window pane.

"Jungwon im sorry I failed you. I tried my hardest to get you out of there in time, but I was late,"

I started to bang on the window with the bottom of my fist I made. I was punching it out of anger, I didn't realise I was starting to bleed.

I slid down onto the floor. I couldn't keep myself standing anymore. I gave out.


-Jungwon's POV-

I woke up and was startled at first, only remembering after a few moments where I actually was.

I wanted to go see Jisoo so badly, but I knew I couldn't do that.

"Oh Jungwon! You're awake early. You want anything for breakfast? I can make you waffles?" Yoojin smiled and greeted me. "No thank you. I think I'm just going to skip breakfast for today. I have something to do," I answered.

"That is not a healthy way to live. But you're a grown man. You do you," she walked back into the kitchen.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and began to head out of the house. I began walking down the streets of the city to get to Jake's house. I only wanted to see how things were doing over there.

I just wondered around the streets to prevent me from getting there. I didn't want to blow my cover. But I also didn't want to use a cab or anything. I wanted to save my money and make sure I didn't have witnesses. So I decided walking all the way across the huge city and up the hills to Jake's house. It was going to be a far walk but I knew it would be worth it in the end.


It was already getting darker outside as I was arriving at Jake's house. I saw Sunoo and Jay waiting outside the door when I arrived. I was wondering what they were doing here. Although I saw them looking at an envelope.

I noticed it was one from the office because the logo it had on the note. Suddenly someone opened the door and immediately Sunoo and Jay's eyes shot up looking at him.

From a distance, I could see it was someone I didn't recognise, but he seemed to have something red in his hands.

It wasn't a bright red, it was more dark, but It didn't seem like paint either, more like blood.

"Wow! What happened? Why are you covered in blood?!" Sunoo took a step back, in shock.

"I'm not sure what happened but it's Jisoo's. I found her in her room covered in blood. I started panicking and quickly cleaned her up," the guy said.

"What? Are you serious?!" Jay frowned, looking at Sunoo, gesturing him to follow him inside.

Jisoo? Jisoo hurt herself? This wasn't what I wanted. This was not what I planned to be happening!

I knew some of the consequences but this was not one of them, how did I not think of this?!

I wanted to run up as well, run to her and hold her, but I couldn't.

Soon after I saw Jay running out with Jisoo in his arms, her fists were dripping blood. Her body looked lifeless, and weak, her skin colour a bit of grayer and even skinnier. What has she been doing to herself? What did I put my Jisoo into?!

They seemed to be deep wounds, with glass inside of them. What the hell did she do to herself?

How did I let this happen? If she were to die, I wouldn't forgive myself, EVER.

Jay put Jisoo in his car along with Sunoo. The other guy stayed at the house and watched them leave.

I hid behind a bush so they wouldn't see me. Even if we were in the dark, I wouldn't want to risk it.

Once they were out of the driveway, I looked back at the door. I wondered where Jake was.

I walked over to the door and turned the doorknob to see if it was unlocked or not. It was unlocked. I turned the knob all the way around and slowly opened the door.
I looked around the house before entering.

I stood at the door way, closing the door behind me softly. Then I looked around the house once more.

I walked up the stairs, following the faint blood trail that was coming from upstairs. The blood was stepped on, I could see a shoe print engraved into the blood drops.

I followed the trail to a bedroom with the door wide open. I walked inside to see the room a mess.

I went over to the window where a small breeze was coming through, then I saw it.

She punched a hole through the window, with her fists. I could see a small piece of flesh there. Suddenly I heard the door creak, it spooked me and made me turn around.

"Jungwon?? Oh shit,"


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