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I covered my mouth trying not to cry out loud. But Jay put his hands on my shoulder.
"We will get her back and send the CEO to jail, with his daughter. We will do it,"

Jungwon walked over to me and took Jay's hand off of my shoulder before setting his on mine. "Let's get to bed, let me carry you," he out an arm under my legs and one on my back, then picked me up.

He carried me up the stairs to the room I stayed before. I felt bad. I felt bad for Jake.
"Shouldn't we just rent a hotel room? I feel bad that we always have to crash at
Jake's house,"

"I left all of my money at the house. We couldn't even if we wanted to, so this is our only choice,"

We entered the room which made me remember everything I did in here. The window looked different, then I looked
at my hands. The large scar that was on my knuckles.

Soon Jungwon put me down and carefully covered me. "You need to stop cutting yourself with glass, soon you're going to be covered in scare,"

"Jungwon, do you think we will be able to get her back? Why can't we just be happy?"

I sat up and brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them tightly as Jungwon crawled into bed with me.

"I know we will," he put his arm around my back then kissed my cheek gently and looked at me. His sharp stare turned into a gentle one, he talked to me in such a soft tone, that it almost gave me chills.
"There will come a time when we catch the CEO and be able to get her back, you just can't have doubts. You taught me to think about the positive of things. So let's keep that mindset. Let's have hope,"

"How long do we have to wait to have Eve back? Won't it be too late if we wait?"

He cupped my face. "Right now, you need sleep Jisoo. Let's get you to sleep," he tried laying me down, but I pushed his
arms away. "How can you be so calm right now? Why do you not look bothered that Eve was taken away?"

"What do you mean? I am upset, I'm angry actually. But look, let's just sleep now,"

"Then why aren't you showing emotions? You seem like you don't even care that
she is gone. We had her for one day! And she's already gone now and you don't seem to even give a damn! Jungwon!"

"I don't want to show my emotions because I don't want to burden everyone else with my problems. It's not my place to talk about my burden when I'm listening to yours. Jisoo, im watching out for you,"

"Then why didn't you stop me? If my problems were becoming a burden towards you, I should have stopped. If I had known I shouldn't have spilled my problems to you. I should have just
held them in,"

"No! Absolutely not! I'm thankful you have come to me for your problems! And I
don't regret it! I will not let you hold your problems to yourself. I will not let you
beat yourself down with doubts!"

His face was angry, he finally showed emotions around me, he even raised
his voice.

"I don't want you to ever think that your problems are burdening me. EVER. Because we are one! My number one priority is you. I said that in my vows at our wedding. I will protect your mental and physical health. I said that in my vows at our wedding as well," he sat on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair. I got closer to him and hugged him from behind.

"I love you, Jungwon,"

He turned around and again, cupped my face into his hands. "I love you too," he brought my face closer to his and left a warm blissful kiss on my lips.
"Will you go to sleep now? You look so tired," he said and made me nod, looking down and getting under the covers.

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