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"Wait, is this true? How did you know Jay?" Jungwon walked up to him.
"Sunghoon, he messaged me, he told me the CEO escaped jail, so i turned on      the tv,"

"WHO's Sunghoon?" Jungwon turned to everyone, even Eve looked around.
"My friend, he helped us with the plan to get you out of the house, he was very helpful," Jake answered.

"So it's true, the CEO escaped jail. But he can't possibly escape jail to get us? Right?" I frowned, still speechless.
"For all we know, they could have escaped jail because they didn't like it in there, just like all the other criminals," Jay added.

"That could be true, but Jungwon was on tv. The whole fake death thing was all over the news," Sunoo sighed. "It's likely he hears about it. There's endless possibilities why he escaped,"

Eve came over to me and pulled on my sleeve, whispering to me. "Why is everyone so serious? What are they taking about?" she looked at me with her glistening eyes. "There is a very bad man that is somewhere that he shouldn't be. So that's what they are talking about,"

"But why is everyone so worried? It's just a man is it not?" Eve smiled. "It's not just any man, he's a very bad one, so we need to be extra careful when we go out alright?" Jungwon replied.

"Is he as bad as my dad and mom?" she looked at us with a scared face.

"Why don't you go upstairs and take a nap? Your drive here must have been long, come with me," I stood up and took her hand, walking up the stairs into the bedroom I was once staying.

"My dad always hit me, my mom too," she climbed on the bed. "They were always drunk, sometimes they would come into my room at night and hit me," she sat down. "Will you and the other man do that to me too?"

"No! Not ever will I do that to you. I'm your new mom and the man downstairs, is your dad. We both love you dearly. We would never do that to someone we
care about," I brushed my hand against her hair, helping her get under the blankets and stayed there next to her.

I went downstairs after she fell asleep, being a little curious myself about what the topic was.

"Did she go to sleep?" Jungwon looked at me. "Yeah, she's sleeping in the room I stayed in before. Is that okay Jake?"
"Of course she can! She's my niece," he smiled which I immediately mirrored.

"Oh! Niki is calling me. Hold on, shhh" Jungwon said and everyone got quiet, looking at him.

His face got serious after the phone call and hung up, looking at all of us.

"His father knows I'm alive. Bri is not happy about it too," he sighed, slamming himself on the couch.
"His father also knows that his son helped me. And his friend. Shit! Fuck! What do     we do?!"

"Well we obviously have to leave. He knows where Jake lives. He will most definitely come here first," I added.

"True, get Eve. We'll leave right now and go to our house. You guys will meet us there, right?" Jungwon stood up.
"No, wait. If he can't find any of us, it will seem suspicious, you guys stay here,"

"I knew it was too good to be true. How did they even escape?! It's such a high security prison!" I yelled while Jungwon went upstairs to grab Eve.

I grabbed my jacket and Eve's carrier as Jungwon came down holding Eve in his arms.

"Okay, let's get going, I'll talk to you guys later," Jungwon nodded and we left quickly.

-Jay's POV-

It was silent after they left, I turned to Sunoo and sighed. "How did he find out? The prison is completely cut out of the society, they don't know anything             that happens," I threw my head back.
"If there was a huge issue in the world, they wouldn't know. How could they have found out?"

"I want to know how he was able to contact his son so quick. Should we go talk to him?" Sunoo raised his eyebrow.

"No! That's a terrible idea. If you go over there he might be there too! Plus the CEO's wife is there," Jake added.

"I don't know much about his wife some he has all articles on his wife blocked. What do you know about her?" Jay asked.
"She used to gamble a lot at my club. That's when articles popped up. But she blames me for it. She says I'm the one who ruined her reputation. I'm sure she knows I'm related to Jisoo. You guys go. I'll stay here in case the CEO comes,"

"Alright we will go meet up with him, see you later," I said leaving the house with Sunoo.


We got to Niki's new house since all the paparazzi would try to break in his old house. They had to move since it was their best option, it's not as big as the other one. But it still worked.

We knocked on the front door and saw Niki in front of us, holding a bat in his hands. "Oh my god! I thought you were paparazzi! What are you guys doing here?" he quickly pulled us inside.
"So? What's up? My dad could be coming here too! What then?!"

"I know I know but he's going to be on his way to find Jungwon. We are trying to stop him," I started. "We just want to know how your father found out. Even more so, how did he escape?" Sunoo cut directly to the chase.

"I wish I could tell you guys. Seriously I would but I have no clue. He just sent me a letter, when he was still there,"
Niki shrugged and pulled out the letter he was talking about and opened it.

"Hey Niki. I know you're the bastard that helped Jungwon escape. By the time you read this, I'll be well on my way to where you moved. I'll be sure to kill your first before I kill Jungwon. And his good-for- nothing girlfriend. Your sister will not forgive your betrayal. I will kill you."

"There, I read it," Niki sighed. "He doesn't know about Eve or their marriage. So he's only heard he's alive," I nodded.

"Who's Eve? Gosh! Never mind! I'm about to get killed!" Niki rushed to the door and looked outside.

"Let's go to the police station, pack your things. We can wait there until your dad gets caught," Sunoo suggested. "I'm going to call Jungwon while you pack,"

Niki ran upstairs without saying a word, agreeing to it no matter what.

-Jungwon's POV-

"Hey Eve. Sorry we had to wake you up from your nap," Jisoo said. "It's okay, but where are we? Is this another friend's house?" she asked. "No, actually this is your home. Well, our home. But this is where we are going to stay," I smiled.

"Really? That's cool. Can I nap without being woken up here? I still have sleep
in me," she yawned.

"Of course sweetie, let's go to your room. Remember what you told us that your favourite colour was green?" Jisoo smiled.
"Well we pained your room green! This is going to be your own room!"
I watched them rush into the room but my phone rang in my pocket. I looked at the screen and saw a text from Jay.

"I think he found us! He's tailing us!"


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