Game 1

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Here,you will tag people as follows:—

1) Your BFF 

2) Someone thats makes you smile

3) Someone you trust more than anybody else

4) Someone you miss

5) Someone you think is weird

6) Someone you think is unique

7) Someone perverted

8) Someone emotional

9) Someone you are glad you met

10) Someone you talk to everyday

11) Someone who is always online

12) Someone who knows everything about you

13) Someone who tells the funniest jokes

14) Someone you can always count into

15) Best host

16) Responds after many days

17) Responds immediately

18) Someone you wish you meet in real life

19) Someone who has the best taste in music

20) Someone who tells you their deepest secrets

21) Someone who gives the best ideas

22) Someone who teaches something new

23) Someone who will waste all you money to buy something for them

24) Someone whi talks about life and cry

25) Someone who is super talented

26) Someone who always laughs no matter what

27) Someone who makes you blush

28) Someone who brings the best of you

29) Someone who gives the best announcements

30) Someone who eats a lot but doesn't gain weight

31) Someone who is a workaholic

32) Someone who crushes over a villain of a story

33) Someone you want to hug right now

34) Someone who is a fangirl/fanboy

35) Someone who deserves more followers

36) Someone you want to collaborate with

37) Someone who spams you

38) Someone you fight with often

39) Someone who writes the best kink

40) Someone who you caught stalking you

41) Someone who changes their username often

42) Someone who has the greatest books according to you

43) Someone very silly

44) Someone with an unique username

45) Someone who needs cheering up

46) Author of a book update you are excited about

47) An underrated author

48) A person who always uses lol in every sentence

49) Your soulmate

50) Someone who calls you by nicknames

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